View Full Version : Te

08-07-2002, 06:53 AM
Oh Te, it sure sounds like you have a nice owner! Sounds like you'll be the next Milton too ;)

And you are veeeeeeery handsome, might I add!

Congrats on being Pet Of The Day, I hope you have a wonderful day with tons of treats and lots of love :)

08-07-2002, 07:11 AM
Beautiful Te....I can just imagine that strong, supple, lithe body of yours sailing over the rails!!! Wow!...What a stunning creature you are! Such beauty AND spirit!!! Your human is very blessed to have such a trusting, loving and devoted companion to share her/his life with! (I'm sure you'll work hard to reign in the nipping thing!! Maybe they're just horse kisses??;)) Congratulations to you dear Te! Today you soar to new heights as we honor you our most stunning and spirited, PERFECTLY splendid Pet of the Day!!

08-07-2002, 09:04 AM
Te it sounds like you are a wonderful companion and a great best friend. I would love to know where you got your name from Te, it's quite unusual. I would love to see you jumping like you were on a cloud, I'll bet you are magnificent. As far as nipping, our Schnauzers do on occasion too, nothing is perfect as your owner says, but they are much loved.
Congratulations dear, sweet Te Our Very Best Pet of the Day.
Jackie, Miss Daisy and Perry

08-07-2002, 11:33 AM
hi everyone, im te's owner, thanx for commenting te, he would love it very much, but im sorry to say that te has been sold, and i don't know where he has gone to, i want u all to know that he was sold against my will, and i had no say on who he was sold to, which is very unfair and i miss him so much, i started crying when a friend told me about this page, and that he won, i loved him so much, and i still do, my love for him is like the ocean when ur standing on the shore, never ending. u can email me about him at [email protected] and i will tell u more about him, i wish he was here so i could congragulate him. he very much deserved it. please if u want to talk about him, or if u just want to talk, because i would love to here about everybody elses pets, if u have aim, u can talk to me, my name is YiYIcyFyreYiY i will be happy to talk, i wanted to tell the world about Te, he was everything, and now i hope, that who ever gets him, will treat him right, and he will mean the world to him, i hope him the best. Thank u all

08-07-2002, 12:24 PM
That is so sad that you don't have Te anymore. He is a beautiful horse. I hope his new owner is taking good care of him, maybe your paths will cross again someday, maybe at a horseshow. I am sure that there will be other horses in your life that you will love, maybe not as much as Te but maybe close.:(

I also have to say that I love your name Tebird because I have a parakeet named T-bird and I also like the name Kay because my daughters name is Kayla and she has just started riding lessons this summer. I have even gotten back to riding too since her riding teacher needs someone to exercise one of her horses.:)

I hope you will get to see your Te again someday.:)

08-07-2002, 02:17 PM
I very much hope i will see him again too, some day. Te got his name from a car, and his father was named Ice Te, so i took the Te from his fathers name and got the rest of the name from a car, that my dad liked, the Thunderbird, that they call a T-Bird. So that is how i got his name. He is 3 now, he turned 3 in May, and i really do hope that whoever gets him, will treat him right, but u never know, i could find him again for sale, and if i did, i would by him in a heartbeat, after all, it wasn't my choice to sell him, and i want him again, u could say he was sold behind my back, but it doesn't matter now, because there is nothing i can do about it. The saddest part was that i never got to say good bye to him. See, he was living at my dad's house, and when he was sold, i was with my mom, so i didn't know he had been sold until it was too late, and he was gone by the time i got to go to my dad's. Even if i can't find him again, i can buy one of his brothers or sisters, i found one of his sisters, and she looked amazingly like him, so i could remember him through her. i hope, and am sure i will find another horse, that i will love like him, maybe not as much, but very close. I am taking dressage lessons right not, and the horse i ride has the same pacient temperment as Te. When he was sold, everybody told me to remember the good times we had, but whenever i think of them, they make me feel worse, they make me feel like it was my fault that he was sold, because i was not there to stop the sale. I will never get over him, when he left, a big piece of my heart left with him, a piece that i will never get back, but i can try to ease the pain with other horses, and i will

~Kay~ P.S. tell ur daughters that i think there names are wonderful, and i wish u and them well on ur riding!:)

08-07-2002, 03:26 PM
Oh, how very sad. My heart is breaking for you!!:( But you have to believe that wherever he is, Te knows and remembers how very much he is loved by you. Although he was sold against your will, no one can ever take from you and Te the loving bond you shared. I wish I could say something to make you feel better. But now, more than ever, it is so right and fitting that your loving tribute to your dear friend can be read by people all over the world. Maybe someday you will learn of his whereabouts. Until then, keep your cherished memories of those happier days locked safely in your heart. I'm sure that someway, somehow, Te knows that today is HIS very special day of honor! {{{Hugs}}}

08-07-2002, 03:35 PM
My T-bird was named after the Thunderbird too and he's just a tiny parakeet with visions of being a great big bird!
That is too bad that you didn't get to say good-by to Te, that does make it harder. Good luck in your future riding adventures and hopefully there will be more spotted horses in your future( with those cool markings they will stand out in a crowd!):cool:

Oops! I guess I meant to say daughter's, I have one daughter who is learning to ride. I forgot the little ' mark! :)

08-07-2002, 03:50 PM
I hope he does know that today is his day, and i am sure he does, i just wish I could tell him, and like give him a treat. But im sure he will always remember me, and how we had a bond, and i am sure that i will always remember him, i will never for get him.

08-07-2002, 05:07 PM



**trying to calm down enough to type message!!!**

This is incredibly strange and exciting!

The pic of the horse I posted is named Te as well.

Another member and I were chatting last night (on AIM) and she alerted me that the cat/dog/pet of the day had changed. I always check out Pet of the Day first-just out of habit. I was sooo amazed at the similiarites in pics and names that I emailed "my" pic to her. We both agree that it was a neat coincidence....but it's not a coincidence at all!!! I am not 100% certain, but I do believe this is Ice Te-- (I overheard him called Ice Te anyway--the rest of the time, they refer to him just as "Te'').

This picture was taken September of 2001 in Las Cruces, NM. Te belongs to one of the New Mexico State Univ. coaches (I was on the equestrian team).

If you'd like contact me ( [email protected] or crabi tabE on aim).

08-07-2002, 07:04 PM
OMG!!!!!!!!! Tonya, could it be???? This could be another Pet Talk miracle! This justmight be a Pet Talk reunion for the ages!! I'm so excited...can't wait to hear from Te's guardian!!

08-07-2002, 07:45 PM
You have got great connections! It sure sounds like you found Te's long-lost daddy! I can't wait to see what TeBird67 has to say about it! And NM is a long way from NH!:eek:

08-08-2002, 08:52 AM
this is SO exciting! i really do think that is Te's father! because i know that his mother ( i can't remember her name) was shipped to New Mexico to be bred, then shipped back to cananda, where te was born, when te was old enough, he was sent back to new mexico, and that is were me and my dad picked him up, and brought him to NH!!!! this is so Exciting!!!!

08-08-2002, 12:44 PM
Oh My Goodness!!! This story has brought tears to my eyes and I have chills! How sad to lose Te. Your absolute love for him is apparent in the way you write about him...and for Tonya to find his father right under her nose.....I can hardly believe it....Maybe we can find Te through his father.....Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm in shock!

08-08-2002, 01:19 PM
Another thing you can do to track down Te is to check out the appaloosa breed registry at www.appaloosa.com. I did a name search where they show what horses are already registered under what name. If Te has papers they would have the info of who bought him when they want the papers in his name. Not sure if they will give you the info or not, I can check with my friends at the Morgan Horse here in Vermont to see what they usually do to track down a horse.

08-08-2002, 04:33 PM
All I can say is WOW!!!

08-08-2002, 05:25 PM
The tears were coming when I read Te-bird's story and then I couldn't believe what happened. Just as Sue, all I can say is WOW!

08-08-2002, 06:36 PM
yes it is a very sad story, but it is coming out to be a happy one, even though i will always miss my little te bird. If any one wants to chat (on aim) my name is XxTeBird67xX and if u want to email me, my email address is [email protected]

This is another picture of my Te Bird ( with me, don't mind me, i look disgusting)

08-08-2002, 06:50 PM
This is my te's sister