View Full Version : Tough choice.

08-06-2002, 11:22 PM
Well since last week I have been very depressed and confused and really thinking things over. I had an option to keep one of the pups. She is a darling and I would really like to. I went over some pro's and cons... I noticed since the sweet darlings came into my house I have hardly any time for Presley. I stopped taking her to our hunt work classes. I have just been sticking around home and wondering what to do and taking care of these sweet creatures. Well in the end Presley is wonderfuly happy with the pups but bored stiff as well. We normally have a active day. I take her places and we do things together, That just isn't happening anymore...
It breaks my heart to say this but... Beth the one pup I was going to keep left here tonight. My vet adopted her!!! I feel wonderful about where she went but very sad as well.
The other two are leaving tomorrow am.
I think after a few days of rest me and Presley will be out and about again and she will be feeling wonderful. We are looking into getting a small dog though.... I would like a salt and pepper mini or standard schnautzer..

take care

08-06-2002, 11:24 PM
You made a right choice, I am sure that you found them excellent homes. You will feel better soon and I knwo that Presley probably really appreciates it. :)

08-07-2002, 08:32 AM
Melissa, I know how hard that must have been for you. But I admire your decision. Right now Presley needs you and you need her. The pups all went to wonderful homes!

Enjoy your time with Presley!!!

08-07-2002, 10:02 AM
I'm a firm believer that what's meant to be, is meant to be! I'm sure it was in the cards that all the new puppy owners have tons and tons of love and kisses to give them and that their hearts and arms were wide open. Meantime, you have the Prez to enjoy and re-velco with...... that in itself should put a huge smile on your face!!
Maybe the new owners can keep you updated with photos! I wrote and sent pics to my Cody's original "parents" but they never responded..bummer. I always was curious if Codys' pack turned out as fabulous... ;)

Dixieland Dancer
08-07-2002, 12:17 PM
I am sure it was a experience you will always treasure! Enjoy your time now with Presley. She is a wonderful girl!! :D

08-07-2002, 04:20 PM
hard as it is to say goodbye I am sure you did an excellent job of raising the pups and and sounds like you found them excellent homes. I'm sure presley will miss them to, but at the same time she'll be glad to have her mommy all to herself again!