View Full Version : Playing in the snow pics...

10-09-2007, 01:06 PM
Taking a little team out. Hook up was a gong show and they were a little messed up at first!
But they straighten themselves out pretty quick. Dogs were Paxil-Tehya, Hobo, Ozzy-Anvik.
Psycho Puppy shaking off some snow!
Coming back into our yard.
Tehya needs a longer run. Five miles doesn't tire her out anymore. She didn't even let me unhook Anvik before she started chewing on him!

10-09-2007, 01:07 PM
Anvik and Tehya doing what they do best!
More wrassling.
Ozzy chowing down on a moose bone. He finally looks healthy again. Now I just have to figure out how much food he needs to stay that way!
Pingo and Chum watching the door, waiting for a chance to sneak inside.
Pingo is not happy about sharing her couch with Muskwa!

10-09-2007, 01:35 PM
Beautiful pictures! And those dogs are gourgeous!


10-09-2007, 01:41 PM
Hmmm, Tehya, mom is going to have to find you more than one job to do around there. Maye she can hook up a dog-powered treadmill & let you churn butter or run a generator or something. :rolleyes:
I love that look on Tehya's face, too funny! :D Ozzy's lookin' good! As compared to some of the med bills your other pups generate, wasn't it nice to have a fairly simple solution with him? Muskwa doesn't look like he's ready to give that couch back to Pingo just yet!

10-09-2007, 02:18 PM
Woooo, everybody! Tehya, you have so much energy! Running and then chewing on Anvik - phew! Psssst, Pingo and Chum, I'll open the door for you when your mom is looking the other way. Muskwa, you are so handsome and fluffy. Everybody, happy snowfall and I hope you will have a fun, safe and excellent sledding season!

Cinder & Smoke
10-09-2007, 02:20 PM
Hook up was a gong show and they were a little messed up at first!

At least they were all Headed in the same direction!

How long does a normal "Gong Show" take?

From the time you ask "Who wants to take a Run?" - how long does it take to:
* Fetch the ATV and lay out the Gang Line
* Select and "dress" six Huskies in their pulling harness
* Hook 'em up to the Sled/ATV Lines
* Open the gate, pull through, and close the gate
* and start Sledding!

I have a hard enough time clipping a one-snap Y-Thingie on two collars and
attaching a leash
to two overly-eager Mutts *bouncing around* on the back seat ...
I'd bet harnessing SIX of 'em to a Sled might try my patience.

PS: Happie SNOW!
(We're still *stuck* in Summer - 76*F (24*C) today; "Cold" tomorrow at 58F/14C)

10-09-2007, 02:31 PM
How long does a normal "Gong Show" take?

From the time you ask "Who wants to take a Run?" - how long does it take to:
* Fetch the ATV and lay out the Gang Line
* Select and "dress" six Huskies in their pulling harness
* Hook 'em up to the Sled/ATV Lines
* Open the gate, pull through, and close the gate
* and start Sledding!

Normally between 20 minutes to half an hour depending on the number of dogs and how smoothly(or not) it goes. It's much faster if Stuart is home to assist. He keeps the nuttier dogs from loosing their minds completely and opens the gate for me.

There is no closing the gate behind the team. It stays open until we get back. It's not connected to the main part of the yard so the other dogs are still safely confined. Once the hook or parking brake is off, there's no getting off the sled/atv. That would lead to me walking home! The ATV I can get off a little more easily. The sled I only get off if it's an emergency.

10-09-2007, 03:02 PM
:eek: Oh My my look at all of that Snow already.. Great pics of Adorable Pretty Pups.. thanks

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-09-2007, 03:12 PM
Oh my...... :eek: , you are having that much snow already???
I bet is stays there for many months then?!

10-09-2007, 03:33 PM
The scenery is stunning, and the dogs are gorgeous! I really would like to take a trip down that lane, dogs, sledge and all, just for once - but I think the 5 miles would be enough for me. ;)

Any chance you can get a film crew out there? It would be great to see you in action on National Geo.

When I see these pictures, I think of fairytale books from my childhood - and they remind me of stories my dad told me too. :)

Good question Phred - I've been wondering the same.

10-09-2007, 03:39 PM
I bet is stays there for many months then?!

Stays til early May.

10-09-2007, 04:46 PM
Beautiful snow. I always look forward to your pictures every year. The trees and the snow on the trails are breathtaking. I'll bet your dogs are so happy! :D

10-09-2007, 05:53 PM
I always enjoy your photos and learning more about how you do all the harnessing and such. Imagine they untangle themselves! One of mine gets the leash under her front leg and that's it, everything comes to a dead halt until I help. :rolleyes:

husky 1
10-10-2007, 06:50 AM
Love the pics , great scenery.

Lilith Cherry
10-10-2007, 07:15 AM
Great pictures! thanks for sharing your wonderful dogs with all of us. I often use your posts to show my Chinese students what snow looks like and they love your pack too!

10-10-2007, 02:21 PM
Great pictures!! Looks like the dogs really love all the snow! :)

10-10-2007, 06:42 PM
what beautiful pics! :D I bet your gorgeous dogs are in heaven! :D

12-04-2007, 02:05 PM
Wooooo, Tehya and Anvik, Kayleigh, Daisy, Paxil and everydog ... I was thinking of all of you this morning because we are supposed to get anywhere between two and six inches of snow in Chicago over the next 12 to 24 hours. The first day of winter is still more than 2 weeks away. I'm sure two inches would be a nice new coat of fresh snow for you to play in, though! So I'm trying to approach it with that same attitude. Let it snow :cool: