View Full Version : My dog wont stop going to the loo in my living room!!!

08-05-2002, 06:39 AM
My dog is 3 in november and yet she is still going to the loo on my living room floor!! :eek: But she does it in the same place so i put newspaper down but she will always do it next to the paper never on it and I want her to stop! Please help! :( I don't know what to do! :confused:

08-05-2002, 08:49 AM
She's got it marked. Here's what you should do:

Need water, baking soda, and nature's miracle.

1) Pour a little water on the area where she is going, and add baking soda to cover the area. Let set for about 2 hours. Then vacuum. The baking soda will act as an absorbant and lift the waste out of the carpet. Repeat about 4 times (or more) depending on the amount in the carpet.

2) Once you get out the "liquids", add natures miracle to the spot and repeat with the baking soda. The enzymes will remove the scents and other marking evidence.

Then watch for her signs of having to go, then take her outside and command "GO POTTY". Do not bring her if until she goes. Continue with this training everytime you see her sniffing around. Be consistant always.

If you can't do this because of work, then crate her. She should not go in her crate until you release her. Then when you take her out, command "GO POTTY".

08-05-2002, 08:54 AM
My dogs used to wee on the floor when pups but once they had been told off and patted firmly a few times thay had stopped.
You need to make sure they know where they're place to go is.
If they wee on your floor then you need to catch them as soon as they have done it and make them smell it!
If you make your telling of onto a NO and a firm pat then they will not like it and should be submissive.
After making them smell it, tell them off like that above then take them to your place where they are supposed to do it then tell then to do it there.
You can make your word to do there stuff something small and easy to remember, something like BUSY.
Then leave them outside.
If this doesn't work the god help you!!!!!
P.S. Is your dog a beagle by any chance?

08-05-2002, 10:45 AM
NEVER! NEVER! NEVER! pat, hit, or strike a dog for discipline purposes.

Submissiveness is not a good emotion for any dog to have. Dogs should be confident, yet mild manored not agressive. You need to establish your position of ALPHA, by making them work for treats, toys etc, not by beating them into submission. Submission only creates other problems.

NEVER EVER place or rub a dogs nose into his waste. Anyone who does this needs to have done to themselves (MY OPINION). Any anyone who believes this is the correct way needs to rethink it and educate themselves more.

***************** With that said************

The proper way of correcting this is to catch the pet in the act, command NO, pick them up and take them outside and command GO POTTY, then lots and lots of goofy praise. When you see signs of your pet wanting to/ or getting interested in the area, take her outside and command potty. Do not bring her in until she does her thing, then praise. Lots and lots of goofy praise.

When cleaning up the mess, never let your dog see you. Place them in a crate away from the location or put them in a room where they can't see you. This way, when you walk over to clean it up, you do not spark the pets interest, and they won't be tempted to walk over and mark over your scent.

If your dog does not have obedience training, then take her. This is the first step into establishing ALPHA.

If I have offended anyone here, my apologies. I have just seen the results of people who do not take the time out to train their pets, or do not educate themselves with the proper training techniques, or are just ignorant; all to often in rescue.

If you need more assistance let us know.

08-05-2002, 05:13 PM
Best of luck to you, I know that is so very frustrating.

08-05-2002, 06:07 PM
Have to agree with Chris on how to deal with this. Shoving the dogs face into it and hitting them will only make the problem worse, but I know from experience just catching them in the act and taking them outside until they gt the picture does work. Good luck.

Aspen and Misty
08-06-2002, 01:18 AM
I agree. I think people who rub there dogs faces in there pee should ahev it done to themselves. See if the ylike. I also do not beleave in hitting a dog. My brother hits chewy so he is no longer aloud to play, otuch, talk or look at Chewy till he learns to controlle himself. Which could be years..lol. Well any way. I agree catching him in the act will and a firm no, being taken out side comanded to go potty and then once he goes lots of praise and bring him back in, it will work, give it osme time! Best of luck to you

08-06-2002, 08:25 AM
Has your dog had a thorough examination by a Vet to see if there is a medical reason for this?

08-07-2002, 01:04 PM
:) Thanx alot for all your handy tips! I've decided to try out the 'GO POTTY' technique. Thank you all anyway! I'll let you know how I get on! :D

08-08-2002, 04:08 PM
I have to agree with that too. My parents have done that to Reggie and Smokey, and i keep telling them it doesn't do any good. They've also yelled at them when they've found the pee hours later, and since the dogs look guilty (mainly because they are yelling at them) my parents assume the dog knows what he did wrong. I've never been able to convince them otherwise.

If Nebo goes in the house, and I didn't see him do it, I just clean it up without a word (next time I need to make sure he doesn't see me do it though, you have a point there). If I catch him in the act, I will yell a firm "Outside!" then pick him up and take him outside.

Try the bell ringing thing too. Set up a bell by your door, and ring it every time you take your dog outside to go potty. Soon the dog will start ringing it when he wants outside. I've tried this with Nebo. Sometimes he rings the bell, sometimes he doesn't....but at least he is sort of catching on.