View Full Version : Canadian Cat Thanksgiving Day Parteee!

10-05-2007, 05:53 PM
Sunday Noon Luch With Our Dad And Aunt Joan At The Sheraton Connaught, A Great Fancy Feeed!!!
Dinner At The Porch Angel Strip Mall, With 8 Restaurants To Choose From!!!!
And An All Night Party Picnic At The Royal Botannical Gardens!!
Moday Breakfast At The Golden Griddle All You Can Eat Brunch!!
Then Lunch At The Hwrad Johsnson Buffet!!
Dinner At The Lord Nelson Staek House And Then An All Night Bash At The Found Cat Paradise Hotel!!
All Pets And Pet Angels Are Welcome, And The Food You Love The Most Will Be There.
We Have To Fight For Our Right To Parteeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Come One Come All!!!!!!!

10-05-2007, 06:40 PM
Uncle Catmandu -- Cassie would like to know if we can celebrate Thanksgiving with you, and then again in November. She likes Thanksgiving because she gets turkey. [I like it because I get leftovers!] I'm not Italian, so Columbus Day doesn't hold a lot of meaning for me. Here is what I think we'll do. We'll start being thankful with you, and just keep on through the "other" Thanksgiving. We'll have turkey for supper on Monday. I'll go to the supermarket for deli turkey for a sandwich, and she will have pureed baby food turkey as a treat. We are very thankful for the Found Cats Hotel and its special innkeeper!

10-06-2007, 01:59 PM
Hi Mr. Catmandu, how are you today? I hope you are fine and everthing at the Found Cats Hotel is well. Inka and I would love to come to the party and we're very much looking forward to seeing all of our PT kitty friends again. I'll be bringing plenty of Cosmic County Catnip for all of us to share. Please say eow purr purr meow to all the Porchies and Found Cats from Inka and me?

10-06-2007, 08:56 PM
OOOOOH, YES!!! We'll be there!

10-07-2007, 03:59 PM
Yes The Pet Angel Army Does Not Miss A Trick, And They Will Be Celbarting Thanksgiving Day American Style In Astate To Ne Named Later, But One Wheres There Lots Of Turkey To
Gobbbble Up!!!
The Pet Angels Love Puns.
And Parteees!!!!!!!

10-07-2007, 06:45 PM
Oh Gary please have them think of Illinois!!!! we will be having a very full house here this year and will have plenty of Turkey!!! Maybe you can drop the word to them for us?

10-07-2007, 06:50 PM
Is the party right now going on in your town or Toronto or where are all those fine restaurants and night spots, Gary?

My gang are all gone, but they didn't tell me where they were going!
