View Full Version : How embarrASSing (for Jasper)

09-30-2007, 07:33 PM
As you know, the boy has been suffering with diarrhea. And the reason he was scooting on my carpet was because a "package" had developed on his rear.

Well, I decided that since we would attempt using a diaper until he can conrol WHERE he poops, that I would shave his furry hind end to make clean up easier.

Please see attached photos (but please don't laugh, he is very sensitive) ;)

09-30-2007, 07:47 PM
I forgot to show you the picute of him all cozy in his diaper. ;)

09-30-2007, 08:01 PM
* hides her giggles*

Jas you look very uhhhhhhhhh handsome............*scritches*

09-30-2007, 08:16 PM
I am sure his widdle butt feels a lot better now that it is cleaned and a fresh nappy put on! :)

Is he still eating like a horse? Any progress on the diarrhea?

Scritchies to Jas!

09-30-2007, 08:20 PM
Oh my gosh Jen that pic is priceless, how cute a kitty in a diaper, first i have ever seen, but what a good idea, does he not try and get it off though, poor wee Jasper, nothing worse than having a sore botty,hope he gets better soon.

09-30-2007, 08:22 PM
Still eating like there is no tomorrow.

Still mush for poop.

He only tries to get it off when he wants a good kitty wash. (after he potties). I give him some time to do cat things :rolleyes: before I re-diaper him.

09-30-2007, 08:27 PM
Oh my, sweet Jasper.... no on is laughing at you widdle one. We know that your Meowmie did what she needed to do to help YOU!

I think you look adorable all curled up with your nappie on! ;)

09-30-2007, 11:35 PM
Well that's a bare behind alright.

Love the picture of him snuggled up with his diaper on, so cute.

10-01-2007, 12:45 AM
He looks so cute in his diaper and having his bottom shaved will help him stay much cleaner.:)

Ziggy had to have her bottom shaved but the groomers barely did anything.:( I wanted hers to be like Jaspers since she doesn't clean herself well and will sometimes get clingons stuck in her fur. Jen, I wish you lived closer so you could shave her for me. I've managed to trim her fur a bit more so now her bottom looks like a sheeps.

Laura's Babies
10-01-2007, 07:19 AM
Poor boy! But tell him he looks adoreable in his diaper and the color shows his beautiful black fur to be as black and sleek as it really is.

10-01-2007, 07:46 AM
If you use diapers long, you will want to use a barrier spray like Cavilon, http://solutions.3m.com/wps/portal/!ut/p/kcxml/04_Sj9SPykssy0xPLMnMz0vM0Q9KzYt3d9KP0I8yizeI93T11y _IcFQEAAmqJNo! to keep poop and pee off his skin. What kind and size diaper did you use, and what breed/size is he, and Carol will add him to the diaper chart. http://handicappedpets.com/wiki/index.php?title=Diapers_and_male_wraps

10-02-2007, 05:44 PM
Actually I Better Not Laugh, As One Day I May Well Be Shopping For Depends Myself One Day.
Please Give Jasper A Nice Pat From All The Found Cats.

10-02-2007, 06:17 PM
Ellie used to get "packages", as you called it. I kept his tiny hiney shaved all the time! It was so much easier on the both of us!

Jasper-I think you look mighty handsome with your little naked butt. ;)

10-02-2007, 06:41 PM
Hi, I'm sorry about your baby having poop issues. When my kitten was a baby she had that and after tons and tons of tests we discovered it was her food and once we put her on I/D from Science Diet it worked and her system went back to normal.

10-02-2007, 08:13 PM
*hardly holds back giggles!* I hope your baby gets over these "patches" soon!