View Full Version : My Little Man is Throwing Up *Help*

09-27-2007, 07:27 PM
Hi all,

My little man Hermes the little one I rescued last fall from Bellefonte has been throwing up and I'm getting pretty worried about him.

I've had him to the vets and we switched his food from Hills Science Diet Hairball Formula (which I switched because I thought it would help my one cat lose some weight) but that didn't work for Hermes sensitive stomach or so we thought and switched him to Hills Science Diet Sensitive Food well he continued to throw up even with the new food so just a little bit ago we started having him go back to his original food that we feed him when he came here which is the Purina Indoor Formula.

Well just over this past month he throw up a few times and just within the last week he threw up more food.

Today I came home from work and there was more puke on the floor.

Sorry for the graphic picture but I just wanted to show what I mean when I say a lot of puke.

The vet did say that he if continued to throw up she wants to keep him for a day and to inject or have him drink some dye and take xrays of him throughout the day to see his digestive system and that will cost about $200.

Any suggestions would be great.

09-27-2007, 07:57 PM
Is Hermes A Younger Or Older Cat, And What Breed Would He Be Please.
I Know That My Meezers Will Throw Up As They Tend To Bolt Thier Food More Tahn The Other Cats.
Maybe You Could Try A Royal Canin Sample Or Call 1888 519 7387
And Ask For A Free Product Voucher.
Maybe Hermes Will Respond To The All Natural Food Better.
Prayers Are Coming For Hermes And That You Can Find A Food He Can Keep Down.

Laura's Babies
09-27-2007, 08:05 PM
OH MY GOSH! That is a lot!!! I hope this can be resolved quickly for him! Poor baby!

09-27-2007, 08:30 PM
All I can think - does he eat his food really quickly? You could try smaller amounts...

Though he didn't do this before.

How about checking out and contacting iMOM to see if they will cover the testing and any further treatment? I don't know that this is considered "routine".


Just to be on the safe side, ok? $200 is a lot for you. :)

09-27-2007, 08:43 PM
Here is a picture of Hermes he justed turned 1 yrs old in May.

He's a very beautiful long hair white/grey kitten. He's our little baby and here is how often he has thrown up: (I started keeping tract once this began as a more regular thing)

I'm not sure how much he threw up before Aug. 21 but that's when I took him into the vets and she put him on the sensitive stomach food

9/9: he threw up

9/13: threw up food first and then a little later on threw up water

9/20-26 sometime in between that week he threw up under the bed in my husbands shoes and needless to say we had to toss them (we switched his food back to Purina Indoor Formula thinking that maybe it was the stomach food and we can't remember if he threw up before we ever gave him the hairball food or not, I'm thinking he did and I thought that food might help him stop if he is having problems with hairballs but my husband thinks it started after we put him on the hairball food)

Today he threw up in 2 different spots.

I will have to check with IMOM Thanks Catty!

09-27-2007, 08:44 PM
I actually just starting feed everyone one hand full in the morning and in the evening that's how Shirley feeds her cats so I started doing the same hoping that I could trim the weight off my one girl cat.

All I can think - does he eat his food really quickly? You could try smaller amounts...

Though he didn't do this before.

How about checking out and contacting iMOM to see if they will cover the testing and any further treatment? I don't know that this is considered "routine".


Just to be on the safe side, ok? $200 is a lot for you. :)

09-27-2007, 09:00 PM
Oh my, poor little thing. That is a lot of throwup for one furbaby. I pray that the vet will figure this out and get him all better.

09-27-2007, 09:01 PM
I would try small meals throughout the day. Stick with one food (dont keep switching, that can cause vomiting). Also, you might want to just give water for 24hrs and let the tummy settle down. Re-introduce food slowly.

09-28-2007, 08:42 AM
One thing that has helped reduce the "puke piles" in my house is to go to a grain free diet for the cats. If you want to feed him dry food there are a couple of brands that make dry cat food with no corn, wheat gluten, etc. By removing just those foods it has been very helpful.

09-28-2007, 08:44 AM
Well I just called the vets and she said the test they want to do is called a Barium test. The vet said it will cost $250 but will work out a payment plan.

I'm going to talk with my husband tonight about it and we'll see where to go. We were going to get a second opinion to see if there is anything else we can do before doing a test like this on him because I really hate to leave him at the vets all day long but I have to, because they have to take x-rays of him throughout the day to see his digestive tract.

10-01-2007, 09:06 AM

10-01-2007, 09:51 AM
Um...was waiting to see what your decision was.

Would an ultrasound or regular xray be cheaper?


10-01-2007, 10:27 AM
Oh sorry :) my mistake.

I don't know probably. But the vet thinks that this is the way to go. I just checked threads that I've posted here before and I posted on in May 07 saying he was throwing up and then he stopped it.

So that answers the questions as to if he did it before we switched his food to the hairball formula or not.

Um...was waiting to see what your decision was.

Would an ultrasound or regular xray be cheaper?


10-01-2007, 10:37 AM
Do you mean he stopped throwing up? Sorry, I am confoozed on Monday mornings! :D

10-01-2007, 10:43 AM
Ripley is my chronic throw up cat. In fact the first 10 years of his life he threw up on a very regular basis and always in piles of three. My vet said some cats are just prone to it. Now he is 15 1/2 years old and in kidney failure so too much throwing up can really make him sick. It got worse back in May and June along with diarrhea so my vet suggested I put him on Purina Pro Plan Sensitive Skin and Stomach. That really helped. It stopped the diahhrea and he now only throws up a little every now and then, nothing chronic.

I'm sure this won't help you but I just wanted you to know that some cats are just chronic barfers. I know Cataholic had one too (I believe it was her Tex) because she and I discussed how difficult it could be.

Although I never put Ripley through any tests to figure out why he threw up he was always healthy otherwise and is now 15 1/2 years old. Yes he does have kidney failure now but it wasn't caused by the throwing up, just old age.