View Full Version : Is there something wrong with Digi?? (not an illness, but nightmares, like BAD ones)

09-24-2007, 11:18 AM
She sleeps a lot & recently I've been around when shes been sleeping (usually shes take naps or is up, when I'm home).. But I have noticed a few times that'll she cry loudly in her sleep & they are distress calls, as if shes being beaten!!! You know those horrid cries you see from dogs in crazy amounts of pain on Animal Cops? Ya, some of them are pretty scary cries.. Some are just wimpering or under her breath crying.. Its the loud crying thats worring me. We've been waking her up for those & holding her when she has them, as we're sure shes scared, as she scared us.

She has no to little reaction to fast moving hands, so I really don't think she was hit, or beaten...

I'm totally confused...

I know dogs run, grawl, grind their teeth & go through REM.. I've seen it all.. I've seen the under the breath wimpering before, but not these kind of cries... Its almost the same cries she use to do when I first started going to work... So I'm wondering if shes THAT traumatized from being handed around & removed from her mother too early (I really don't know the whole truth about her, I'm only piecing bits of stories together & I have no idea if any of them are even true to begin with)...

She doesn't try to bite or anything when she does this when we wake her up. I hope this is just normal, & not night puppy terrors... I had night terrors when I was young & I know how scary they are while asleep.

09-24-2007, 01:22 PM
like all beings the terrors in our minds can be worse than the ones we have to face.

Jess you are a great mom to Digi.when my guys have terrors I too wake them up, and stroke them to show it will all be ok.

09-24-2007, 01:37 PM
like all beings the terrors in our minds can be worse than the ones we have to face.

Jess you are a great mom to Digi.when my guys have terrors I too wake them up, and stroke them to show it will all be ok.

Do you think she'll ever forget her past as shes so young?

I'd hate for her to grow up like me.. scared to go to sleep due to the night terrors. I'm 25 & still fear the night terrors as they haven't all gone away.. Loosing Max brought them back, but only the same dreams over & over & over... worst sleeping years ever!! Been alright for a couple yrs, but I still fear having them.

Wish there was some way I could stop hers :(
I also hope she doesn't get them too often.. my poor little baby.

09-25-2007, 03:48 AM
With out knowing her past it's hard to say what's going on in that brain of hers. Just keep helping her for now and hopefully she'll grow out of them.

I know King didn't have a happy past and it took over a year for his REALLY bad dreams to go away (mostly... there was always that occasional one.)

Do you keep your place too warm at night? 19.5 - 20.5 C is usually about right for sleeping (for humans) 21 C is too warm though. Being too warm can cause bad dreams. I have no idea what proper sleeping temp is for dogs but i still imagine it would affect them.

Maybe let her sleep with a shirt you wore that day?