View Full Version : Vomiting a little (update post #5)

09-24-2007, 09:40 AM
Sorry, this may sound a little gross. Not really sure how else to word it though :p
Zeke has recently been vomiting a little in his mouth and then he must be swallowing it. He sorta has it there and moves his mouth a little like he's eating something then it's gone. Once a little of it came out and it looked like vomit...He's been doing it for a few days now. Does this sound like anything I should be worried about? Lately I've been giving him Pregnazon (sp? the steroids) The vet said it should keep his itching down. He licks the fur right off some parts of him and he chews his feet. Could that make him sick??

(also, I know a lot of you will say it's an allergy...and if you can tell me of what then I will love you forever. I've tried EVERYTHING I can think of. He's been on x different foods from regular food to medi-cal for allergies to an even more expensive allergy food to a food with protein he's never had (deer) all of which he got only with special treats. I've had him on benedryl too. Nooo clue what is wrong with him. I've been to the vet several times regarding this.)

added more stuff post #5

09-24-2007, 10:56 AM
Unfortunatly i dont have any advice, i just wanted you to know i will keep Zeke in my thoughts.

09-24-2007, 01:02 PM
Hmmm... Talk to a few vets about his first, but it might be acid reflex, or bad heart burn, or whatever its called... But talk to a vet & see if you can give him either Pepto Bismal (Max was on that daily when he became allergic to his foods)... Also ask about tums... Now I have NO idea if a dog can have tums or not.. could even be deadly for all I know, so PLEASE talk to his vet first..

But thats just what I think it could be.

09-25-2007, 03:38 AM

Unfortunatly i dont have any advice, i just wanted you to know i will keep Zeke in my thoughts.

11-05-2007, 07:19 PM
Could worms make that happen? He seems really skinny...I've been feeding him like 4 cups of food a day (I increased it recently cause he seems too skinny to me...) How much do you feed you dogs (large dogs around 60 lbs)

Edit: I just read that worms can cause vomiting, diarrhea, etc. He also has diarrhea sometimes...not always though. He licks the fur/skin off the sides of his belly....I wonder if all this could be worms? I think I will check with my vet.

11-06-2007, 10:22 AM
First thing I'd do is take a sample of poo to the vet.

Sierra is 78 pounds and she eats about 3 cups of food a day. This time of year she packs the pounds on, so when she's hungrey she'll flip her bowl around on the floor till I give her more food. :rolleyes:

*Bows down* Yes Princess, anything your heart desires. :rolleyes:

11-06-2007, 10:30 AM
Take Zeke to the vet. He doesn't sound well. I will be keeping Zeke in my thoughts.

11-09-2007, 02:14 AM
Wow, that does sound like worms. Especially whipworm (which would cause the belly area licking.) If it is whipworm it may take a few fecal tests to see any results (possibly even different vets.)

Koli is about 50 lbs and she gets about 1 1/2 cup of food a day. Before she got treated she was eating 2 1/2 cups and was loosing weight. Now at a cup and a half she gains weight easily.

Could worms make that happen? He seems really skinny...I've been feeding him like 4 cups of food a day (I increased it recently cause he seems too skinny to me...) How much do you feed you dogs (large dogs around 60 lbs)

Edit: I just read that worms can cause vomiting, diarrhea, etc. He also has diarrhea sometimes...not always though. He licks the fur/skin off the sides of his belly....I wonder if all this could be worms? I think I will check with my vet.

11-10-2007, 05:58 PM
Hm. Were you able to see what the vomit looks like? What color, what does it consist of, etc? Nala vomits on occasion what is called bile - it's a frothy yellow liquid, and it's Nala's stomach's way of telling me it's empty.

Nala gets fed about 2 & 1/2 cups a day depending on her activity level. She's around 70 lbs.

How is Zeke doing/have you talked to the vet?