View Full Version : You Know You Love Your Dog When.......

09-17-2007, 04:56 AM
You put off going to the bathroom because you don't want to disturb their sleep. Dasher is propped up on my leg. I woke up to him sleeping like that. Now he's snoring :p I've been needing to go for about 20 minutes now but waiting as long as I can for him. I think it's so sweet he likes to sleep like that. So, what things do you do for your dog's love?

09-17-2007, 06:15 AM
You know you love your dogs when... you save them the nice part of your steak. :rolleyes:

Nobas Mom
09-17-2007, 07:12 AM
You know you love your dog when you... give up snuggling up next to hubby because he wants to sleep between you guys like a little 2 year old child would!

09-17-2007, 07:15 AM
You know you love your dog when...

you are leaving and they are looking out the front window, so you roll down the car window to wave good-bye to them(embarrassing your spouse in front of the neighbors).

your drag their beds from room to room so they can be whereever your are and still be comfy.

when the first thing you do arriving home from the grociery store is search through the bags to give them the treat you bought before putting any groceries away

when you take them to go out front to potty even though they have a doggie door to let themselves out.

when you will sit outside an extra 10-15 minutes just so they can soak up the sun while you sweat your butt off.

when your large dog sits in your lap, you can no longer feel your legs but he just looks to darn comfy for you to make him move.

you have more pictures of them than anyone else in your family.

when your dog is not feeling well so you actually sleep on the floor with them in their bed, even though you have to get up for work the next morning.

09-17-2007, 08:25 AM
We Love Puppies, you covered many I could relate to!

You know you love your dog when ... you climb up and out of the recliner without putting the foot rest down first, as that would mean disturbing the dog.

09-17-2007, 08:28 AM
We Love Puppies, you covered many I could relate to!

You know you love your dog when ... you climb up and out of the recliner without putting the foot rest down first, as that would mean disturbing the dog.

DITTO-HAHA, I forgot that one!!

09-17-2007, 09:08 AM
Wow, I think everyone just about hit them all.
The only other one I can think of is....you are all comfy on the couch and you move to make room for the dog to lay beside you.

09-17-2007, 01:59 PM
You know you love your dog when...
you want to change the sheets on the bed but don't want to disturb them.

09-17-2007, 08:05 PM
Well this is going to sound weird but every night before I go to bed, I put vitamin E oil on my nails and hands and Kiri will wait patiently beside me. When I'm done, I'll let her lick my hands. It's sweet.

But you know you love your dog when you let him lick your ice cream cone or when your dog jumps in a river for the first time and you immediately take off your shoes to jump in and rescue her.

Also when I'm not at home and I'm doodling "I love Kiri' everywhere.

critter crazy
09-17-2007, 08:10 PM
We Love Puppies, you covered many I could relate to!

You know you love your dog when ... you climb up and out of the recliner without putting the foot rest down first, as that would mean disturbing the dog.
Ha ha ha ha!! I do that one daily!!!:D

You know you love your dog when, youmake the biggest comfiest doggy bed by hand, cause the ones in the stores just arent good enough!!:D

09-17-2007, 08:28 PM
You know you love your puppy when..............You have a new boyfriend and your full size bed isn't big enough for him and Mister and I won't make Mister sleep on the floor...SOO I go out and buy a King size bed so there is enough room for Mister me and boyfriend :rolleyes: :p

09-18-2007, 01:07 PM
These replies are making me all warm and fuzzy.

YKYLYDW you put the mastresses on the floor so they can continue to get in bed with you.

You get home from work and take them out to potty. They walk to the car and think they're going for a ride. So, you take them for a quick ride around the block :D

09-18-2007, 02:08 PM
They get refrigerated bottled water. I turn the a/c on when casey is panting even though I have been sweating for an hour.

09-18-2007, 02:10 PM
I know the feeling! I've nearly wet my pants because Gracie has fell asleep on my arm and I would hate to wake her up. She's just too cute. You can also tell you love your dog when you are late for work because you needed to finish your long petting session or your game of tug of war. The good thing is my job understands.

09-19-2007, 12:20 AM
You know you love your puppy when: you hold him in your lap and hold whatever he is chewing on so he does not have to.
you dry his paws and legs off every morning after his walk so he does not get cold when he comes in the house.
you end a phone conversation just because he is sitting there barking wanting your full attention.
you take him to pet daycare twice a week so that he can have fun with the other puppies
and all of the other wonderful things all of you have mentioned already. :D

09-19-2007, 12:38 AM
This happened to me last summer
You know you love your dogs when you go on vacation and while they are boarded you call the boarding place every single day to ask how they are and you get them on your way back home even though you are tired and they all have to sit on your lap because there is so much luggage and you haven't unpacked yet.

you know you love your dogs when you miss half of your favorite t.v. show or your telephone conversation because you are so busy watching your dogs play.

Pawsitive Thinking
09-19-2007, 04:49 AM
You know you love your dogs when you miss your fave tv show because they are so engrossed in Meerkat Manor!


09-19-2007, 05:42 AM
ykylydw...you leave a prerecorded message talking specifically to the dogs so while your on vacation your family can play it for them.

finn's mom
09-19-2007, 08:21 AM
...when you specifically take your dog out the front door so that he can go to the bathroom there instead of in the fenced in back yard with the other two dogs...only because he doesn't like the grass in the back.

09-19-2007, 08:52 AM
when your large dog sits in your lap, you can no longer feel your legs but he just looks to darn comfy for you to make him move.
LOL Yes i know this one well, a friends 50KG/ 110 lbs Rottie x was quite comfy on my knee but i did not want to wake him so i could go get another drink.

Val your post sounds very familiar aswell LOL.. the things we do.

09-21-2007, 05:05 PM
When you're almost late for work because he's propped up on you, happily snoring, feet twitching from dreams. Gotta go!

09-21-2007, 05:17 PM
You know you love your dog when....

You are crammed up on ONE cushion of a three cushion couch just so your dog can stretch out and be comfortable.... and she STILL kicks you. lol

09-21-2007, 05:52 PM
I know I love this dog (even though she's not my dog) because ... My upstairs neighbor has a brown and white Papillon, Cammy. I know I love her because ... I just feel better after petting and talking to her.

09-24-2007, 11:21 AM
You know you love your dog (or a friends dog, same dog as previos post) when....

All the dogs have had a big drink and want cuddles but you dont want to get slobbered on so you tell them to go away, but Menace give's the 'look' so you invite him over for cuddles and get soaking wet LOL.
Love this big guy like one of my own :D.

09-24-2007, 12:08 PM
You know you love your dog when:

You are sorting through all your recently retuned belongings that were stolen (fought for 4 months to get my things back!!), and are planning on selling as much of it as you can (even though they are your childhood treasures & will miss them dearly again), so you can afford the up coming vet bills (puppy shots + extras, like all kinds of other tests &, the spay)!!

As many of you know, my puppy was dumped on me & had a rough start to her wee life. I have no way to afford her this soon, but ya.. I love her sooo much I'm going to be selling as much of my things as I can. I cannot part with my JP collection, but I'm going to sell it anyways, as Digi comes before my needs.

I also used some of my food money on her, to buy her good puppy food(Nutro!!). I'm going milkless & breadless for 2 weeks. Its worth it, as those kibbles n bits was poo food, & was doing havic to her bladder late last week...

I know she knows that I love her, as shes stuck to me like glue & shows me her love for me all the time :)

09-24-2007, 12:29 PM
you know you love your dog when your son is sooooo sick with the flu and you see all of them cuddled up with him so you can get a few hours sleep.

09-24-2007, 02:02 PM
When you go to bed and find the dog fast asleep sprawled out on the covers, you climb into bed with a inch of room and have to go to sleep with no covers.

09-24-2007, 03:55 PM
You know you love your dog when: you wake up in the middle of the night with your dog on your pillow about to push your head off and you let your dog have that pillow and grab a different one.

09-24-2007, 06:00 PM
You know you love your dogs when you miss your fave tv show because they are so engrossed in Meerkat Manor!


Haha...Terriers and newspaper on the floor...that's not going to turn out well ;) .

09-25-2007, 12:14 PM
You know you love your dog when...

you spend a few hours a week baking homemade dog treats because Drake won't eat the store bought ones anymore!

you rearrange your schedule around his playdates

you leave a party/event/etc... early because you don't want him to be lonely all by himself at home

09-25-2007, 08:45 PM
You know you love your Dog when.......

You opt to spend time with your dog in spite of wanting to get online and go to Pet of the Day. :eek:

You constantly rinse out the water dish and replace it with ice cold brita water and you make sure that the kibble dish is clean and as fresh as a Spring Daisy. :rolleyes: :D

You cover your bed with a worn quilt instead of the one you "swore" you would display one day. ( it's still stored away :D )

Your daily schedule revolves around a dog that you are in love with.