View Full Version : New Cat In My House

08-01-2002, 04:47 PM
hI YA'LL, A new cat adopted me this past week. She is so cute. She is so small, only about 4 wks. Just wondering up into the yard. I am sure she was dropped off. Anyway, Saber my youngest is staying in the house a lot now and when I brought the kitten,Cookie,inside, set her up in my bedroom bathroom with her own litter and food and now Saber(10months) is mad at ME!!
She seems to enjoy playing with the kitten but will not have anything to do with me and has gotten really hostile when I try to hold her or pet her. I am so distressed!! Why is she acting like this to ME!

08-01-2002, 04:56 PM
hmmmmmm...........not sure , but maybe she is more interested in the new kitten? I have heard that kittens will sometimes bond so much that they just want to be with each other and play, etc.
I don't think it lasts though- when they mature, they will mellow out on the play and want more attention from you. :)
Just a thought...................:confused: