View Full Version : 2 storys to show why I like my friends so much.

09-14-2007, 11:17 PM
I was invited to a party weeks ago by Steph's (My best friends Girlfriend) folks. Now that I have Digi there was no way on earth, I was going to leave her home alone for a whole weekend! I also don't want to leave her with friend. Don't get me wrong my friends are AWESOME with dogs, but Digi has been passed around so much in her short life, I fear she'll be extra stressed thinking I'm never coming back. Which can undo all the hard work I have done to get her to calm down when I go out of sight (I can actually go to the bathroom now, without her screaming bloody murder).

I was chatting with Steph today & asked her if her folks would be ok if I brought Digi (explained the story)... Turns out her mother is TOTALLY in love with Digi & wanted to meet her anyways, it was a YES she can come over for the weekend. I told Steph I'm not a big drinker, so I'll be able to care for Digi just fine (I might have 1 drink if we do a toast).


Earlier, Joe was reminding me that Gio's sisters big birthday bash is next month at the cottage. I said I don't know if Gio will want a puppy at his cottage. Joe said Digi is already welcomed there as Gio's folks like me & know I'll clean up after Digi, if there are any accidents.


I play all kinds of music while I'm at work (Clasical to Metal). When I'm home Its either music or tv thats on. Digi didn't flinch when there was SUPER LOUD thunder yesterday, so shes not easly spooked. She LOVES people & just goes insane over kids! My goal is to be able to bring Digi everywhere with me like I could with my old dog. I use to use my old dog as a pillow while we watched fireworks. Took him to parades, camping, PEI twice (4000km round trip in the truck). I'm so excited to have her as my new furry fruend :)

09-15-2007, 01:26 AM
Woah, that is so cool that you can take Digi with you so many places!

I'm actually sort of jealous. We didn't know many truly dog friendly people until Kings very last years in life.

I hope to hear many wonderful adventures you get to share with Digi!

Kudos to dog friendly peeps!