View Full Version : food affecting behaviour? eaglepack...

09-12-2007, 01:43 PM
ok, I know that food CAN affect behaviour, but aside of energy, I havent seen it affect anything else before. now, while I feed raw, we do keep kibble on hand. currently we have Horizen(one of the first we tried that hasnt caused horrable stools) and a small bag of Eagle pack holistic as the store was giving away free 6lbs bags, as some sort of premotion. now the first time we gave the dog the eaglepack, Blair started acting odd. now he has always panicked at night, but not even close to the extent he was that night. we thought there was something in the air setting him off, that maybe there was a storm comming, but we checked the entire provence, and everything was normal, yet Blair was so panicked he was inconsolable. normally he calms down if you you put him in a crate, but nothing. finally my mom thought, that maybe it was the food, it was the first time they had had eaglepack after all. so she said to not touch the eaglepack for several days, then try it again and see what happens. sooo I tried the eaglepack again last night, and once again his night panicks were much more severe then normal. anyone else come accross anything like this with eaglepack?

edit, cuz I cant spell lol

09-12-2007, 03:29 PM
Yes, diet can affect lots of different aspects of behaviour. It only takes an intolerance or allergic reaction. Dogs have been known to experience fits of rage, aggression and things like that caused by diet and these things have disappeared when the diet was changed so it is perfectly viable that the anxiety your dog experiences in caused by something in the food. If he doesn't get the anxiety when not fed that food, just stop feeding it to him and that will be the problem solved....well, you already know that, lol....but, yes, food can cause stuff like that....same with kids when they put all these E numbers/additives in food etc...

Oh, sorry, being in the UK, I haven't come across eaglepak so I can't comment on that particular food. Chances are, plenty of other dogs might be fine on it. Intolerances and allergies can be quite personal.

09-12-2007, 06:08 PM
Both of my girls eat Eagle Pack can and dry food. They are doing great on it. Eagle Pack was the only thing I found that Katie would eat. For awhile they were on an all raw diet but for right now we are back to Eagle Pack with some raw meat thrown in once in awhile.

09-13-2007, 12:09 PM
Had a similar incident happen at our hospital a year or so ago. We have two semi-tame cats that live at our hospital. They are normally kinda skittish with new people anyways but with the staff they are fairly calm. Someone bought a new bag of food for them specifically for 'indoor' cats to keep them from gaining too much weight. The new food had red and yellow dyes in it. Shortly after we started feeding it to them they started getting really jumpy even with the staff. They got to the point we could no longer pet or hold them anymore, basically back to the way they had been several years earlier when they first came to us. We figured it had to be the food because we couldn't find any other reason for the behaviour. About a week after getting them switched back to their normal food the skittish behaviour with the staff, dissapeared and we could pet and hold them again.

Yes I fully believe that food can cause behaviour problems, and this was yet another reason I hate foods with lots of dyes in them.

09-13-2007, 10:14 PM
I had a similar experience with Merrick. I was feeding Eagle Pack Holistic selects and other than the fact that Kiri wasn't crazy about the food after a while, she was doing great on it. Then I changed to Merrick and her behaviour changed noticeably. She was more hyper and destructive and her tear stains worsened quite a bit. So I changed to Innova and it's amazing how she has changed. She is calm, she listens to me for the most part, her tear stains have lessened even more than when she was on Eagle Pack. But it's her behaviour that was the main difference. Even on Eagle Pack, which I liked feeding her, she had those hyper periods. But with Innova, she is active but never hyper. As good as Eagle Pack is, you may want to consider changing your dog's food (gradually of course).

09-13-2007, 10:33 PM
We feed Sadie and Spot both Eagle Pack Holistic and have no issues with it. I have not heard of food relating to behavior issues, but food can do it to people. I guess it makes sense it could be the same with dogs. Intersesting.