View Full Version : Separation anxiety????

09-12-2007, 08:01 AM
Hi! Im wondering if anybody can help me. I have a 7year old male West Highland Terrier. 2 years ago he was run over by a car and he lost one of his paws. Ever since the accident he has had intermittant behavioural problems. He has become very clingy towards me and when left alone he will chew and urinate in certain rooms even although he is usually very well house trained. This behaviour is not constant but occurs every few months. He is not neutered. Any ideas what can be causing this and what i can do to help him? Thanks! :)

09-12-2007, 10:02 PM
First of all you need to neuter him!

09-13-2007, 03:39 AM
Yeah i am going to get him neutered but i dont think his behaviour is down to him being intact because before the accident he was perfectly well behaved. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

09-13-2007, 10:41 AM
I am glad you're going to get him neutered.

as for the seperation anxiety you need to invest in a crate so he doesn't hurt himself and do NOT make a big scene when you leave!
don't say anything. I know that sounds harsh but you can say something like be good, love you something like that but don't make a big scene about it because his SA will only get worse.

get a kong toy and fill it with cheese or peanut butter or his favorite treat and put him in his crate with the kong when you leave that way he is occupied. crating him is not going to kill him. it just keeps him safe so he doesn't hurt himself. :)

09-18-2007, 04:36 PM
Arial :) I agree with crating, kong, and not making a fuss however, I found it best to spend time putting the little guy in the crate going out the door and returning immediately, still not making a fuss, but letting him out quietly, next time within the hour extending the time leaving him in the crate and continue this during a period of time during the same day, so he gets the idea that you are coming back but not sure when. It worked for my guys and to this day I always give them a small treat when they go in the crate and they look forward to it. Good luck.