View Full Version : Help!! What is this??? *UPDATE Post #5*

critter crazy
09-10-2007, 11:20 PM
Eeeeekkkk.....I just walked past my Fish tank, and had to stop cause my Little Pleco was on the front of the tank. I just love watching this little guy, but I dont get to see him very often, as he is an expert at hiding!! Anyways, I noticed something very odd, and I am scared for my litle guy, we have only had him such a short time! He seems to have these growths on his fins! I ahve never seen anything like this before in my life!! Please help!! what is this???






My other Pleco, Hidey Fish, and him get along so well. I sure hope it is nothing serious!

09-10-2007, 11:43 PM
I used to have fish when I was a teenager and the first thing that I thought that it might be is Ich (http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?cls=16&cat=1791&articleid=2421). I remember some of my fish getting this and I think it's contagious so you have to treat all of the fish in the aquarium. I think we used to buy some drops and then put them in the aquarium. Good luck.:)

critter crazy
09-11-2007, 12:01 AM
I used to have fish when I was a teenager and the first thing that I thought that it might be is Ich (http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?cls=16&cat=1791&articleid=2421). I remember some of my fish getting this and I think it's contagious so you have to treat all of the fish in the aquarium. I think we used to buy some drops and then put them in the aquarium. Good luck.:)

I have had fish with Ich before, and it has never looked like this! It is possible I guess, but it ust looks so strange, reminds me of tumors or something. and Ich normally apears white, and this is more of a flesh color.

09-11-2007, 05:06 AM
Well, ich is a tiny white parasite, so you can rule that out.

What it looks like to me is blisters. They might be formed by him rubbing against something rough, like rough gravel or decor, as he swam close to it. Bacteria could have gotten in tiny wounds and caused the blisters. Check the water parameters to make sure everything is good. The best cure would be pristine water and antibiotics, but I'd personally use a quarentine tank of sorts so as not to mess with the cycle. It would also help if he weren't rubbing his fins on the gravel as he healed.

critter crazy
09-25-2007, 07:22 PM
well whatever it was, it is now gone, and he is back to his normal self! Phewwww....glad it wasnt anything serious!