View Full Version : Why YOUR puppy needs a toybox

09-08-2007, 03:08 PM
If you have a new puppy, you know already that they like to chew. Not only do puppies LIKE to chew, they really NEED to chew. Chewing is more than entertainment for puppies. It helps them teeth, and it relaxes them. They are able to relieve themselves of frustration and anxiety by chewing.

Destructive chewing usually begins quite innocently for the puppy, but it can rapidly escalate into a serious problem if the puppy is not supervised and directed properly.

Here is a typical scenario:

Owner has new puppy. Owner leaves new puppy unsupervised. Puppy gets anxious, and looks for something to soothe itself with. It comes across a shoe. (or anything else that smells like the owner) Immediately the puppy is comforted by the scent of the owner. Then it will begin to chew the object that smells like the owner to relieve it's frustration and anxiety. As the puppy chews, he feels much better. The amount of reinforcement a puppy gets from this activity cannot be over emphasized. The liklihood of a puppy expressly seeking out your personal items goes up exponentially after even only ONE incident where he's allowed to relieve his anxiety in this manner. This is why careful confinement and supervision is SO IMPORTANT. You can never remove that reinforcement the puppy got while he was chewing the object that smells like you.

So what do we do? We confine and supervise the puppy very carefully, and we make sure she has a GREAT toybox with a variety of very interesting chew items. You can use a box or basket of any type as long as the puppy can easily get to it to take out chew items. Some things that can go in the box are kong toys, nyla bones, real bones.....use your imagination and keep it interesting and varied. Remember the chewing power of a Rottweiler, and select toys that are safe. For the first week or so, put a tiny smear of peanut butter or cheez whiz on each toy once a day.

So now you have your toy box set up, and your pup is out playing. Of course the pup will choose a toy from the box to start. But eventually the pup will decide to investigate something that's not his business. This is why you MUST watch a puppy EVERY SECOND he is loose in your house in the beginning. You don't want to miss an opportunity to TEACH. So, when the puppy focuses on something he should not have (this means LOOKING AT, SNIFFING, or PUTTING HIS MOUTH on any object you don't want him to chew) immediately interrupt him. I usually say AH AH, as I move towards the puppy. Once you have his attention, rush him happily and cheerfully to the toy box, as you say something like "Where's your TOYBOX? Let's go find a TOY!!" in a happy praise tone voice with a big smile. Help him find a cool toy to play with and chew. Encourage him with a little tug game, or a few tosses.

Do this each time your puppy focuses on something he should not have. I also interrupt and redirect in this manner each time the puppy looks up at tabletops, countertops, stovetops, trash can, etc.

If you are consistent, and if you supervise CAREFULLY, in several weeks you will have a puppy who will consistently choose articles from the toy box to play with and chew.

Keep the box in one place, and never miss an opportunity to encourage the puppy towards the toy box when he wants something to play with.

09-08-2007, 03:34 PM
Great advice. I also wrote an article about training a puppy with a toybox. Here is a link:


It's called Whos Toy is That? ©

For me it is all about using scents to teach them which toys are theirs and also a box for toys that are just theirs.

Great post. Always good to see how others train for this.
Nicole & Sheena & Puppies

09-08-2007, 03:51 PM
So right Redyr Rotties---I've always had a special toy box for every pup I ever owned. That way, you can be sure you don't lose a pair of valuable shoes or other good item. Pups learn fast, and having their own chew things they always have stuff to keep them occupied. I used to change the toys on a regular basis to avoid boredom.

Elf Shadow
09-12-2007, 01:50 AM
good advice that.
i dont recall having much teething trouble with Lil when we first got her.she had plenty of toys(she now has her own toy box because she has so many)and somehow she always knew what was hers and what wasnt.if only she was the same with food.

10-30-2007, 06:40 PM
My dog is pretty good at only taking what's hers and not touching anything else, but I have a toybox for her anyway. I think it looks soooo cute when she rummages through it deciding what to take out, lol.

Paws In Art (http://www.accessv.com/~email/pawsinart/)