View Full Version : Asking some PT prayers for some special little ones

09-06-2007, 09:10 AM
I'd like to ask PT'ers for their prayers for some little kittens caught through the TNRM program in which I participate.

A small grey long haired female under 6 months old, who had to have an eye removed yesterday. Had she been someone's pet, she would have received proper care and this never would have happened. She has a great foster mom to help her, but getting her adopted into a furever home has just become a little more challenging.

And Midnight, a kitten I actually trapped July 16th. You can see her story here:


Her brother, Blackie, tamed right up and has been adopted. However Midnight is not socializing well. She is described as a little witch who stills hisses, bites and scratches and wants nothing to do with humans. She may be going to another foster home to see if someone different can work with her. I was asked about releasing her back to her colony. Problem is, the folks who were feeding this colony moved to assisted living, none of the neighbors were interested in being caretaker for the colony so the colony has dispersed. There is NO colony to return her TO! Come one, Sweetie, we have only your best interests at heart, please come around!

09-06-2007, 10:25 AM

Try putting her in a crate and taking her out to socialize her. Wrap her in a pappoose towel with only her head exposed. Kiss her, cuddle her and whisper to her.

If you'd like, I can try and socialize her and foster her since Lexie is gone. Let me know. I'll call you tomorrow on my day off.

09-06-2007, 10:45 AM
Trudy here got adopted from our Humane Society - and she by no means has been there the longest! :) There is certainly hope - sometimes kitties like this get adopted sooner.


There is hope! And I hope Midnight warms up...let us know what happens with Donna's offer! :)

09-06-2007, 11:36 AM
Ain't that the truth! Nobody was tougher to socialize than Puddy. She hated everyone, including me. But w/a lot of time and patience and love, she came around. Now she's my heart kitty. I wish I could take One Eye but I'm so stretched now w/my 7 and I have to think about what would happen to them if something happened to me. It just wouldn't be fair to them to take on more than I can handle. Where are you located?

09-06-2007, 11:39 AM
That is sad about Midnight!!! However, I think you will succeed!!! Have you tried any Bach Flower Remedies? Star of Bethlehem might help her out.....

09-06-2007, 11:47 AM
I hope that everything will work out and that both of these kitties will find the loving forever homes that they deserve. I'll keep them in my thoughts and prayers.:)

09-06-2007, 11:57 AM
I adopted a blind cat a couple of years ago (Ptolemy) and he is wonderful! I would not trade him for anything in this world :)

He is missing his left eye and only has 70% vision in his right, but he has absolutely no problem getting around (and into trouble :rolleyes: )


09-06-2007, 12:09 PM
Our Red was a one-eyed stray when we took him in.


09-06-2007, 12:23 PM
Medusa, I'm in RI.

Everyone, just to clarify, I am NOT the one trying to socialize Midnight. She has been with a foster mom, someone who has socialized many kittens. (I can't seem to foster kittens or cats; I've kept each foster I ever had -- THREE!)

And, I didn't mean it will be impossible to place the one eyed kitten, just that it narrows down the field of potential adoptees. Not everyone will consider her. I haven't met her; but her foster mom is the woman who socialized Chaplin, met her several times.

Donna, thanks for your kind offer. I have asked if it is possible. I don't know how they feel about crossing state lines, working with someone who hasn't tried to socialize a kitten in the past, isn't part of the organization, etc. I HAVE asked if you could try her, I am waiting to hear.

09-06-2007, 05:48 PM
Hey everyone, they said YES!! Donna can foster Midnight and see if she can help get this little one socialized!

I already sent Donna a PM; I think she is working this evening, not sure on her schedule. They were trying to find a barn to release the kitten, oh I do hope this works for her!


09-06-2007, 06:02 PM
That's great news! Guess I should pay more attention to details as to where you're located. Duh. :confused:

09-06-2007, 06:02 PM
Great news! I hope Donna is able to foster her! Donna, please be careful though, mad kitty bites can be bad! ;)

09-06-2007, 06:41 PM
Sometimmes It Takes A While. When John Hancock, Almond Roca And To A Certain Extent Miquelito And Pouncierge First Came Here They Didnt Want To Know Me At All.
But The Kittens Came Over And After Two Or Three Years Of Running From Me And Hissing John Hancock And Almond Rocca Baton Came Around Too.
We Pray Being A Kitten She Will Learn Who Loves Her And Good Food And Tlc Will Bring Her Around In Time.

K & L
09-06-2007, 07:25 PM
Good luck with this. Some ferals just take longer than others. It's a shame she can't go to a home that would keep her and work with her. She may never be someone's lap cat, but I know she can be tamed enough to be someone's pet.

09-07-2007, 05:58 AM
A Job well done Sandra!! Let's home this little one starts to come around and realise the potential spoilt rotten lifestyle it can have!

09-07-2007, 09:12 AM

That's great news!! I'm looking forward to working with her. Hey, I never said I was totally against getting another kitty. Who knows??? If she gets along okay here, nothing says she can't stay! :p Baby steps, kiddo, baby steps.

09-07-2007, 09:33 AM
That's great news. Good luck Donna and good luck little kitty.