View Full Version : The Gerbils' Big Fallout

Miss Z
09-03-2007, 03:03 PM
And we thought that it we would be worried about Tia whilst we were away in Cyprus!

Whilst in the care of the same lady who was looking after Tia, the gerbils began to fight. As we were in contact with the lady throughout the fortnight, in order to check up on Tia, I was soon informed that the gerbils seemed to be scrapping and chasing each other frantically. I replied that they were most likely playfighting, which they often do. We've had the gerbils nearly a year, and they have never had any serious battles. Until now, that is.

Apparently, Twilight and Ebony suddenly went beserk at Nightshade, chasing her and biting her tail and back end. Nightshade attempted to defend herself and nipped Ebony's nose, but she stood little chance against both sisters. Luckily, this all happened whilst the woman was in the room, and she instantly intervened and took Nightshade out of the cage. She was in quite a bad way, the wounds on her tail in particular were quite deep. The lady bathed them in salt water (not easy on a wriggling gerbil) and they seemed to have healed a bit since then.

The gerbils are back home now, and Nightshade's tail is swollen and scabby, but, oddly enough, she is acting more active and happier than I have ever known her to be. She's eating heartily, drinking, and running about, and is loving all the attention she's getting. She doesn't seem to mind being alone at all, in fact I'd say she's enjoying it.

Twilight and Ebony are OK too, Ebony's nose is missing a big patch of fur but other than that, she's fine. They are co-existing quite happily and don't seem to be missing Nightshade at all. The whole situation is very, very strange.

Could a change of environment have triggered this completely uncharacteristic behaviour? I wonder whether they should be introduced back together, when Nightshade seems so happy. Does anyone have any advice or thoughts on the matter? I am really confused as to why this has happened.


09-03-2007, 04:18 PM
Wow that is very weird. Unfortunately I have no advice for you, I know nothing about Gerbils. But I'd say that if Nightshade continues to be really happy alone then there would be no harm in just letting him live alone.

09-03-2007, 04:49 PM
Often female gerbils declan especially when they are in groups bigger then 2. Sorry they declanned. :(

Miss Z
09-04-2007, 12:07 PM
Often female gerbils declan especially when they are in groups bigger then 2. Sorry they declanned. :(

Yes, I remember reading about that in one of my gerbil handbooks now you come to mention it. I never really thought that would happen to my girls since they were all so close, but I suppose you can never say never!

Nightshade knocked off one of her scabs today on her tail and I gave her a warm salt water bath on the wound with some cotton wool, as if the wounds are infected then I fear she'd be in deep trouble, as gerbils are such frail little creautures. She's such a sweetheart, too, she barely wriggled or squeaked at all as I was applying the salt water, so as you can imagine, she's getting lots of treats and cuddles right now. ;)

09-04-2007, 12:46 PM
I have heard that you are always supposed to keep an even nuber of gerbils in one cange because 2 wont fight and one will be bullied by the other two. I have also heard that Females fight each other over the age of two.

09-04-2007, 03:20 PM
Not all females will they have a much better chance together then say male mice do. My girls are doing well so far ad I hope they do forever. :)

I hope your gerbie gets betters *lots of hugs sent your way*

Miss Z
09-04-2007, 04:23 PM
I have heard that you are always supposed to keep an even nuber of gerbils in one cange because 2 wont fight and one will be bullied by the other two. I have also heard that Females fight each other over the age of two.

We had to take the gerbils as a three, as they were the only 3 left of the litter and it would have been unfair to leave one kit on her own at a young age. We never split them whilst young as we feared one would get very lonely, as my mum's had experience of gerbils dying of loneliness, apparently. They are also only one year old.

Ebony is most certainly the bully (the runt of the litter and with the biggest ego ;) ), and I just hope she won't turn on Twilight at some point, at least they seem pretty pally for the moment.