View Full Version : got a cat sore question

09-02-2007, 01:27 PM
Hey everyone,

My cat mittens has a cut on the lower rear of her right ear due to a possible fight when she escaped from my house a few weeks ago.

Would it hurt to put peroxide on it to try and heal it?? I just noticed it

thanks everyone

09-02-2007, 01:38 PM
Hi there and welcome to Pet Talk. :)

Personally if it has been a few weeks that she has had this cut, I wouldn't put anything on it. It should be scabbed over by now. Scratches usually heal well on their own. UNLESS, it isn't healing properly. Is it a deep scratch?
Do you feel a lump under it? Do you notice if it is oozing anything?

09-02-2007, 04:06 PM
dont feel any lump but it does look like it has been bleeding (it looks like that everytime she scratches that ear)

just dont want it to get infected

09-02-2007, 06:17 PM
Welcome to the group!!! Actually, in the hospital, hydrogen peroxide is not used on wounds because it interferes with new tissue formation. Check with your vet, maybe an Elizabethan collar is needed to prevent your cat from scratching it. Good luck!!

09-02-2007, 07:28 PM
That's kind of long ago - it could be an over-scratched itchy allergy lesion, too. They often turn up under and around the ears. And then healing itches, too - those lesions can hang around for ages, because the cat keeps scratching them open. This definitely sounds like a question for a vet.

Love, Columbine (who's just barely got her "kitten's" itchin' under control)

09-02-2007, 08:43 PM
You're gonna think I'm nuts but generously dab on some Milk of Magnesia w/a cotton ball. It's cooling, healing and it won't cause your kitty any problems until you can talk to your vet. I've done it and it works. (Awesome for diaper rash, too, for those of you w/kids/grandkids. It heals it almost overnight.)

09-02-2007, 09:53 PM
As someone who's really had to be careful to keep magnesium out of her cat's system, I'm going to respectfully disagree on the Milk of Magnesia. It's only one kind of urinary dysfunction, and only some cats are susceptible, but it hurts and it's scary and worth avoiding.

You could goop some vitamin E on it - there's no known toxic dose in the cat, and it does help with healing. But definitely ask a vet.

Love, Columbine

09-03-2007, 08:21 PM
If it's bleeding because she scratches it, try putting "bitter apple" on it. You can put peroxide on it. I put it on MooShoo after he got the crap beat out of him by a foster kitty. You can also put an Neosporin on it to prevent it from getting infected.

If it looks really bad, I'd get him to the vet.