View Full Version : Bogey and Nub!

07-31-2002, 07:48 AM
Hi there Bogey and Nub!!! What a beautiful, colorful, intelligent feathered pair you two sweeties are!! I'm still hoping that ONE day I will have the privilege of sharing my life with a bird(s) as sweet and beautiful as you guys!! (Altho I do fear a case of MBS would soon follow!!:D) What a wonderful way your humans get to start their day...hearing their lovely feathered friends say "I love you"!! Beauty, brains and sweet, loving personalities...no wonder your Mom and Dad are so proud of their "kids!!" Congratulations to you both Bogey and Nub! You are the most stunning and very deserving receipients of Pet Talk's "Top Pet" honors!! Yay for Bogey and Nub, Pets of the Day!!

07-31-2002, 09:20 AM
Bogey and Nub, my goodness aren't you the most handsome birds I have seen in a long time. One good thing you have plenty of friends in your home with nine birds. I love the photo of both of you, your coloring is beautiful and what wonderful companions you both are. Congratulations dear, sweet, handsome Bogey and Nub Our Very Best Pets of the Day.
Jackie, Miss Daisy and Perry

07-31-2002, 09:23 AM
I am a bird lover, and Bogey and Nub, you have made my day!! Good things come in small packages, you know, and it is great that you think you are Macaw sized!!!! Kisses and good things to you both on your special day!!! Congratulations on being our Pets of the Day!!! :D

Logan, Roger Cockatiel and Milly Cockatiel

07-31-2002, 01:16 PM
You are such beautiful birds Bogey and Nub! I love both of your coloring, I'm sure you make a great pair. I'm also a bird lover and have two birds of my own. You can tell by my poem signature! :D I bet both of you are very acrobatic, playful, and friendly as most birds are! You are so beautiful and you truely made my day! Congratulations on being our very special POTD! I hope you get lots of treats on your very special day! :D :D :D

07-31-2002, 01:37 PM
Nub & Bogey
What a pair of cuties you are! I certainly got a big old smile when I saw your pictures this morning. Congratulations on being our special Pets of the day today.:)

07-31-2002, 04:23 PM
I am also a bird lover and have been blessed and privledged to have been preened by a lovely little blue keet.
What a lovely pair you make! I know that you both just keep the place jumping with your happy personalitites!!
I can see you bopping your little heads back and forth while you sing and talk!! We love you too, adorable sweetie-pies!! Lots of nose rubs on your neck!!

07-31-2002, 10:37 PM
Hello Beautiful birdies. I think that ya'll are a wonderful looking pair. Thanks for sharing your story.