View Full Version : Bunny questions...

09-01-2007, 03:33 PM
So as I posted a couple months ago, I got a male bunny. He is rex/lop. First do you think he is a holland or a mini lop judging by his pics?? Anyways he will be 4 months in a few days. First of all he is becoming quite the lil devil! When I first got him he liked being held and sat on my lap now if I even go near him he does tha mad bunny dash and runs as fast as he can until I can "catch" him. Which is HARD!!!! :rolleyes: :D How can I get him to want to be held is this normal or is he becoming untame or something? LOL. I called the vet and they said the won't fix him for another month or two so we will have to deal with his boy parts a bit longer hehehe oh BTW I took him to the vet to be sexed when I first got him & they guessed boy, but said it was too early to tell for sure. I've checked and I can feel his testacles I think but they aren't obvious to the eye should they be? I had my eye at him at the store awhile and the first store clerk said boy the second said girl so who knows! . Now another problem is he has decided to use my daughters toy box as a giant litter pan I just discovered this today so god knows how long this lil man has been doing this as it was all at the bottom waiting to be uncovered and stupid me couldn't figure out why her room smelled so bad cuz his cage is cleaned everyday!!!!! :eek: So we have that all cleaned out and a lid on it now, but I'm afraid hes gonna go somewhere else now. When hes in his cage he uses his litter box for pee, but not poop. Poop is easy I just vaccum it up, but how should I get him to hop back into his cage to pee when he's loose. And next he's a wire eater :mad: He ate my vaccum, a set of baby monitors, my phone, a lamp etc etc. I have the wire spray stuff to make it taste gross for my cat and have tried this and will try to apply it again maybe the taste has faded, but is there any chance he'll grow out of this? haha in my dreams right?? LOL. And one more question Isn't he cute??? HAHA lol
here are some pics...

09-01-2007, 04:01 PM
tha mad bunny dash and runs as fast as he can until I can "catch" him. Which is HARD!!!! Well gee mom it's just the funnest game don't ya know.

How can I get him to want to be held is this normal or is he becoming untame or something? Most bunnies dont like being held and won't ever like it.

but how should I get him to hop back into his cage to pee when he's loose Get a second litter box and put it out while he is running around.

but is there any chance he'll grow out of this? No way. There are things you can buy to civer over the cords (they aren't very attractive though). Most bunnies enjoy that bitter apple spay aswell.

And one more question Isn't he cute??? Yes!:D