View Full Version : Cleo's vet visit

09-01-2007, 07:03 AM
Cleo had her monthly check-up today. She had a mild UTI last time and had antibiotics. I wasn't able to get a urine sample this time but will keep trying. :rolleyes: She has been toiletting much better and more fully since the psyllium husk/slippery elm/herbs supplement which she has twice daily.
Her appetite has been voracious yet she is steadily losing weight, this time quite a drop, now down to 2.48kg. This makes me very weepy and sad. After a vet visit I always feel flat and weepy. Her wonderful vet is going to talk to the vets at Hills and see whether they think a calorie-dense light-protein diet such as is given to convalescing cats might help and see what they recommend, then she'll call me and they'll order it in and I can try her on it to see if she will eat it and at least maintain weight if not gain much.

I know this is to be expected as the kidney and thyroid conditions progress and I know she has done incredibly well for her age over the last two years. But no matter how much I prepare myself for the inevitable, and basically I have been grieving in expectation of the inevitable for nearly 2 years, I will never be ready.

I guess we never are.

Anyway that's the update.

All you folks with recently diagnosed kidney cats take heart, they can live well and happily for some years after diagnosis. Just be prepared for your own roller-coaster ride! :(

09-01-2007, 07:43 AM
Glad to hear that Cleo is doing somewhat better. It's never easy w/a cat that's in renal failure but as you know, they can live a long, productive life w/good vet care and lots of attention. Take heart, your girl is tough and wants you to enjoy your time w/her and not worry too much. Worry takes away from the time that we do have. Queen Puddy and I are w/ya, girlfriend. :)