View Full Version : Dog Laughter

08-22-2007, 12:00 PM
Dog-laughter: A Study by Simonet, Versteeg, and Storie 2005

"The dog laugh sounds similar to a normal pant. But by analysing the pant using a sonograph, this pant varies with bursts of frequencies, resulting in a laugh.
Domestic dogs have been sharing the company of humans for over 100,000 years.
With this lengthy common history, dogs and humans have developed common communication signals, such as eye gaze, touch, smiling, and laughter. When viewed on a spectrograph, human whispers appear very much like the forced breathy exhalation (laugh) of dogs with spiked high frequencies Perhaps, the whisper is a close approximation to the dog-laugh. When humans whisper they produce a pronounced forced breathy exhalation through the mouth. Dogs will often exhibit a play-face while producing the dog-laugh."

Does YOUR dog, cat, bunny, horse or pet laugh?
Do they laugh at your jokes???
Do they laugh at your sense of fashion?
Do they laugh when you laugh??


08-22-2007, 11:38 PM
I remember noticing King laughing. It came as no surprise to me when I read that article when it came out. People look at me crazy when i say that dogs laugh.

I guess I've heard Koli laugh a few times, but it's nothing like King's. That boy had one heck of a sense of humor. Sometimes he could get me laughing really good. Rather than trying to pick apart what was so darn funny I'd just roll with it. :cool:

I really can't put my finger on what they laugh at, but i can say their sense of humor is very different than humans'. It's a more simplistic just enjoying life kind of thing. Sometimes they just laugh because they are happy.

08-25-2007, 12:34 PM
Aw that is so cute! I don't think I've ever seen my mom's dog laugh though.

08-26-2007, 09:03 PM
I think Mister laughs AT me......but either way he deffintely does :p