View Full Version : will you believe me? CAT LOVERS COME HERE!

07-29-2002, 02:29 PM
i had a stray russian blue named azure for one year. he was an out door cat and wasn't alowed in. we went on vacation for about 5 days. when we came back he was gone. that night i had a night mare. i was at a cabin in the woods with azure. monsters and creatures kept trying to get me, but azure was there for me. at the end of the dream i couldn't take him with me. i suddenly relized that this dream was to tell me he was some where else and happy. i gave him a kiss and said goodbye. after that i woke up. a few months later i had the same dream but different. i was pulled towards him in the woods. he was sitting by a grave. his grave. i looked into his eyes. they looked the sames as always. kind and loving. some how we ended up playing and having fun.
he meowed i said goodbye and woke up.

my cat had some how known that i was wondering what happened of him.

please tell me what you thinkof this.

07-30-2002, 10:49 AM
That's really cool! I'm glad your dream was able to give you a peace about Azure.

08-02-2002, 07:11 PM
I believe that dreams are part of your subconscious trying to clean out things that bother you. I also believe and have been told by a world renowned psychic (no not that incense burning Cleo on television) that when you dream of deceased people, it is actually their spirits communicating with you. I have dreams like that alot about my mom, dad, and other relatives and when I wake up, it makes me feel good in a strange sort of way.

So don't dismiss your dreams about your Azure. It is probably him trying to tell you that he's gone to the Rainbow Bridge and is okay.