View Full Version : One dog walking the other....

07-29-2002, 09:34 AM
I was walking to the bank just moments ago and spotted a woman walking with two dogs. A closer look made me laugh aloud. One dog had the leash of the other and the woman had only one leash. The "take charge dog" would drop the leash and then move down a little, getting a better grip further down the leash. It was a riot to watch. Such sweetness for such an early morning trip to the bank!:D

Dixieland Dancer
07-29-2002, 10:11 AM
That is a cute mental picture!

07-29-2002, 10:19 AM
One picture you guys did not see of our visit this weekend was Splash pulling Roxey by her leash!! I snapped several and will get them developed as soon as I can. Maybe Souraya has one on her digital. It was the funniest thing!!! Looked like Splash was taking Roxey for a walk!!! LOL!!!

I can just picture it, Sallyanne!!! :D

07-29-2002, 02:59 PM
I would love to have seen that, it must have been a sight.
Logan will love to see your photos.
We took Daisy in today for her first haircut since most of her hair was chopped off by the Vet. I have to laugh she looks like a black Chichuachua (I don't know how to spell it lol) She is all shaved down except for her beard.
I'm going to post some pictures on FTLOD, I still don't know how to post pictures on here.
Sounds like Splash is fitting in nicely.
Jackie, Miss Daisy and Perry

Dakota's Mommy
07-29-2002, 06:47 PM
Yes, thank you for the cute mental pic. It reminds me of my mom's two dogs. Taggart has done that with Daisy and then he try to walk himself by putting his own leash in his mouth!

07-29-2002, 08:46 PM
What a delightful image, SAS, what kind of dogs were they?

07-30-2002, 09:28 AM
Oh that brings up such good memories. Our golden Casey (RB) used to wait until we were almost home from our walks, then she would nudge us until we'd put the leash in her mouth and she'd walk herself home. She always looked so proud of herself!


07-30-2002, 09:53 AM
Rachel, the dogs looked like mixtures...one was golden colored and other one was black...my guess is one was part golden and one was part lab.... but they were both about the same size and seemed to know who was leading the pack! The golden was doing the leading! They were so darn funny to see. I still chuckle when I think about the signt!:D

07-30-2002, 11:22 AM
I have a mental picture of what you described and it is hilarious. I would have loved to of seen that in person. LOL Thanks for sharing!

07-30-2002, 04:48 PM
The pictures in my head of these dogs walking themselves and each other is hilarious. Just what I needed..... a good laugh! Thanks for sharing! :D


07-31-2002, 12:12 PM
that's cute! i think i've seen it before somewhere...:)