View Full Version : Peeing pooch help

08-14-2007, 02:20 PM
HI group, I am fostering a dog that has a pee problem. His owner told me that when he was younger he would pee on the outside of his crate. But he hasn’t done it for quite some time. Now either he was lying so he could get me to be more willing to take his dog on. Or he truly didn’t know that rover has started up peeing again. I brought him home, and I let him and my other dog get acquainted. They spent the next hour outside going potty and getting to know each other. I then brought them into our computer room. So I could socialize with them, and keep and eye on rover. Well this room at one time had been the cats room, so rover when over and marked the door. I didn’t notice this till I got up to go get a drink. Then right after I came back to the computer room with the dogs following me. Rover went on our wall, right in front of me. Now I know this has to do with marking his area. But how can I get him to stop? I found out the next morning that he went pee outside his crate too. So any one have any idea how we can get this boy to stop marking his area? There isn’t any way I can adopt him out with this sort of a problem.

08-14-2007, 04:29 PM
First, how old is your dog? What kind of breed is he? How many times a day do you take him out? Do you see a pattern in the peeing?

You need to make sure you clean up the mess and make sure it is clean very good. Your dog can probably smell the pee and go there again and again. You must keep him in a crate. If he keeps going to the bathroom out side of the crate, put wood around a crate. I do the with my dog. If you catch him in the act again, say "No" sternly, and rush him outside. Do not let him go in the house. Good luck!

08-15-2007, 01:20 PM
My foster dog is an English Setter, he is only a year old, so very much a puppy. We have him in a crate when we are not around. He goes out for potty breaks once at 3 in the morning, then is let back out at 6am, and is let to play out there for an hour and a half with my other dog. Then is taken back out around 3 in the afternoon when my husband gets home from work. Then is put back in his crate at around 10pm at night. So he has a lot of breaks in between. He has a clean bill of health, so no problems there. I think he has just gotten into a bad habit with his past owner. And I need to know how to nip it in the butt.