View Full Version : Could you get any closer, Benny?

08-14-2007, 11:10 AM
I swear, this boy is happiest when he is as close as possible! I couldn't get my batteries changed in my digital, so I took this with my cell. He is right at my feet, always. :) He is precious and I love him so much. :)


Cinder & Smoke
08-14-2007, 11:32 AM
My guess is Dear Bowser sent your Benny a "How To" note.

Bowser was a bit of a Velcro Pup - usually within 6-8 feet of wherever I was;
but more likely to be entwined around the roll-around chair at the 'puter. :eek:

I'd say we averaged one Roll 'n Pinch incident per day ... I'd back up in the chair;
He'd :eek: ***YELP*** and try to extricate a pinched paw or tail; give me a "wounded" look;
move to the other side of the chair; and reposition for a repeat! :rolleyes:

I *TRIED* to remember to <look> before I backed up ... if he was down there,
I'd just reach down and *scootch* his vital parts away from the rollers,
THEN toss the chair in reverse and get up. He often never woke up!

I tried *hollerin* for him to **MOVE, Bowz**! ... If he did actually wake up and open an eye;
he'd get back to sleep before the message soaked in!

I'm glad Benny is carrying on the Bowz's Tradition!

(Miss Ya, Bowz! :( )

08-14-2007, 11:51 AM
Freckles was that way, too. I always needed to check where she was before I pushed my chair back.

08-14-2007, 11:58 AM
I often have Keegan and Kylie behind me like that. Right now for the first time in a long time maybe ever - Kloe is right behind me.
Go figger.
She must like me!
big smooches to the beautiful Benny!

08-14-2007, 12:03 PM
I often have Keegan and Kylie behind me like that. Right now for the first time in a long time maybe ever - Kloe is right behind me.
Go figger.
She must like me!
big smooches to the beautiful Benny!

08-14-2007, 12:18 PM
Ahh Benny... how cute!

Both of mine are velcro dogs too.
Sierra has gotten into the bad habit of lying next to/in front of the recliner when I have the foot up, and has almost gotten her head squished a few times. :rolleyes: She's another one like Phred's Bowser, she lays behind me on my computer chair and I have to wake her up to move before getting up or I'd roll on her.
Buddy is next to, behind me, in front of me every second he's awake! Every day I must say "Move Buddy" a dozen times!!

But just like your Benny... ya gotta love those velcro dogs!!

08-14-2007, 12:58 PM
nd has almost gotten her head squished a few times.
When my Shaianne was alive she got her ear rolled over. :(
I felt awful!
But she forgave me!!

08-14-2007, 01:38 PM
love the photo. the wonder dog is often behind me or to the left of the computer room chair. peanut lies in the doorway, 18 inches away from the chair. when i sit in the living room to watch tv, alex is on my lap. my phrase here isn't move! it's MAKE A HOLE DOG! and i joke that if i suddenly stop, there will be 8 paws sticking out of my hiney.

08-14-2007, 03:59 PM
Ben looks so comfortable snoozing there. :) I usually have Smokey on one side & Blackie(kitty) on the other, wherever I sit.

08-14-2007, 04:08 PM
Great photo Logan. He loves his Mom for sure. Grant is like this with me. He likes to lay right at my feet in the kitchen and I have to move around him constantly to cook and do dishes.

Ginger's Mom
08-14-2007, 04:25 PM
Aww, he sure does look like a snuggly guy. :) I am jealous.