View Full Version : Daisy the digger!!

08-11-2007, 05:57 PM
As some of you know, right now we are living with my parents. Five dogs in one house!. And a cat too ;). Well my mom takes GREAT pride in her backyard, keeping it poop free, beautiful green grass, ponds, and flowers everywhere.
Well lately Daisy has been digging in the yard!!. Not just little holes either, they are pretty big ones.. I keep filling them up, but she just re-digs in the same spot or starts a new hole...
I dont know what to do. My mom is getting really annoyed because Daisy is ripping up her grass!. I heard of putting chicken wire in the bottom of the hole, and then when the dog digs it up it isn't pleasant on their feet...

Any other ideas to stop her bad digging habbits?!?!?

08-11-2007, 09:17 PM
Maybe this sounds weird but put the dog's poop in the hole and cover it up. Next time Daisy digs in that spot she will get a surprise and digging may not seem so fun anymore. I've read that putting pine cones in the hole works too.

Digital Paint Pet Portraits

08-12-2007, 07:50 AM
The poop in the hole worked for Roxey!

08-12-2007, 09:43 AM
Is Daisy spayed? Suddenly digging holes all over might be hormones telling her to dig a den ready for pups.

I remember when our Mist was young, still growing, and she'd dig holes and put my dads plant pots in them. When I read about another dog doing exactly the same thing, it turned out the plant pots were subtitues for pups and that the bitch might even be producing milk to feed her plant pots with. Of course, such dogs tend to turn out to be great mothers...as our Mist did....it was still funny though...plant pots as pups... :D

08-12-2007, 08:13 PM
I will try the poop idea.. Thats genious!!! :D.

Wish me luck..

Canis-Lupess: Yes, Daisy is already spayed :)

08-13-2007, 07:52 AM
Are the holes, deep or wide? Chances are a dog digging wide holes is trying to find a nice cool spot to lay down on a hot day. And I don't know about your area but its HOT and HUMID here! I myself might consider digging a hole to get relief ;)

08-13-2007, 08:51 AM
Ah, yes, I forgot to ask if it was hot. Our Jess dug several holes during our heatwave last summer and spent the whole day in them, lol. She dug one under the large pampass grass in the shade and hid under there, lol.

08-13-2007, 01:22 PM
Yes it has been pretty hot, but Daisy just digs holes long and skinny... I'm pretty sure they are just for fun, not much purpose to them.

08-13-2007, 04:32 PM
Sounds kind of mean, but it's a very old-fashioned method (think Koehler) that has been tried and true for years. Fill the hole with water, dunk the dog's head. I thought it sounded stupid, but we were talking about it the other day --- the lady that does teeth cleaning did this with one of her dogs and Kelly's mom did this to a couple of shelties, and they never dug another hole.

08-13-2007, 07:26 PM
If I did that to Daisy she would honestly be scared for life.

08-13-2007, 08:48 PM
Yeah i honestly wouldn't recommend that.. knowing the APBT breed, she will probably sulk around the rest of the day and make you feel awful ;) :p

Anyways, Dogs will oftan dig because they are bored. When she's outside try giving her something to do. A chew toy or bone. A frozen kong filled with treats and such ect.. APBTs as you know are an active breed, if you won't find something for them to do, they will take it upon themselves to find something! LOL.. And that oftan results in chewed shoes and a hole filled backyard. (A friend of mine found that out the hard way, when her 200 dollar shoes where torn to bits by her bored pittie :eek: lol)

08-14-2007, 07:25 AM
Years ago, I had an Akita that would dig trenches across my yard trying to get moles under the ground. I used a product called No-dig. You spray it over the area they dig in and it worked!! It is around $12.50. It uses no harsh chemicals. It worked for me...give it a try!

08-16-2007, 12:40 AM
I waited a whole day after reading this to reply to it.

I honestly was shocked that a long standing member on this forum who obviously cares very much about dogs and has had VERY educated posts on just about every topic imaginable would even suggest anything like this. :eek: I actually read over it again and rechecked the name. Part of me seriously even wondered for a moment if your account got hacked.

This is an appalling practice and nothing short of animal abuse :mad: There is no call for it. If anything this would only serve to lessen the bond between human and dog.

I was 13 when my dad said he was going to do this to my terrier. I was timid, shy, and utterly afraid of this man; yet i knew i had to find a different way. I stood up to him and demanded that he give me a week. By simply talking to my dog and explaining things to her I got her to stop digging in the yard in all but a 4x4' section of yard (that i was able to compromise with my dad on and he agreed that she could have the section since it was all dirt anyhow.)

Sounds kind of mean, but it's a very old-fashioned method (think Koehler) that has been tried and true for years. Fill the hole with water, dunk the dog's head. I thought it sounded stupid, but we were talking about it the other day --- the lady that does teeth cleaning did this with one of her dogs and Kelly's mom did this to a couple of shelties, and they never dug another hole.

08-16-2007, 09:09 AM
I agree. I was also quite shocked when I read this. I really can't imagine how this act could actually teach a dog not to dig holes....maybe teach the dog to stay well away from existing ones with water in them when the owner is close by to dunk them...and thats about it.

08-16-2007, 08:46 PM
Seeing as Jynnelle is my best friend and I know she wouldn't try that method, I was in no way implying that she should do it, nor did I say I agreed with it. We were talking about this method the other day at work, the thread made me think of it, and I wrote it down. Mere point of interest if anything.

08-16-2007, 09:12 PM
wolfsoul, you have no place whatsoever suggesting dunking a dogs head in water. heh, just kidding :)

At first I was kinda like whoa that sounds MORE than just mean. But then I thought about it and I was just kinda like erm, maybe I'll not think about recommending that idea :D

anyways, i'm glad you mentioned it cause now I am more aware of different things people try...some good, some not so much.