View Full Version : We're back with Jack

08-08-2007, 09:06 PM
Star here, we're back. Haven't been too public cause, well, things aren't exactly going according to the human's plan. :rolleyes: We brought back a very sweet, fun-loving character named Jack with us from Ohio. Only problem is....he & I don't seem to be getting along too well. (That's the part that isn't going according to plan.) So, I think this may be more of a little "East coast vacation" for Jack. Sometimes these things work out, and sometimes they don't.

Here's a few pics from our trip:

At the Findlay dogpark: Me, Baby & Max with their mom, and Brutus & Luci's mom (the lady in pink) We had a little ceremony for Sherman at the dogpark. (Brutus & Luci's grandmom had come out the night before & cried with my mom over Sherman while I played with a little Sheltie boy and Sarge the boxer)
Then we went & met my boy, Aaron, and I got to drive with him to go see a whole bunch of huskies! It was a cool place. See me? I'm in the kennel!
Look at all these cute faces!
They all loved my boy!
Mom cried when Sherman's mom, Cara covered her with kissies. Sherm's shy sis, Tori, was there, too. And Syd, Sherman's dad - mom really broke up then, cause he & Sherman look so much alike.
This very cute boy is Jack. He came home with us. Here he is getting a goodbye hug & kiss.
More in our next post...

08-08-2007, 09:06 PM
Then we got to stay all night in a dog-friendly hotel- check me out ON the big bed! Better not try this at home!
Jack liked jumping from bed to bed and getting belly rubs. He's a silly boy. We got to go walking for a whole hour in a great park across form the hotel! Mom remembered what Glacier says "A tired husky is a good husky". :)
Back at home, we showed Jack around a bit....
He has nice eyes :)
And after two whole days driving, we were very tired & needed to sleep....(don't be fooled, cause this isn't what we looked like a couple hours later :mad: :eek: )
Now you know all about our trip.

08-08-2007, 09:17 PM
Aw Jack is a cutie! Maybe Star and Jack will get a long a bit better with time. ;) I'm sure it was bittersweet to see Shermans 'family'. {hugs}

Cinder & Smoke
08-08-2007, 09:47 PM
We brought back a very sweet, fun-loving character named Jack with us from Ohio.
Only problem is ...
after two whole days driving, we were very tired & needed to sleep....


Uhhhhhh ... http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/confused.gif

Only thing "Jack" needs is a more Husky-ish NAME!

Ask Glacier how to say "Jack" in Indian Talk!

We all hope this is the Start of Sumpin GREAT!!


Edited by request.

08-08-2007, 09:54 PM
Jack is stunning, and I love the name too. :) What a handsome husky hunk! I hope things will work out with him and Star!

08-08-2007, 09:56 PM
What a handsome boy! Hopefully Star will warm up to him soon...and I love his name, ;) How old is he?

Ginger's Mom
08-08-2007, 10:00 PM
Ah sometimes those young'uns are just excitable, Star. Give Jack little time to settle in. How old is Jack?

08-08-2007, 10:00 PM
I got LES when Sherman's mom gave kisses. Jack sure looks like a cutie. I hope Star will be able to warm up with him eventually. But, we all understand if it isn't meant to be. However, I hope this is the beginning of some new happiness for you. It does help to distract from the pain, if only for little bits and pieces. I wish you all the best.

08-08-2007, 10:27 PM
Awww, Jack is a very handsome boy. What soulful eyes. Don't know if I'd be much help with a different name though. I want to name a dog Jack someday, preferably with a Bauer, Tony and Chloe in the mix. Some of you will get that reference!

You don't look like you hate him, Star. I bet you're just showing him who the boss husky is, aren't you! A trainer friend of mine says that with huskies, if there's no blood, it's just a discussion, not fighting! Jack appears to be in one piece. I bet once he settles in you will get along just fine!

08-08-2007, 11:20 PM
what a beauty!! :)
I hope that he fits in cuz he looks like he's doing pretty good!
will keep my fingers crossed and prayers sent!!!
sorry we couldn't meet up with you last week!

Cinder & Smoke
08-09-2007, 12:50 AM

Let's all prepare to Offer Support to Pat (and Star) ...


Send a Prayer to Pat's House!

/s/ Phred

Edited by request.

08-09-2007, 01:33 AM
Awwwe sorry to hear that Jack isn't being as nice as he is beautiful :(

I LOVE that phoenix or butterfly pattern on his face.

08-09-2007, 07:27 AM
I'm so happy to finally see Jack!
Oh Pat he's so handsome!!

Saying a prayer to the Husky goD's that Jack gets to know "his place" soon so he can stick around for a while!
I got LES reading about you meeting Sherman's family.

{{hugs}} to you Star for putting up with him, lets hope he knows his place soon.

08-09-2007, 07:44 AM
I'm glad to see that you've shared Jack with PT, even if it isn't meant for him to stay with you (which I hope is not the case!).
I was very sorry to hear about the mishap between him and Star. I really hope that he can over come his behavior problem and become one of the cyber-sibes:)

I'm still keeping you all in my prayers.


08-09-2007, 08:07 AM
Thanks, I don't want to post any specifics because he really is a nice dog, he just may not be the dog for us. Such a pity, I really like him. :) He has lots of personality and has always gotten along well with the dogs in his home kennel. Star doesn't quite know what to make of this, so she's totally avoiding him. I will get more pictures of him, he's lots of fun to play with and loves chasing a tennis ball. :) He gives great hugs! I'm still keeping my fingers crossed....

08-09-2007, 08:48 AM
Jack is quite handsome! Hope that you can assist the 2 in working out a living arrangement. Best wishes!

08-09-2007, 09:49 AM
Star, I will cross my fingers very tight that you and Jack will get to be better pals over time. Or, if that does not happen, that Jack will find another family to be loved by. The pictures of Sherman's family members gave me leaky eyes too. Could you please ask your hu-mom to give you this for me? BIG HUG And one for Jack, too, please.

08-09-2007, 10:09 AM
Or, if that does not happen, that Jack will find another family to be loved by. We were all hoping this would work out, but if not, he goes back to his family kennel, he'll always have a loving home there. They are such good people. They make a lifelong committment to every puppy they bring into this world. :) I wish all breeders were like them!
Edit* I delivered your hugs!

08-09-2007, 11:31 AM
I hope things settle down for Jack.
I don't know if I missed this but how old is he?
would Star do better with an older male closer to her age?
just a ramble.
I hope he learns the rules. :)

08-09-2007, 12:14 PM
hope everything works whichever way...... preferably in the staying way ;)

nice name!!...... and gorgeous dog!!...... LES here too......

08-09-2007, 12:18 PM
he's cute! :) I hope things start working out with him and Star. :)

08-09-2007, 12:24 PM
Star is 10, Jack is 2. My first idea was to look for an older dog, but then the possibility of getting Jack came up, and he feels like family, coming from the same kennel as Sherman. Plus, they know us & really felt it would work out well. We were all hoping for the best. Like I mentioned, he does have a loving home, and we'll continue our search. I'm enjoying him while he's here, and he seems to be enjoying himself.

4 Dog Mother
08-09-2007, 01:16 PM
Did you take Star with you when you went to pick Jack out? When we are adding another dog to our crew we take the dog who is least likely to get along with the new one - which means its usually Dazzi. Although it is not a sure fire method, we have found some dogs that definitely would cause trouble in our pack and others that seem to be ignored by Dazzi.

Just a thought.

08-09-2007, 01:40 PM
Yes, Diana, I took Star. Many of the pictures were from the kennel. They seemed ok together, and the trip back went just fine. I know it takes some time to adjust to a new enviornment.

08-09-2007, 02:58 PM
Ohhh, congratulations!! I hope everything works out. The first few months are always the hardest ;)

08-10-2007, 11:35 AM
How are things today Pat??

08-10-2007, 12:13 PM
Things have calmed down a little. We're gonna see how it goes for a bit before making a decision. Jack seems happy as a lark. I think this boy's taken a shine to me. Star's still avoiding any contact, which has me concerned... we're doing this for her, I want her to be comforable with whomever ends up here. Maybe a few more peaceful days and she'll let her guard down a little. He really is sweet, just ENTHUSIASTIC about EVERYTHING.

08-10-2007, 12:16 PM
still keeping my fingers crossed that it will work out - but at her age - are you sure she wants this? Did you get Nancy's input?
I just wonder if she'd rather be the only princess with no other court jesters to take away her affection?? Kind of Like Keegan (:rolleyes: ;))

08-10-2007, 12:41 PM
Huskies really do better with more than one dog. She's an alpha without a pack at the moment. Having us humans around is ok, but not the same. Plus, when we're out of the house, she won't be alone. 10 is not that old for a husky, her health is good. And I did speak to Nancy about Jack as a possible companion for Star. :)

08-10-2007, 12:55 PM
Huskies really do better with more than one dog. She's an alpha without a pack at the moment. Having us humans around is ok, but not the same. Plus, when we're out of the house, she won't be alone. 10 is not that old for a husky, her health is good. And I did speak to Nancy about Jack as a possible companion for Star. :)
good health?
I think she's in PERFECT health for a 10 year old!! :D

08-10-2007, 12:57 PM
Huskies really do better with more than one dog. She's an alpha without a pack at the moment. Having us humans around is ok, but not the same.

Alpha without a pack, that's kinda sad. :( Jack is a beautiful boy, but if
Star doesn't warm up to him , then she doesn't. Jack might be a little too
young & hyper for her. Maybe if he was a few years older & a little more
mellow it would suit Star better. All the best of luck finding just the right

08-10-2007, 03:24 PM
Wishing you luck Pat!

Please pass out Husky hugs from me to Star and Jack! (you and JoJo too! :D )

08-10-2007, 03:54 PM
Woooo, Star ... Elyse here and I am having a thought ... you are the alpha and you're a girl ... so that gives you two reasons to be in charge :) Jack is sort of a kid, plus he's a boy and you know how they can be sometimes. I hope your weekend will be peaceful, as your hu-mom already wrote. So here are some BIG HUGS [[[hugs]]] I am sending for you and Jack.

08-11-2007, 08:35 AM
Kia is 9 and Chipper is 2. Kia tolerates Chipper but they haven't bonded at a level that I've seen other pairs of dogs at. Mostly Kia ignores Chipper, sleeps a lot, and keeps to herself. There are boughts of play here and there though but it's mostly just chasing and wrestling. No tug of war with toys or anything like that.

I know I've said that I got Chips as a companion for Kia, but honestly, we got Chips because we fell in love with him. Kia probably would of been just as happy as a solo dog.

All things considered, I hope things work out with you and Jack.

08-12-2007, 07:52 AM
Aw, thanks, Kim. Star is till pretty much avoiding him. If I wanted a dog for myself, he's be perfect - he has a great personality, and follows me everywhere. He's funny. Woke me up by jumping up & hugging my head & sticking his nose in my face to give me a couple kisses. :p They have been doing better, it's been a week today. Took them both on a nice long walk, then an additional longer walk for Jack.

08-12-2007, 08:00 AM
I know it takes some time to adjust to a new enviornment.
Having a routine helps them too. I found this with these 2 foster dogs. It's been almost 2 weeks and we are all just now settling in with each other. Granted, they have to overcome a few issues and Jack doesn't as he came from a great place. On the other hand, at 2 years, this may be the first time he has relocated to a new situation.

Star could also still be a bit bewildered about Sherman's leaving. We can't explain things to them. They have to have their own time to adapt to change.

Any way, I am glad you are giving it time and chance to work! Wishing you all the best!

08-12-2007, 08:33 AM
Pat I'm glad to hear they are at least "getting along".

The way you talk about Star reminds me much of Angus after Keisha died.
He was so lonely and seemed bewildered, even after we got Roxey he still moped and longed for his girl. It took a long time before he really warmed up to Roxey.

Have you made a final decision on if he's coming back to Ohio or not?

08-12-2007, 09:22 AM
Having a routine helps them too.
oh yeah, he's got one of those! :rolleyes: He thinks we should all get up every day at 6:15 (including weekends), dash around the house a few times, race up & down the stairs, & then have breakfast!

Have you made a final decision on if he's coming back to Ohio or not?No, not yet. We're still waiting to see if he continues to behave himself around her or not. We think the issues the first few days were him being unsure about what's going on.

08-12-2007, 09:23 AM
Pat, I'm glad to hear that things are getting better!
I love how Jack woke you up! LOL! That's great!
I hope it works out, he sounds like a WONDERFUL pup!

08-13-2007, 04:59 PM
Wooooooos, Star and Jack ... uhmmm, Jack, 6:15 AM is a little early ... your hu-mom was hoping for a peaceful weekend and that might have been a little too early. But you're young and you have loads of energy. Here are some more big hugs for both of you ... [[[[[BIG HUGS]]]] along with a wish that every day will go better and better! Thinking of you --- Elyse