View Full Version : A few random pics of my girls

Miss Z
08-07-2007, 02:03 PM
It's been a while since I last posted pics of the gerbils, so I thought I should take a few more, even though I only have a couple and the quality is bad, my camera really doesn't like the lighting in my brother's room! I thought I'd throw in a few Tia pics as well. For those who haven't read about Tia's health issues, please see here. (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=130102)

Firstly, here's Twilight, the most camera-shy gerbil. Trying to get a decent pic of her is like open a door with the worng key. :p


Nightshade next. She gets a little white spot of fur on her nose every now and again, but it only lasts a week before turning black again. I've no idea why!


Ebony (foreground) and Nightshade.


Ebony, I just love her cheeky poses and expressions.


And here's Tia!


What more does a girl need than shoes and a best friend? ;)


I often put little treats around my room for her to find whilst she wanders around.


Two more in next post.

Miss Z
08-07-2007, 02:06 PM
Just pics of her tucking into her treat, lol.



So that's all, sorry they aren't too exciting, I've just been preoccupied with looking after Tia and photo opportunities have been pushed to the back of my mind. Hope you enjoy them, anyway. :)

08-07-2007, 06:31 PM
It's great to see your girls again!! I love the pics of Tia, she's gorgeous.

08-07-2007, 09:23 PM
All your girls are beautys but I just love Tia. You can see she was a born model.Tia Maria is an adorable model. :D

08-09-2007, 09:36 AM
Awwwww they are sooooooooooo cute! :D

My Peanuts
08-09-2007, 10:28 AM
Your girls are so cute and Tia is beautiful as always. :)

08-09-2007, 11:30 AM
I'm amazed you manage to get ANY pictures of Ebony and Nightshade...I find it hard enough trying to get pictures of my hamster let alone 2 gerbils!!

As usual Tia looks gorgeous. I love the photo of her eating her treat and looking straight at you...priceless! As Zippy says, Tia is a natural born model!

Really pleased to hear that Tia has improved somewhat. My thoughts are still with you though. xx

Miss Z
08-09-2007, 12:51 PM
Thanks a lot everyone! Heh heh, believe me Babyboonie, you need the patience of a saint to get a half-decent pic of a gerbil! :p

And thanks for all the well wishes for Tia too, it's so kind of you all to do so.