View Full Version : Who tend to grow a longer body, females or males?

08-07-2007, 08:05 AM
I wonder... do female cats or male cats tend to grow a longer body? I've noticed that the two kittens outside are different sizes now. It's a strange, because the one who was smaller a month ago, now has the longest body, but seems to eat less.

One evening I went down to give them some dry food, and then watched them from the window. The shorter one is very quick getting the food, while the other (longer) kind of wanders around and get the food the shorter one didn't find.

We can get within a meter of them now. They seem healthy and are so sweet! :) :)

Laura's Babies
08-07-2007, 08:33 AM
I am not sure but I think it would have a lot to do with genetics and how well cared for they were as babies. I have seen females as large and males and small males as small as some females.

08-07-2007, 08:43 AM
I agree, I have seen both females being longer or bigger than males, and males longer than females, from the same litter.
They are probably very cute :)

08-07-2007, 09:45 AM
I'd say it probably has to do with a cat's ancestry more than anything else. Like with my two: I'm not certain of Howard's parentage, as he's a rescue cat, but he was bigger than normal at 12 weeks...and he's still a big cat now. Not fat. Just big all over. Luna, whose grandmother was a purebred Siamese that mated with a barn cat at the farm where I got her, is a smallish kitty (like her mom) and is long and slim all over. And one of my buddies used to have a cat (a male orange) who has the longest, skinnest tail of any cat I'd ever seen. And my parent's cat (a female orange) that is short and round. So I think it just depends.

08-07-2007, 10:14 AM
The two kittens are from the same litter, so I would have thought they'd be aprox. the same size, but one could have the mom's DNA and the other the dad's. To begin with, I couldn't tell one from the other.

08-07-2007, 10:38 AM
I Think Males Tend To Be Bigger But Bo Bo Is As Big If Not Bigger Than The Male Found Cats So Thats Not Always True. Miquelitos Heavier Than Pouncierge But Shes A Tad Longer. Precious Is Tiny But Thas Her Breed Size. I Have Never Had A Small Male Cat I Guess Shemp Would Be The Smallest At His Maturity He Was 9 Pounds.

Killearn Kitties
08-07-2007, 10:45 AM
We used to think Sam was a male in the time they were living in the garden before we managed to take them to the vet for their little operation. We thought she was male for two reasons: one, because she was quite a bit bigger than Daisy when she was young, and two, because she was always trying to wind Daisy up!

08-07-2007, 11:01 AM
The kittens may have different fathers and this may also be the reason that their body types are different. My Pearl is much longer and thinner than Starr. She's very energetic and doesn't eat very much either. Starr has gained a lot of weight due to the pred he's on so his real body type is much slimmer. Ziggy has become a very large girl so some people may think that she's a male. I wouldn't worry too much about the kittens. Just like people animals come in all body types.:)

08-07-2007, 11:11 AM
Well all my males (all from different litters) are all longer than my females. Even Gracie and Gabriel who are both from the same litter, although maybe different fathers....Gabe is still far longer than his sister.

08-07-2007, 12:20 PM
;) I totally agree also..
I am not sure but I think it would have a lot to do with genetics and how well cared for they were as babies. I have seen females as large and males and small males as small as some females.