View Full Version : Oh no!! It's back.......

08-05-2007, 10:40 PM
yes, the ringworm is back, but now it is on Lucky :( WHERE did this come from???!!! :mad:

The house has been cleaned with more bleach than a hospital, Taz's room is spotless, and as we were discussing his upcoming release from quarantine, I'm sitting on the couch with Lucky, petting him then suddenly realize that I feel something that I shouldn't.......we take him into the kitchen (with better light)and there it was, on his right ankle, a 2" patch that he licked away with a huge red ringworm mark!! ahhhhh! :eek: Now what??!! How the **** did he get this?! Instantly we check Yoshi and as of today, no ringworm, but we are crossing our fingers. Someone ( ;) ) has taught Yoshi to sleep on her pillow at night, and he thinks it is HIS bed......just what I need, another bout of ringworm!

So, tomorrow....back to the vet's.....I swear, we spend more money there than any place else, lately! :rolleyes:

Stay tuned...........

K & L
08-05-2007, 11:04 PM
Oh no Bunny! No fun at all!! Do you think Lucky got it off of you or Tim? Wasn't he the one swating underneath the door? Maybe that way. I'm sure the spores are airborne? Have you tried giving them all Program that all the others have tried? Seems that worked for Tracy if I recall correctly.

I taking a much needed break from company this evening and read this. Good luck to you!

08-05-2007, 11:15 PM
Believe it or not, my vet didn't like the 'Program' pill........maybe it is because I could purchase it off the internet cheaper than she could sell it to me? Who knows, but I just ordered some......this has gone on WAY too long for us. We have to get something done or we are going to have this forever! :rolleyes:

We have no idea how Lucky got it. Yes, he & Taz do play underneath the door, but you would think he would get it on his front paws, not his back.....who knows. Yes, it is also very possible that we did bring it out of his room, but once again the vet told us that Lucky (age 10) and Yoshi (7 years) were old enough to NOT get it......WRONG!!!!!

Any way, the Program pills are ordered!

08-06-2007, 12:28 AM
Bunny, I'm so sorry to hear that now Lucky has it too.:( I was just lucky that no one other than Starr got it in my household. I used the special shampoo on all of my cats and then started them on the program pills. My vet at the time didn't sell them so I also bought them online.

Also when Starr had his outbreak his foster mom took him back and treated him because she had many others that had ringworm too. This may have helped my other cats to not get infected. When Starr finally returned I found something that looked like ringworm on his ear so I started treating him again. I also ordered some ringworm treatment online and continued to give everyone the program pills. I sure hope that no one else will get this and that it will finally be a thing of the past. Good luck.:)

08-06-2007, 07:07 AM
hi Bunny - my vet did not "like" the idea of Program either. It turns out that his vet school at the Ohio State University, is where I actually found positive references to using this medication as a promising flea treatment. Anyway, that is what finally got rid of ringworm here. I quit the scrubbing, bathing and $100 prescription. I still was a bit of a clean freak and handwasher - but I believe it was the Program that took care of the ringworm. I gave Emily two largest dog tablets (one initially and a repeat the next month) I gave one dose to the remaining kitties as prevention. My cats gobbled up the tablets like a treat, too :) I bet this does the trick, Bunny. Good luck!

Laura's Babies
08-06-2007, 08:26 AM
ARG! I bet that is fustrating after all that work. Lets hope the Program does the trick and clears it up.

08-06-2007, 09:00 AM
Oh NO! I'm sorry, Bunny, but it sounds like the Program is worth a try! Sirrahbed seems to have had great results with it!


08-06-2007, 10:37 AM
Sirrahbed posted some great links, including from PTrs that have battled this in the past, in Cat Health:


08-06-2007, 12:44 PM

Can you please give me the web site where you bought your Program pill from?

How did you know how much to give to each cat, and most importantly, can Taz come out of quarentine now??????

Poor baby hasn't seen the rest of the house since he has been here! He wants O-U-T !!! -and so do I!

Thanks again for all the help on this subject!

08-06-2007, 02:07 PM
Thats terrible and we are praying that you can get rid of those pests once and for all!!!!!!!!!

08-06-2007, 07:11 PM
Since I never had to go through ringworm and pray I never do, I don't have any advice, I'm glad that others have been able to help you out.

I just wanted to say that my heart breaks for you for what you and others have had to go through and pray that it will all be over for you very soon.


08-06-2007, 11:23 PM
Bunny, here's the doseage that I used and this was given to me by Starr's foster mom from her vet.

The vet gave me two different size pills. The small one is 90 mg. and the large one is 409.8 mg. The dosages they gave me were based on the weights I provided and are as follows:

17 lbs. 2 large
14 lbs. 1 1/2 large
12 lbs. 1 1/2 large
8 lbs. 1 large
3 lbs. 1/2 large
1 lb. 1/2 small

I'm supposed to give the pills with a full meal and repeat this dosage in 2 weeks. Everyone gets the same dosage except for the 1 lb. kittens who will get 1 whole small pill at that time.

I used this website to buy mine online and you need to buy the dog program pills because the cat's come in a liquid suspension. Here's the link: entirely pets program pills (http://www.entirelypets.com/progfleconfo.html). I hope that this will help you. Good luck.:)

08-07-2007, 12:00 AM
fingers crossed this is it for you!

08-07-2007, 11:49 AM

Can you please give me the web site where you bought your Program pill from?

How did you know how much to give to each cat, and most importantly, can Taz come out of quarentine now??????

Poor baby hasn't seen the rest of the house since he has been here! He wants O-U-T !!! -and so do I!

Thanks again for all the help on this subject!

hi Bunny, I got my Program from CalVet Supply (https://www.calvetsupply.com/index.asp?PageAction=PRODSEARCH&txtSearch=lufenuron&Page=1) and got the 409mg large dog dose. It came in a box with six tabs for $37 plus shipping. I broke the pills in half and fed them like treats. Everyone got one dose ( the two halves) and then Emily got another dose 3-4 weeks later. Only time will tell if this really is an effective treatment but it sure seemed to work well for us. I would do it again immediately if I ever saw that ringworm return.

Oddly enough - I went back through the links I had saved to a folder and several of them had been taken down. I can't find the study article that was written by someone from OSU :confused: I had PM'd to Bunny that I am wondering if that might have something to do with the interest the pharmaceutical company might have? Who knows? I only see that some good info links are no longer there and one that IS there has added a red warning that says they can't recommend the Program because not enough studies have been done. It is still written about at a couple cattery and/or showcat sites though - saying they have had great results.
edit: I will list the working links from my folder...

08-07-2007, 06:48 PM
OMG Deb!! :eek:

Did you give me enough reading or what?! Thank you!! You don't know how much I appreciate all of this information....we were talking to the vet, and laughing, she knew I had been well informed before we went in and she was quizzing me on what sites I had been looking at. I brought her in the list that you gave me, and sure enough - she also had looked at those sights.

Any way she put Lucky on Itraconazole, pills. Whereas Taz is on the same thing but it is a cream we put in his ears.

If you look on the Showcatsonline.com the Itraconazole is the next step after the program pill. So they are both on the stronger meds....we will see what will happen.

Now for some good news: Taz is no longer in quarentine :D Yippee!!!! Only now his brothers have to put up with this crazy little kitty that keeps on attacking them, jumping up on them and all around just being a little pain in the butt!

He just zooms around the house until he pants! :eek: Then we know it is time for a time-out.....which really means back to the room so we can all have some peace & quiet! :rolleyes:

I am quite surprised, Lucky is really taken a likeing to Taz, they actually play together, and once Taz settles down they may even sleep together.

Yoshi on the other hand, is growling & hissing at him :( I'm pretty sure it is because he moves 100 miles a minute and Yoshi just doesn't like anything fast......like little kids who move 100 miles a minute ;)

Once Taz realizes that when he is allowed out, he doesn't have to run around like a maniac, if he learns to settle down I know Yoshi will take to him.

Both Lucky & Yoshi are around him when he is out, so that is good. I know it will take some time but it is working out!

Thanks again Deb for all your help! And everyone else who helped me to understand the Program pill.....which BTW I am still thinking of buying and giving it to them anyway!!!

Pictures to come.................. :D

08-07-2007, 09:36 PM
Just remember... Ringworm is an AIR BORNE SPORE. It doesn't always come down to bleaching things. It can spread through the air stream in the house.

Maybe one of those heavy duty air purifiers would help?? We got an industrial strength one at the shelter. It was over $400.00 but then again, it was for the shelter with 50+ cats.

08-07-2007, 10:51 PM
Bubba our small dog got ringworm as a puppy, luckily none of the other animals got it but I researched and the spores can stay alive for a year :eek: