View Full Version : Chicken Little needs some encouragement!

08-04-2007, 06:09 AM
New to the site and have been searching for some information, words of encouragment for a worried doggie mom.

Had dogs of all kinds all my life. Now have two dachshunds; Gunther is 2 and Buddy will be 2 soon. These were rescues and both came to me under 1 year of age.

Throughout my single life, I've had family members, neighbors, friends, or a job that was close and I would come home during the day to let my furry friends out.

Circumstances have now changed and for the first time, I will have to leave these boys alone for long periods of time. I am an ER nurse and work a minimum of three 12+ hour shifts per week. Sometimes those are spread out over 2 wks (3 shifts per wk) other times they are condensed (4 one week and 2 the next)

At this time I am working on affording a pet sitter, but until then, I'd like some support/information/alternatives to help a very anxious, worried, doggie mom.

They were not crate trained and are secluded to one average sized room with a radio, blankets (they chew up dog beds) and food, water.

Thanks for your help!

08-04-2007, 06:36 PM
Hmm, how have they been doing so far? They'll probably sleep a lot while you are gone. Any neighbor kids that could come and walk them mid-shift for a dollar or so? And I hope they have plenty of toys with them, right? A frozen Kong filled with peanut butter is a good occupier of time ...

08-04-2007, 07:47 PM
The longest they have gone w/out being let out is 5 -6 hrs and had a few accidents (which I can live with) The neighbor that was helping has moved and she was the only one I really trusted. I've got kong's for them but I've never thought of putting pnut butter inside or freezing it. I'll certainly give it a try! They'll wear themselves out licking it. Guess I am the one that has the problem with it...putting humanistic thoughts into their wee lil' heads...Ceasar would get me for that huh?

Thanks for the suggestions! :)

08-04-2007, 08:15 PM
You're welcome! Hope they enjoy! ;) They also make roly-cubes that you put kibble inside and as they play with it kibble falls out - that might occupy some time as well! Is there a church or synagogue or school in the neighborhood that might be able to reccomend someone trustworthy? Just a thought ...

08-05-2007, 07:41 AM
Hi, i think it also might help to walk them extensively before you have to leave them alone. They are both pretty young and probably full of energy, so i think they will enjoy walking, running, playing outside for a longer period and then they can enjoy their rest at home as well.
But it depends on your opportunities of course.
Just a suggestion, hope it helps!
All the best from Vienna,

08-05-2007, 07:10 PM
Wondering if it would help to set out some wee wee pads. I've never used them, but they are for this type situation.