View Full Version : Bye Tehya

08-02-2007, 12:41 AM
I work at a doggy daycare. One of my favorite dogs is named Tehya and she's supposedly a "native american indian dog"....I think she's half coyote. She has a reputation as a real behavior problem dog. I have felt a real strong connection with her since my first day (only a couple months ago) and I look forward to wednesday's and fridays because I get to see her and arrow (her brother). She has always responded to my commands and only on a handful of occassions have I had to break up fights between her and other dogs.

Today while under my supervision she attacked Darby (a pit bull) and I broke it up. I grabbed her hind legs and pulled her towards me. She always goes into a top crate so I picked her up. I was walking her towards the crate when she bit my arm. It didn't break the skin but I have a bruise forming about 2 inches in diameter. I also have teeth marks on my bicep which I don't remember being inflicted. I wrote on the board that Tehya had bit me and she needed to be rotated with Darby so they both weren't on the floor at the same time.

While I was in a different room (Ruff City...home of the big dogs), Tehya attacked Darby and was trying to inflict serious harm. I overheard my co-workers talking about it but I was unaware how serious it was.

Teyha has been asked to leave the daycare and i won't be able to see her anymore. At the end of my shift my boss told me and I was really upset. Everyone at work knows how much I like Teyha and Arrow and I feel like I've lost a friend. I went and said good bye to her but it seemed so unreal. I'll never see her again. This morning when I greeted her I had no idea it would be our last day together. I'm heartbroken. I'm honestly grieving over this. :(

08-02-2007, 01:36 AM

You have to realize that they're looking out for the rest of their clients.

Maybe you could contact Tehya and Arrow's owners and ask if you could come see them now and then.

Ginger's Mom
08-02-2007, 05:51 AM
Yeah, I am sure you can understand the reason she was asked to leave. And I was going to suggest the same as crow_noir maybe you can set up some sort of meet with her through her owners. They may even benefit from some additional eyes in watching her at play and/or training ideas so that she will become a dog that may one day be welcome at another day care.

08-02-2007, 03:40 PM
I'm so sorry that happened to you, I agree with Crow about contacting her owner and seeing if you can visit!

08-02-2007, 07:02 PM
Maybe you could contact Tehya and Arrow's owners and ask if you could come see them now and then.I was going to suggest the same thing. I bet they would let you dog sit from time-to-time. Especially if they know how much you love those puppers.