View Full Version : Microchips

08-01-2007, 07:22 PM
I am sooooo ticked right now. I was all happy when hubby got home and showed me the package that arrived. It was our microchips for our puppies. We got them from CLRC(Canadian Livestock Records Corporation) on the recomendation from my vet. Now I love my vet dearly, she is great and I don't blame her in the least. They use AVID microchips. I checked out the website and all seemed well.

So anyway we ordered the chips. They came in today. As I am going through the paperwork with them a letter falls out. On it it states that the CKC does not accept the AVID chip so if we plan to register the pups with the CKC(which is exactly what we were doing) then we can't use these. WHAT????

Why didn't they say that on their website? Even on the CKC website they mention the Canadachip but don't mention that they don't accept others. They do say which one they are selling but no mention at all that they don't accept other types of chips. The letter says this has been in affect with the CKC since August 1st of 2005. OK so why then when I registered Sheena they accepted her chip? Hers is a HomeAgian chip. They had no problem accepting hers. Here is exactly what it says:


As of August 1, 2005 the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) has commited to the sole use of the ISO microchips approved by the NCAC. The enclosed microchips are not approved for use by the CKC and therefore should not be implanted in pets owners/breeders intending to register their pets with the CKC. The American Kennel Club (AKC) in teh United States continues to accept FECAVA microchips.

So why didn't they say that on their website? Or why doesn't the CKC website say that? GRRRR. No it is not the money that is troubling me. Though we might be out $132 if this turns out to be true. It is the fact that neither website says they are not or do not accept this chip. I have no problem ordering the proper chip, if agian this turns out to be true. I am just hoping they get here in time. I am just ticked that neither of them mention this fact and the microchip company doesn't till you have already bought and paid for the item and have it at home.

We phoned the chip company where we bought them and they will call me back tomorrow to let me know what I can do since I might not be able to use them. Hopefully if I can't use them I can send them back.

I also emailed the CKC to find out if it is indeed true and if it is where I can buy their chip and could they please put on their Canadachip page a list of microchips they do not accept.

Sorry for the rant. I just am a little annoyed at this.
Nicole & Sheena & Puppies

08-01-2007, 08:11 PM
I would be ticked, too. Especially since i shelled out, what was it, $172 for some chips that dont work with the CKC. They should have mentioned that they don't accept some chips on their website.:mad: I hope that you can send them back and get the right kind.:)

08-02-2007, 02:19 PM
They should have definitly put this on their website. Would that be sort of like false advertisement? I would be ticked.

08-02-2007, 02:22 PM
Wait a minute, let's not jump on the CKC. Everyone who belongs to the CKC received a letter sometimes in 2005 giving full details of how to order your chips from them, etc. They will even supply you with the punch thing. It's the same as when we used to tattoo our dogs, they would give us the numbers for our litters. Every breeder knows about this, it's been out for 2 yrs. no reason to not know. If you are a member paid up in full, then you received a letter, find it and read it again. I have friends devoting themselves to the CKC and they do a tremendous job trying to simplify things for breeders. Plus they are always just a phone call away during working hours. This is the very first time since the letter came out that I hear someone complaining about such a simple thing.
You can't blame the CKC if you are out some money, it just really is not their fault if you didn't read the letter.
Please don't give our hard working members and club a bad name, they work hard and don't deserve to be put down this way.

08-02-2007, 02:48 PM
What if they were new breeders to the CKC? If it doesn't say so on the website then how would new breeders know? You also fail to take into account there is a possiblity they never received a letter. Things DO get lost in the mail from time to time. Also, if the CKC accpeted Sheena's chip, and it was not the "proper" one, then why would they stop to think or wonder about any other brands.

I would be upset too. The CKC ought to have this information available on the website, not just a letter sent out 2 years ago as reference.

She did not disparage the CKC, she simply stated that the information should have been on the site, which it should; however, it seemed she was more aggravated with the company she bought the chip from, and well she should be. She was just venting her frustration with the situation, which is perfectly fine.

08-02-2007, 06:31 PM
They accepted Sheena's chip because I assume she was registered before the year/05, she is over 3 yrs of age. When you belong to CKC you always talk about things at meetings and dog stuff, so it would have been mentioned. I've been to many dog shows in /05 and everyone talked about it. I attend all our club meetings and it was mentioned there for many meetings, clubs just do that. Since no one else had trouble with this before I guess CKC thought it wasn't necessary to add it to their site or maybe forgot to, thinking they had. You have no idea of the workload they carry, it's an easy thing to overlook. I don't check their site that often, maybe it is there.
I just didn't like the tone of the post is all, makes our CKC look irresponsible. No one ever talks about the hard work they do.
Didn't understand why she would go to another company unless she thought she could save money, they are cheaper than CKC but I would only deal with CKC if I had a litter.She must have spoken to other club members who would have mentioned it. We're a big family and we all look out for everyone's interests. In any case, was just defending our club .