View Full Version : Daisy is back at the vet and Josh isn't eating very wellUPDATE ON DAISY

08-01-2007, 04:02 PM
Daisy is back on fluids at the vet. Poor baby, I wish she felt like eating so she could keep her weight on. She doesn't act like anything is wrong when she is at home , she acts like her normal self. That makes it that much harder to see her having to go back and forth to the vet so much and losing weight.

Josh hasn't been eating very much for about a week and has lost about a pound in a month. I took him to the vet yesterday and she gave me some other food to try. He chowed down on it at the vet but not so much at home so I have to syringe feed him to see if we can get his weight back up. I feel so bad because he wants to eat so bad but then when I put the food down and he smells it he just doesn't eat.

08-01-2007, 04:17 PM
:( I am so sorry for your babies being sick.. I wish they were feeling better.. Bigg Huggss Prayers for your wittle ones & hope they get well soon..

08-01-2007, 05:32 PM
Thats frustrating trying to get a Cat to eat as Precious is losing a bit of weight as well. She has to be fed on her own when the other Found Cats are not around. The only trouble is when theres something good everybodys there.
We are praying hard for Daisy and Josh.

Laura's Babies
08-01-2007, 06:16 PM
What in the world is stopping them from eating? I hope they get back to eating as soon as possiable.

08-01-2007, 06:41 PM
That was going to be my question: why aren't they eating? Here's praying that they'll eat now!

08-01-2007, 06:47 PM
That was going to be my question: why aren't they eating? Here's praying that they'll eat now!

Thats my question too. I am sending prayers that your kitties get well and start eating again.:)

08-01-2007, 07:56 PM
Daisy is in kidney failure and also has been diagnosed with pancreatits along with her other medical issues. Josh is 15 years old, diabetic and has an enlarged heart.

08-01-2007, 07:58 PM
Oh boy, well, I can certainly understand why you're concerned. Here's hoping that they both eat and soon!

08-01-2007, 09:06 PM
Oh no...poor babies....poor YOU!!! :(

(((((((Hugs for Melissa, Daisy & Josh)))))))

Lots of prayers and good thoughts for healing and hungery tummies.

Kelly & Furbabies


08-01-2007, 09:20 PM
Lots of good thoughts going out to you and your crew. :(

08-02-2007, 12:40 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this.:( They'll both remain in my thoughts and prayers.

08-02-2007, 07:17 PM
Jim just came home from the vet with Daisy. She has been getting fluids and coming home for short visits. Jim says she has two days to start eating on her own because she can't keep just getting fluids. It is impossible to force feed her, they couldn't even do it at the vet. So if she doesn't start eating a significant amount I am afraid she will be put to sleep. I am so uspet. Josh is having to be force fed because he isn't eating enough on his own. I can't stand the thought of it. The hardest part of it is she doesn't act sick, she is acting like he old self. I have to go and spend some time with her.

08-02-2007, 08:32 PM
Oh no! I'm so sorry. Our furkids sure have been sick lately. Prayers continuously going out for Daisy and Josh.....

08-04-2007, 04:06 PM
Here is the video I took of Daisy the other day when Jim told me the bad news. So I apologize for the sniffleing in the clip.

08-04-2007, 04:18 PM
How is Ms. Daisy??? Is she eatiing? Poor girl, she looked so skinny. :( Too many sick pets at PT lately.

08-04-2007, 04:29 PM
Thanks for asking Jen. She is eating small amounts but I am not sure if it is enough. There are certain issues here with Daisy being owned by Jim that I have no control over. Jim doesn't believe in force feeding so that isn't going to happen. Even if he did Daisy is not a cat who you can force feed or give meds tooetc. They couldn't even syringe feed her at the vets. When she gets meds it has to be transdermal. She never has liked to be held although she is very affectionate. She will fight you if you try to hold her. Jim and I have very different opinions on when to put them to sleep. So it has been very very touchy for me. I know she ate some yesterday( I don't know how much or if it was enough to keep her from getting pout down). I am hoping so. I am very upset over this and it doesn't help that I don't have any say so in it either. I feel I could get her to eat better but Jim is so stubborn he has to do things his way.

08-04-2007, 05:45 PM
Would it be ok to ask Daisy's vet for his/her opinion, and have the vet tell that to Jim?

08-04-2007, 11:00 PM
Sounds like Jim is the typical "I know what's best" male, lol. My dad is the same way. His RB Tiny had to be forced his heart medication, but my dad thought it made him more upset and made the heart worse because of being upset, so he didn't ever want to give him the meds. My dad is a big softy and hates to upset the kitties, and Tiny would fight him so bad he'd end up having almost a panic attack, which I'm sure wasn't good for his heart. It was a Catch 22.. darned if you do, darned if you don't.

I hope Daisy will start to eat more on her own. Could you maybe trade a not so special needs cat with Jim so that you could focus on Daisy while he focused on a cat that didn't need something like that?? I'm so sorry you're in this position. Big {{{{HUGS}}}}

08-05-2007, 03:11 PM
Jen, trading would never happen. Jim is exactly how you described your dad. He loves them and can't stand the thought of them being hurt or upset or suffering. The other night I was here at Daisy's feeding time and I went in where she eats and picked out the tuna he had mixed with the g/d and put the tuna pieces on the floor and she ate quite a bit of it. I told him about that and he apparently tried it at the 12:00 feeding and she ate it that way. And then yesterday I did the dry food that way and she ate alot of it that way. Plus I asked him why doesn't he just give the tuna separate from the canned g/d and he said she needs to eat the g/d but after he let her eat that he did eventually try just the tuna and she ate more. So at least he is starting to take my suggestions even though it isn't soon enough for me. He should know that I have been through this so many times before and can help if he stops being so stubborn and listen to what I tell him. So hopefully she will continue to eat even though it is really not enough yet at this point. So keep the prayers coming.

08-05-2007, 04:44 PM
Oh gosh,Melissa. This has to be soooo annoyingly frustrating for you. ((((hugs)))

Has your vet tried the Hills A/D wet food yet? That's the food for cats & dogs and its supposed to get ANY animals to eat because its supposed to be so yummy and fabulous. It comes in little cat food cans. Maybe that can help?

That's the only thing I can think of. Oh wait...can her meds be givin transdermally, orally (like, compounded in a chicken or fish base to be added to her food - once she start eating or just squirted into her mouth like a super yummy treat) OR - injected?? Injections are so quick and you can be taught to do it so she wont even feel it! You can BOTH go to the vet and the tech or the vet can teach one or both of you to do it and the vet/tech can make sure Jim understands this technique doesn't upset Daisy and doesn't hurt her and it'll also get her her meds.

Also, actually, here's another idea. There is also another injectable medication vets have that can bring on hunger. I don't remember what its called, I'm sorry, but my vet was going to try it with Jonah when he didn't want to eat a while back. Its supposed to stimulate appetites. I know she has health concerns, so maybe that's why your vet hasn't brought it up, but maybe a lose dose of the medication? The poor girl needs to eat something.

I'll keep you all in my prayers.

Hugs, Kelly :)

08-05-2007, 08:08 PM
There are meds that can be compounded and rubbed on the ear. I don't know if this can be done with any of Daisy's, but it would be worth checking out.

HUGS! Glad to hear she is eating more. :)

08-06-2007, 06:40 PM
Prayers on the way for your precious Daisy that she continues to eat more and more each day.

{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} Melissa.