View Full Version : Purina One: Sensitive Systems

07-26-2007, 12:05 AM
I've noticed that Dixie's been vomiting lately, and after taking her to the vet there doesn't seem to be a health reason other than the vet saying "maybe it's her food". Her vomit is mostly clear but a little foamy...mostly clear to yellowish bile. That says "sensitive tummy" to me.

Anyway, I got a free sample of Iams Digestive Care and she's really liking it, and more impotantly, she's not vomiting!
I work here at the desk most of the day and she's right her next to me on the barrel scratcher so I've been feeding her small piles right here so the boys can't get to it. She eats several piles a day.

Still, I'm wanting to research and not just go with the first thing that seems to help so I've been thinking about Sensitive Systems...has anybody else tried it? I know that they recommend feeding like I have been...all day in bits and that's not even an issue since that's what I'm doing now anyway. But...does this stuff work?


07-26-2007, 12:10 AM
Purina, as far as I know, is a lower grade food.

The bit more you spend on a good one will be balanced out by fewer vet visits.


Kirbys Mom
07-26-2007, 12:23 AM
no of fan of iams cause i found out they beat there test dogs to death and i dont like the products they use in iams. but any way i live my pedigree and science diet.

My parents are big fans of Califonia Natural which is rice and herion, my collie has a skin condition. but anyway

i use pedigree dry and science diet dry and pedigree wet cans and pouches. my breeder uses them and my dogs love them with no problems or the runs.

07-26-2007, 12:54 AM
no of fan of iams cause i found out they beat there test dogs to death and i font like the products they use in iams. but any way i live my pedigree and science diet.

My parents are big fans of Califonia Natural which is rice and herion, my collie has a skin condition. but anyway

i use pedigree dry and science diet dry and pedigree wet cats and pouches. my breeder uses them and my dogs love them with no problems or the runs.

I heard about that also...the free sample was from the vet so I could see if it would help since it's for senstive kitties. I would be alot happier if I didn't have to get it for her, but then again, I have to get what works for her.

Maybe you didn't see it the last time I had a food conversation but I don't feed my cats the expensive stuff. I feed what they like and I've tried the higher end brands but it was a no go. On any given day, they'll be munching on Meow Mix and 9-Lives because that's what they'll eat...it's not because that's all is offered either, as was suggested in the last conversation. Until this, it's a very rare day that any of my three are sick. Not only that, but vomiting is the only sign of Dixie having a problem...she still has normal stools and plays and sleeps regularly. Their vet said "Don't fix what ain't broke"... ;)
I do not consider Purina One a "lower end brand". I think Purina has come a long way in just the last 5 years and like I've said, I've been researching it and I'm impressed with the things they've done to help better nutrition.

07-26-2007, 01:13 AM
Maybe you could email Purina and ask them for a sample of this formula? Some pet stores carry samples, but if not, I'm sure they would be glad to send you a couple. You can fill this (http://www.purina.ca/products/purinaone/default_ep.asp) out to get a coupon for a free 1.8 kg bag of Purina One. I signed up for it after I saw it on a freebie site and recieved my coupon for a free bag! I am pretty sure you can select any formula with the coupon.

07-26-2007, 01:16 AM
That's great! I'll do that...
Thank you so much!!

Oops, not for my area. Thank you anyway. I'll have another look at their site and see if I can find one.

07-26-2007, 01:18 AM
I've been feeding my guys Nutro lately but Ripley has had frequent runny poo on the Senior version so when I asked my vet she recommended I switch him to Pro Plan Sensitive Stomach. He's been on it for a month now and doing great. On that note I want to say that my vet told me after the tainted pet food and recall mess she said that Purina is one of the few foods she trusts and recommends now - all their products. She said Pro Plan is the best but there is nothing wrong with the rest of their line of pet foods.

I had another vet in that office say that people are too often judging pet food by cost - the more expensive it is the better they think it must be. He says that isn't always true.

I also wanted to add that Ripley is over 15 years old and he ate nothing but Cat Chow for the first 11 years of it and the next couple he ate Purina One Urinary Tract Care. I'd say it can't be too terrible if he's made it this far.

07-26-2007, 01:42 AM
Thank you for that jazzcat. I'll keep looking into it then...

Dixie's vet is a lady I know outside of her vet life and she's the one that my wheels turning about Purina. I know for a down and out fact that she feeds it to her cats as I've seen her daughter pour it in the bowl. She mentioned it at the visit but she didn't have any samples of it. It was my mind set to research it and to see if there were other possibilities.

I think that too much is taken into the cost of certain things as well. Meow Mix, 9-Lives and Kit-n-Kaboodle (which they will enhale at mindnumbing speeds so I can't get it for them) all stayed off the list as well. It broke my heart to think that many people have thought that expensive is they way to go and then they have to fight for their cats (or dogs) life because they've been told it's the best.

07-26-2007, 01:56 AM
Maybe you could email Purina and ask them for a sample of this formula? Some pet stores carry samples, but if not, I'm sure they would be glad to send you a couple. You can fill this (http://www.purina.ca/products/purinaone/default_ep.asp) out to get a coupon for a free 1.8 kg bag of Purina One. I signed up for it after I saw it on a freebie site and recieved my coupon for a free bag! I am pretty sure you can select any formula with the coupon.

I emailed them and requested a free sample or coupon. problem is, is that it'll take a while to get here so I'll probably end buying a small bag anyway. Thank you for the suggestion though.

07-26-2007, 09:39 AM
All 11 of my cats eat Purina 1. For a while, there was a lot of vomiting so I switched them from a really low grade food to the Sensitive type. I haven't had a problem with vomiting and their coats shine. They seem to do well on it. The first ingredient is turkey so it's easy on the tummy.

08-08-2007, 06:03 PM
Hmmm, I started my cats on Purina 15 years ago and I've never had a problem w/it. My old vet recommended it and I've stayed w/it. I use the indoor formula and any time I try a new brand, I have a mewtiny on my hands. I don't think it's a low grade cat food at all.

08-18-2007, 08:38 AM
Thought you all might be interested in this. Here's what my vet's office has to say, in part:

"For the past six months our doctors have been researching the different diets on the market. They have determined that the diets manufactured by Purina are superior as nutritional therapy. For this reason, we have decided to carry and recommend the full line of Purina Veterinary Diets. We think this will benefit your pet and you in several ways:

1. Studies show that most pets prefer the taste of the Purina diets. In addition to researching the palatability, we have tested the new foods on a number of patients with excellent results. As you know, even the best diet won't do any good if the pet won't eat it. We can assist you with recommendations to help your dog or cat make the transition to the new food.

2. It is our belief that the nutritional content and effectiveness of the diets is an improvement over Hill's Prescription Diets. Many of the diets are lower in fat and there are patented formulas, specifically designed for food allergies and feline diabetes, which have proven to have advantages in managing these challenging conditions.

3. With very few exceptions the Purina diets can cost less per pound.

For these reasons, we have begun dispensing this type of therapy. We are confident that this change represents better medical practice for your pet."

Please understand that I'm not trying to talk anyone into or out of anything. I just thought that you might find it interesting what my vet's office has to say on the subject. Interesting that this letter arrived shortly after this thread was started.

08-18-2007, 04:50 PM
Ah, I love it! I love when I actually do the research and it turns out on my side!

I've had Dixie on it for a few weeks now and she's loving it and there's been one "toss up" incident, that was fur related...nothing to do with food!

My boys are loving it as well and I'm waiting to hear back from their vets on whether they can have it regularly. It seems that they're eating less often and Toby's begun to loose some flab sack. There's been fewer stinky visit to the potty box too! Thankfully... :D

Thank you for sharing that! I'm glad I made the choice back then to try it.

08-18-2007, 07:02 PM
I also use Purina foods. I feel they are a pretty good company and have felt safe feeding it to them, even through the recall and all that. Righ now we are still doing kitten chow, which is getting pricey with the 3 of them. I may be soon switching to regular. Last time I had to buy off brand but it seemed ok. I bought the Walmart Special Kitty Kitten good. The ingrediants and nutrition were nearly identicle to the Purina kitten. So I think its ok for awhile.

08-22-2007, 06:24 PM
Does anyone feed their cats Fancy Feast? I'm just wondering how it compares to the more expensive brands.

08-23-2007, 08:12 AM
I buy Purina Fancy Feast crunchy and mix it w/Purina Indoor Formula and my fur posse gobbles it up! No vomiting, no nothin'! :p I don't give them canned food because they just can't keep it down; makes them sick every time. I worried about them getting enough moisture but they drink plenty of water from the fountain so if it ain't broke, I'm not about to try to fix it. Occasionally, I give them little bits of raw organic chicken and cooked chicken for sure because I can't eat it w/out sharing; they won't let me. ;) Anyhow, to answer your question, Purina Fancy Feast Gourmet Gold crunchy in the pouch is a big hit in this household.

08-23-2007, 10:02 AM
I've had our 6 on the Purina One Urinary Tract formula since Oatmeal last had plumbing issues last October. Not only do they like it but his plumbing has been just fine, thank goodness. No issues here! :)

08-23-2007, 12:33 PM
Thanks for the replies!

I finally found a canned food Magic will eat...Fancy Feast elegant medleys shredded tuna. She actually gobbled it up. I don't know how many expensive natural/organic wet foods I tried that she either didn't like or upset her tummy. I tried a much cheaper brand and she ate it right up! I'm hoping between this and the Innova dry food that it will strike a good balance for her.

09-17-2007, 11:37 PM
Thought I'd post a Dixie update.

We have her on Purina One Sensitive Systems and things looked better for a bit but then the vomiting resumed. I started to keep a record of the times she ate, drank and vomited. She's a big water drinker, sitting at the bowl for up to 5 minutes each time. She always gets a drink right after eating so...

To make a long story short, she's developed an allergy to chlorine in the water, it also put her through a bought of IBS (the frequent vomiting and empty tummy lowered her natural immunities). We're buying filtered in the jugs for now, until my husband can reinstall my tap filter.
Seems some cats are sensitive to it, I never knew that.

She's doing much better and hasn't thrown up for about 2 weeks.
Also, my two boys are on the POSS and for more good news...
less stinky visits to the box so they're retaining more of the nutrients and they're eating fewer times through the day. Even though they are healthy and everything was normal, their box odors could've drained the stain from the wood furniture! :eek:

09-23-2007, 04:05 AM
I use the Purina One for Bei-jing, she has been on it ever since she was a kitten, she is on the one for seniors and sensitive stomach, she does great on it, she rarely has to go to the vet unless it is for her normal shots.

The vet has always said it is a highger quality food and if it is working not to change her off of it, she has never had a u.t.i or anything that they might get from some foods.