View Full Version : Murdering my eyebrows tonight!!

07-25-2007, 02:03 PM
I have an appointment at a salon & spa to get my eyebrows ripped off my face tonight ;) Not all off hahaha, just thinner & non-bush like :p

After this I don't think I can be mistaken as a guy, quite as easily. I'm hoping it'll make me look more applealing.. yes yes yes I've been told I'm cute a dozen times, but I don't feel it anymore. I'll never change my personality, but tweek some of my looks...

I dyed my hair red & I love it!! So do others!

I'm growing my hair out from being shaved. Its annoying, but it looks nice & my longtime friends like me with longer hair...

I wore eye liner & masquara (sp?) once & I really liked what it did to my eyes... so I'm "think" of buying some tonight.. ONLY thinking about it lol I like rough housing & have a habbit of rubbing my eyes, so it its going to make a horrid mess, or if I'm gonna have to put it on more then once a day, I'll pass... I'm not into maintaining my looks daily "yet"

I dress like this often, as I love the clothing! But most people don't see a girl.

See my big eyebrows - Yes i totally forgot to dye them red like my hair :p

07-25-2007, 07:23 PM
Post a pic after your done.....just so we can have a look :D

07-25-2007, 09:11 PM
Post a pic after your done.....just so we can have a look :D

I'll take a photo of them a little later... I don't know how the heck girls can do this every week!!! OMG OUCH!!!

The lady waxed them first, which didn't hurt.. it was the plucking that was evil! 20 mins of plucking = OUCH!!

I just told Joe what I did, & he said he's gonna take me to a place that does threading. He said it doesn't hurt & its only a couple mins, not 20-25 mins. :D

Its so sad when a guy knows more about this then a girl LOL :D

Lilith Cherry
07-25-2007, 10:09 PM
Don't you believe it - threading makes your eyes water just the same :p I'm sure you will look great though! Dont try dyeing your eyebrows though because you could blind yourself :eek:

Bye for now!

07-25-2007, 10:48 PM
Don't you believe it - threading makes your eyes water just the same :p I'm sure you will look great though! Dont try dyeing your eyebrows though because you could blind yourself :eek:

Bye for now!

My eyes didn't water lol

I think my eyebrows look nice & clen now :)

The last time I dyed my eyebrows I knew the risks, so I hopped into the tub, lowered my head onto the ledge, closed my eyes tight & applied small amounts to my eyebrows... when my alarm went off I blindly moved to the tap, turned it on & blasted my face with the shower head.

07-26-2007, 12:03 AM
My first thought when i read your post title was to respond "You're Insane!!!"

Just be yourself blah blah blah, etc.

But I guess I know what it's like to want to be feminine now and then... just for the fun of it.

OUCH... plucking... he he he... Yeah, i do that now and then. (Like once every five years.) OMG does that f*****g hurt!!!! (not as bad as pulling out a chin hair though... yet the plucking of eyebrow hairs makes the eyes water worse.)

Threading? Never heard of it.

I finally figured out this year that i technically am a cross dresser and have been since i was three years old. Never even dawned on me. I just know that i love jeans and am comfy enough to be me. Might explain why I've been called Mr. or Sir so many times. *giggle* At least when i turn around though or speak they know that I'm a female. Their reactions are soooo funny.

I LOVE your new do. It is so cute! That red is definitely your color.

I think you'd look good with the almost should length do that flares out at the bottom. Don't kill me... but i think you'd look good as a blond with that do also.

07-26-2007, 12:17 AM
I wouldn't dye your eyebrows. Women who wear makeup usually put a darker pencil on them anyway! I think getting your eyebrows thinned out will make you feel much "girlier". You are very cute and shouldn't worry about how you dress if that is what you are most comfortable in! Don't know how you feel about a bit of lipgloss, but that can go a looooooooong way if you don't care to do the whole makeup bit. Also, just a tad bit of mascara makes a big statement for bringing out your eyes. Post your "after" shots ... I'd love to see!


07-26-2007, 04:31 AM
I'm amazed at what eyeshadow alone does for me! Wow. ;)

He he... finding some essential oils that match your chemistry* is priceless also. I stumbled upon my own "love potion" long ago. *sigh* The shop that carried the two oils i mixed long ago since closed and my last bottle was in a box that got lost during the move. I've mixed a few things since that have come close, but not nearly as good in quality.

*complimenting your own scent, not hiding it, or fighting it. Something that will bring out the best in you while still being uniquely you.

I wouldn't dye your eyebrows. Women who wear makeup usually put a darker pencil on them anyway! I think getting your eyebrows thinned out will make you feel much "girlier". You are very cute and shouldn't worry about how you dress if that is what you are most comfortable in! Don't know how you feel about a bit of lipgloss, but that can go a looooooooong way if you don't care to do the whole makeup bit. Also, just a tad bit of mascara makes a big statement for bringing out your eyes. Post your "after" shots ... I'd love to see!

07-26-2007, 05:38 AM
Hey there glad to hear that you are doing it for yourself and remember once your brows are shaped if you get them waxed regularly you will not have to get them plucked so often.

As far as make-up try out No7 Intelligent colour you only need a small bit and it lasts for ages I pay about €20.00 for mine but it is worth every penny as it could last me anything up to 6 months. Mascara the best one I know is AVON Long lashes a bit in the morning rubbing eyes or not lasts me the day and as for lipgloss try some that is the only thing you might need to re-apply.

Your hair is good and if I was you I would not wear a cap so much as it is bad for your scalp as I learned and can make it sweat so much it can have a bad effect on your hair folicles making your hair brittle and greasy. But apart from that hell on weekends and evenings I wear combats, jeans and tracksuits but always apply a little make up to make me feel better and look good. When you next go to the salon you could see if they would tint your eyebrows for you?

07-26-2007, 09:32 AM
I have thick bushy eyebrows and I love them. My friends are always trying to pluck them for me (which they have a few times) but I don't like them thin or shaped or whatever. I saw your picture and I think your eyebrows looked great before!! The only thing I do is pluck so I don't have a unibrow. LOL :p

07-26-2007, 09:46 AM

See I wanted to avoid putting pencil into my eyebrows. If I dye them red like my hair then they'll look really good on a daily bases & awesome for when I go to the club. I think penciling them a dark colour might make them far too dark, as I have pale skin... I already think I look silly with the natural eyebrow colour & red hair. But I cannot afford to dye my hair anytime soon, so its not an issue yet... I'm aiming to get my hair dyed again for around xmas, as I'll get my hair cut then too.

Looking good for the club is really important to me. Its really strang for me to want to look good for something(or someone teehee)... I swear I'm going insane hehehe

*poking & rubbing her eyebrows*... they feel funny hehe *pet pet pet*


I like to wear Vanilla Musk. It really goes with me! But the lady I'm staying with is allergic to musks, so i cannot wear it.. I think shes lying & hust doesn't like the smell, cause she didn't explode into hives when she use to come over to my old old place & I sprayed my room with it, cause of the rats heheh But to keep the peace, I haven't worn any in such a long time.

I know sent is a big thing!! I swear my nose isn't human. I can smell everyone. I always follow my nose... If my nose says NO to a guy, so do I... If my nose says YES, then teehee I'll hang around :rolleyes: The one thing that I hate about my nose, is that I can tell whos sent is whos. It can be cool, but it works for dogs too. I was digging through RB Max's things to find Bear a toy she could play with. The second I opened the bag I nearly died, as I was overwhelmed with Max's sent. Even though he's been dead since Dec 2003... It was horrible, as I really didn't want to smell him again (too much pain). Back to smelling guys :p :D teehee... Its weird how sent can drive you nuts! I'm not talking "fake" sents, I'm talking about natural body odor. If a guy drowns himself in "fake" I'm usually not interested in him.. If he has a little on & I can still smell his natural body odor (not talking ripe BO hehe) I really really like that... *CoughJoeCough* ;) Had to add that bit there for you Crow hehehe

HAhaha I knew I was a crossdresser for YEARS lol Back home I was given the nickname "Heshe" :o Only one person called me it, long story short, I grew to like it ONLY because that nickname got my attention really fast & saved my skin once. As the guy wa able to get my attention to NOT go down a street where I would have been harmed, by evil people. Only that guy is allowed to call me that. I'm sure if I met him today, he'd still call me that :o

Thank you! I think I dyed my hair 5 months ago now... I didn't think it would say nice & red. I have about 1-2 inches of roots showing, but since my natural hair is mixed of all colours, including red, its not too bad looking... Now Joe on the other hand needs to do something soon, before my jokes get too old. Joe is a natural blond & he ha his hair dyed black.. So when he does something dumb (which he does A LOT, cause hes crazy hyper) I say "hehe I can see the blond seeping from your brain heheh" ;) He always tells me to hush & not to remind him LOL So now hes always wearing a hat to hide his blond roots... He said its too early to dye it again..

I dyed my hair blond once.. I really liked it!!! I also did blond highlights last Nov & that looked good too... But the Red brings out my eyes!! When I came into work with red hair, everyone said WOW!! Red is SOOO your colour, Your blue eyes pop out now!! You have to keep it red!!

For the club blond wouldn't work too well with me... I'm so pale that I need colour, or I'll look TOO dead at the club... a little dead is good, but I'm too lively to be a dead goth at the club hehe... We are all so lively that we don't go full goth, as thats not us... we are dark, but not dead... if that makes sence *scratches head*

*petting eyebrows again* hehe I cannot stop touching them :rolleyes:

07-26-2007, 10:02 AM
Ouch!!! The last time I had my eyebrows waxed was the day before I got married. :eek: That was 34 years ago... :eek: Marriage didn't last and neither did the eyebrows!! :rolleyes: :p

07-26-2007, 10:08 AM
Ouch!!! The last time I had my eyebrows waxed was the day before I got married. :eek: That was 34 years ago... :eek: Marriage didn't last and neither did the eyebrows!! :rolleyes: :p

My sister said if I keep up with it, the hairs wont grow back & it doesn't hurt after a while & it wont be 20 mins of plucking either!... I'm going to let my facial hairs grow back around my eyebrows, as they keep me warm :p Kidding, but I'm only interested in plucking the dark ones & since I'm pale, its easy to pluck the dark ones hehe

My Peanuts
07-26-2007, 11:11 AM
I get my eyebrows waxed every 2 or 3 weeks and have for years and years. It's the only thing that I do no matter what. I don't remember the last time I got my nails done and my first pedicure (and last so far) was a year ago. :)

You will get used to it. If the person doing it hurts, try another. It never feels good, but the person that does mine hurts the least out of everyone I've tried.

07-26-2007, 11:18 AM
I get my eyebrows waxed every 2 or 3 weeks and have for years and years. It's the only thing that I do no matter what. I don't remember the last time I got my nails done and my first pedicure (and last so far) was a year ago. :)

You will get used to it. If the person doing it hurts, try another. It never feels good, but the person that does mine hurts the least out of everyone I've tried.

Maybe thats what Joe ment when he said he knows a place where it doesn't hurt.. Maybe he ment, a place that hurts the least.

Hmmmm now I want to know how he knows this :confused: ... I'm going to take a closer look at his eyebrows in the photos I have ;)

nope he doesn't do anything to his eyebrows. His are normal looking, dyed, but normal looking :D

07-26-2007, 01:03 PM
You should never get your eyebrows waxed ladies, unless you like the "droopy eyelid" look.

Wax pulls too much on the delicate skin off your face, plucking or threading is the way to go.

07-26-2007, 01:09 PM
You should never get your eyebrows waxed ladies, unless you like the "droopy eyelid" look.

Wax pulls too much on the delicate skin off your face, plucking or threading is the way to go.

Did not know that... I have no intentions of waxing again, as I just want to pluck, so it looks clean

07-26-2007, 01:28 PM
I do mine myself pretty much every week. It doesn't bother me anymore.
Plucking gives me pimples so I don't do it.

My Peanuts
07-26-2007, 01:29 PM
You should never get your eyebrows waxed ladies, unless you like the "droopy eyelid" look.

Wax pulls too much on the delicate skin off your face, plucking or threading is the way to go.

So far so good for me :). That's what plastic surgery is for! :p

07-26-2007, 01:48 PM
So far so good for me :). That's what plastic surgery is for! :p

07-26-2007, 09:29 PM
I always knew scent played a major part in who i stayed with the longest while dating or who i was attracted to the most. I can't say i was amazed when just a few years ago i read a scientific article talking about it, I did enjoy the article though.

Man, you have an amazing nose! I'm not nearly that sensitive to be able to tell different people apart in a room.

I have an allergy to artificial fragrances. My symptoms have NOTHING to do with hives. I have a hard time breathing and get headaches.

Mmmmm... one of the people I liked smelling the most was one of my friends who died. (before he died!) He naturally smelled like a light flower/musk mix.

And as fate would have it I fell in love with someone who i think is one of thee worst smelling humans the winds have ever wafted in front of me. But i love him dearly and don't let that get in the way too much. It has nothing to do with hygiene, but does have to do with genetics. Before we got our own place i thought it was just because of the well water at his parents house as that smells horrid and similar. Nope... It's the family. (Yes, it has been an issue that has caused some unrest... but we've moved on.)

As for thinking you're going insane for wanting to look good for someone or something... I know the feeling. It never goes away... especially if you're one to take pride in not caring what others think. Still you can't help but giggle giddily at the though of the approval from the already approving (or those yet to approve ;-) )

*poking & rubbing her eyebrows*... they feel funny hehe *pet pet pet* He he... reminds me of having local anesthetic in the cheek.

Mmmm... Vanilla musk. One of my fav's. ...even though it does give me a headache. Still whether your new roomie is allergic or not its such a trivial thing to get in an argument over. Hopefully they'll be accommodating for you also on something.

*sigh* I miss King's scent... and I'm sad that I'm forgetting it. I tried to smell his collar the other day, but there's a white powdery mold on it now. ...and i breathed some in before i seen it. That was oh so lovely. Had to go pop another generic Allegra that acts about as useful as a sugar pill.

For some reason i think it is awesome(yeah, i'll just use that word) when platinum blonds dye their hair black and then they let it grow and there's a an inch or few of blond showing. ... or they leave the tips blond. :D (you really love teasing me don't you :p ) Tell him your friend said to take the hat off. *snicker*

" So when he does something dumb (which he does A LOT, cause hes crazy hyper) I say "hehe I can see the blond seeping from your brain" LOL

I dyed my hair blond once.. I really liked it!!! I also did blond highlights last Nov & that looked good too... But the Red brings out my eyes!! When I came into work with red hair, everyone said WOW!! Red is SOOO your colour, Your blue eyes pop out now!! You have to keep it red!! I'm not going to argue with them.

For the club blond wouldn't work too well with me... I'm so pale that I need colour, or I'll look TOO dead at the club... a little dead is good, but I'm too lively to be a dead goth at the club hehe... We are all so lively that we don't go full goth, as thats not us... we are dark, but not dead... if that makes sence *scratches head* Yeah, i get what you're saying. I think.

Just wondering if you club is named The Inferno. I can't remember how many there are but i'm starting to get a few reviews from people I actually know. The one in WI rocks, and one of them in Can was a total dive. Though from the sounds of it those two were totally unrelated. Though supposedly the one in WI sounds like it's a bit different than the one you're describing.

07-26-2007, 09:59 PM
I always knew scent played a major part in who i stayed with the longest while dating or who i was attracted to the most. I can't say i was amazed when just a few years ago i read a scientific article talking about it, I did enjoy the article though.

Man, you have an amazing nose! I'm not nearly that sensitive to be able to tell different people apart in a room.

I have an allergy to artificial fragrances. My symptoms have NOTHING to do with hives. I have a hard time breathing and get headaches.

Mmmmm... one of the people I liked smelling the most was one of my friends who died. (before he died!) He naturally smelled like a light flower/musk mix.

And as fate would have it I fell in love with someone who i think is one of thee worst smelling humans the winds have ever wafted in front of me. But i love him dearly and don't let that get in the way too much. It has nothing to do with hygiene, but does have to do with genetics. Before we got our own place i thought it was just because of the well water at his parents house as that smells horrid and similar. Nope... It's the family. (Yes, it has been an issue that has caused some unrest... but we've moved on.)

As for thinking you're going insane for wanting to look good for someone or something... I know the feeling. It never goes away... especially if you're one to take pride in not caring what others think. Still you can't help but giggle giddily at the though of the approval from the already approving (or those yet to approve ;-) )

*poking & rubbing her eyebrows*... they feel funny hehe *pet pet pet* He he... reminds me of having local anesthetic in the cheek.

Mmmm... Vanilla musk. One of my fav's. ...even though it does give me a headache. Still whether your new roomie is allergic or not its such a trivial thing to get in an argument over. Hopefully they'll be accommodating for you also on something.

*sigh* I miss King's scent... and I'm sad that I'm forgetting it. I tried to smell his collar the other day, but there's a white powdery mold on it now. ...and i breathed some in before i seen it. That was oh so lovely. Had to go pop another generic Allegra that acts about as useful as a sugar pill.

For some reason i think it is awesome(yeah, i'll just use that word) when platinum blonds dye their hair black and then they let it grow and there's a an inch or few of blond showing. ... or they leave the tips blond. :D (you really love teasing me don't you :p ) Tell him your friend said to take the hat off. *snicker*

" So when he does something dumb (which he does A LOT, cause hes crazy hyper) I say "hehe I can see the blond seeping from your brain" LOL

I dyed my hair blond once.. I really liked it!!! I also did blond highlights last Nov & that looked good too... But the Red brings out my eyes!! When I came into work with red hair, everyone said WOW!! Red is SOOO your colour, Your blue eyes pop out now!! You have to keep it red!! I'm not going to argue with them.

For the club blond wouldn't work too well with me... I'm so pale that I need colour, or I'll look TOO dead at the club... a little dead is good, but I'm too lively to be a dead goth at the club hehe... We are all so lively that we don't go full goth, as thats not us... we are dark, but not dead... if that makes sence *scratches head* Yeah, i get what you're saying. I think.

Just wondering if you club is named The Inferno. I can't remember how many there are but i'm starting to get a few reviews from people I actually know. The one in WI rocks, and one of them in Can was a total dive. Though from the sounds of it those two were totally unrelated. Though supposedly the one in WI sounds like it's a bit different than the one you're describing.

I love teasing you about Joe hahaha I'm just glad to NOT be the onlyone drooling for once hehehe So guess what I get to do this weekend?? Spend it in the middle of nowhere with my friends & Joe :p ;) I'll take lots of pics for you, don't worry! Sadly there wont be any of him swiming (BOO I know).. it casue he gets nasty ear infections :(

I will not post which club I go to in the forums.. So I'll PM you...