View Full Version : "Coffee Grinds" on my cat's chin

07-24-2007, 10:13 AM
Hello! I just signed up on here today. I have 5 cats and they all have these coffee grind like spots on their chins. This just started about a month ago. It started in my Burmese(Buffy) and then spread to my Tabbies(Booger,Mama Kitty, Midget, and Charlie). They all scratch at their chins and their chins are red. I use Friskies food for them in glass dishes. I have read so many different things about what this could be. Does it have something to do with the kidneys? I would like to know how to fix it.

I have another question as well. My white tabby female(Mama Kitty) keeps pulling her fur out on her back. Why? I have tried spraying anti-bite stuff on her but she still does it. Is it stress? I dont know what she would be stressed about though. She has been doing this for a lot longer than they have had the spots.

07-24-2007, 11:35 AM
First, welcome to PT! This is a great forum to learn about all pets!

I am sorry that your furbabies are having troubles. I have no experience with this particular symptom, but I am sure that some of the longtimers and the fosters will have some suggestions and advice.

I guess my first thing would be to head to the vet since it seems like it is contagious since all of them are having the same symptoms. Keep us posted.... and pictures are always enjoyed! ;)

07-24-2007, 11:45 AM
Welcome to PT!!

This "coffee grind" sounds familiar to me, my Katz's chin looked that for years; in the end, it was all bloody and bruised. I was told it could be feline acne, but I'm not quite sure. I was also told this easily occurs when cats eat from plastic bowls.

Pulling out the fur could very well be stress-related! But I think a vet should see her, to find out if there's an underlying medical condition, like food allergies etc.

Hope your kitties will soon feel better!


07-24-2007, 11:51 AM
Sounds like kitty acne. The best way to treat it is to scrub the chin with Blue Dawn dish soap (it's the closest thing to a cat's PH). Then apply Benzoil Peroxide (10%),which can be found in any drug store.

07-24-2007, 11:54 AM
How do I post pics of my babies?

07-24-2007, 11:55 AM
thanks moosmom, I will try that!

07-24-2007, 11:57 AM
Hi and welcome! It does sound like kitty acne to me as well.

Here is how to post photos:
Store the pics on your computer in your My Pictures folder.

Open a FREE photobucket account.
Set up a subalbum using the date yu are posting onto Pet Talk. (You ill be glad you did when you hae a hundred pics on here!)
Click to get INTO that new subalbum.
Upload your photos to photobucket.

Look at the photos you uploaded. Under each picture are 3 lines of codes. You will use the bottom line, labelled IMG. You can click on it and a little yellow box pops up saying "COPIED"

You wil need to bounce back and forth between photobucket and Pet Talk. Open a new tab if using Wndows XP. Otherwise, open a new window.

Start your new thread in PT.
When you get to where you want the photo, go to photobucket, get that IMG code, go back to PT and paste it in. You will see bunch of stuff saying where the pic it located in photobucket

Add more text, insert more pics. When you save your post, the pictures will appear!

It drives most of us crazy the first time or two. After that, you can do it in your sleep. Good luck, looking forward to seeing your pictures!

07-24-2007, 01:07 PM
Thank you SO much! Is there a certain thread for posting pictures in or should I just do it in this one?

07-24-2007, 01:28 PM
Welcome to PT!

Actually I think it may be an allergy. If your kitty is pulling out fur and they are all scratching, that sounds some big alarms for me.

Are your kitties indoor only? or are the indoor/outdoor?

My suggestion is call your vet, ASAP

Please let us know what you find out!

07-24-2007, 01:42 PM
Sure sounds like acne to me. Does it look like this?


Pepper used to get acne on her chin. The vet told us to get a washcloth and run it under hot water. Fold it all up and then hold it to her chin for a few minutes to steam open the pores. Then, gently rub her chin with the washcloth to get the coffee grounds/blackheads out. It worked very well and she got where she liked to have her kitty facial. She had another outbreak a few years later and we did the same thing.

But, she never had open sores or bloody spots. The vet told us that some kittys have it so bad that they have to do surgery and scrape out all the gunk. :eek:

07-24-2007, 04:16 PM
My cat Honeybun gets kitty acne. I've been doing the warm washcloth stuff on him, and peroxide as well. He acts like I'm torturing him with just a washcloth and has remarkable strength for an old guy. He's FIV+ as well, so I think it's hard for him to fight off many things cats can get.

I'd definitely get my kitties to the vet if they're all scratching and pulling out fur. Sounds like stress and/or allergies to me. Vet appts. may be $$ at times, but to keep the kitties healthy, it's the best bet!

07-24-2007, 06:01 PM
Not all of them are pulling out fur, just mama kitty and she has been doing that for a long time...way longer than the chin thing. This chin problem started after I got Buffy a couple months ago.

I took Mama to the vet about pulling out her fur because when she started doing that is when she all of a sudden had a problem jumping. She would fall everytime. So I took her in and they gave me antibiotics which made her be able to jump again but the vet didnt say anything about the pulling out fur.

yes their chins look like that picture of your kitty

thank you for all of your input, I will try all of the suggestions.

07-24-2007, 06:23 PM
Mama's Chin
Booger's chin

that is what it looks like, yes

07-24-2007, 06:43 PM
I posted all of my Babies pics on the Cat General thread :)

07-24-2007, 08:18 PM
The vet also said that cats with white chins are more prone to kitty acne. He also so said to get rid of all our plastic water dishes and to use metal instead. I can't remember why. Maybe bacteria?

Also, kitties that stick their whole chins in the water dish - instead of lapping it up - are more prone to acne.

07-24-2007, 08:54 PM
the dishes I have are like a porcelain or glazed clay. I got them at walmart. But the thing is that, I put out fresh water for them in the bowl and they dont want to drink out of it, they would rather drink from the toilet or the aquarium. I dont know why they do that when there is water down for them.

07-24-2007, 09:15 PM
Oh, I don't think the aquarium water is good for them. There can be all sorts of icky things in the water in there. Always make sure you don't put your hand in the aquarium if you have a cut on your hand anywhere unless you use a latex glove to keep the water out of the cut. There are all kinds of micro-organisms in aquarium water.

07-24-2007, 09:29 PM
As others have said, it appears to be kitty acne. A steamy washcloth is a good first line of defense. If that is not clearing it up, I would suggest using an OTC product with the active ingredient chlorhexidine. It is often sold under the brand name Hibiclens. You will only need a small amount of this antiseptic cleanser and should rinse thoroughly after application.

Good luck! :)