View Full Version : Our New Rescue Lots Of Pictures!! Cuteness...beware!

07-21-2007, 04:33 PM
First I would like to apologize for not posting sooner, things have been really crazy for awhile. I would also like to apologize for the size of these pictures, I tried resizing them, but it didn't work.

I would like to introduce you to Beautiful.
She is a 2 1/2 year old Red Nose Pit Bull Terrier. She came to me in June from the Chicagoland Bully Breed Rescue. Her former owner had to give her up. It seems that Beautiful's owner was dating a man who decided to have them buy a house then take off. So the lady was stuck with a new mortgage, 2 car payments, 2 children, and two dogs...one being pregnant. This is the story that was given to CBBR, but we are think they are leaving a few things out.

The lady and her oldest son said Beautiful "took a walk" and ended up pregnant. Yet the other dog they owned was a male Pittie, intact. The lady also told CBBR that the male, Little, was Beautiful's brother. We, sadly, believe he is the father of the pups. He was a light tan and white pittie and the pups are very light in color, not to mention that two died at birth and one is deaf and possible partially blind. I know that in large litters one or two pups may die, but it just all adds up, ya know? They also told CBBR that Beautiful never had pups before...well, we beg to differ. Not only were her nipples HUGE (I was told with every litter they get bigger), but a neighbor of the lady's stopped at the house when CBBR was there and just happened to say "Oh, she's pregnant again?", so I am sure they have bred her before.

Well, Beautiful gave birth on June 22nd at about 10pm. She had 9 pups, 7 made it and are doing well. The smallest one is the one we believe is deaf and possibly partly blind. They have an appointment in two weeks for shots and the vet will be doing tests on "Casper". They will all find great homes, I am sure of it. As for Beautiful, we are not sure what her future will be. She is great with people, not sure yet about dogs, we will have to wait till her she is out of "mommy mode" to find that out. But VERY cat aggressive. Her prey drive is always at 200%. She ended up killing one of our rescue kittens a few weeks back, it was very sad. CBBR is worried that she may end up hurting somebody trying to get to her "prey". She will be temp tested in about 3 weeks (once the pups are fully weaned) and her future will be decided then. I am hoping we can find a way to save her.

Anyway, with out further ado, here are the pups and their "Beautiful" mommy.

What a good mama. The pups are just 3 days old here.
Here is Beautiful with me. (I take such bad pictures!)

The puppies are in the next few posts.

07-21-2007, 04:47 PM
Here are the pups at just 2 days old.

Piper, lil' girl

Group photo

Polly and Bullseye


Casper, Polly, and Piper

The three again, all cuddled up.

More in next post....

07-21-2007, 05:13 PM
Beautiful before the pups where born, she really is a great dog.

Here are the pups at 3 weeks. Sorry these pictures where taken with my phone, so they are not the best.

Here is Penny and Piper.

Lil' Piper

One of my favorites....Bullseye.

Group photo as they are playing.

More in next post....

07-21-2007, 05:14 PM
WOW. She is really BEAUTIFUL! ;) I love Red Nosed Pits.. aww so cute. And all the lil wee ones! Makes me want another... If only we could have more than 2 dogs.. legally.. we're pushing it with 3 in our subdivision.

What a sad story.. Im sure there's a lot more that the previous owner isnt telling you. I cant believe someone would have two dogs of opposite sexes and not fix either of them.. thats so irresponsible! Especially bro/sis. Man..

She really is a very stunning dog. Love the colors and her nose is precious! :D

07-21-2007, 05:24 PM
Here are the pups at 4 weeks old. I just took these pictures today. They are now eating softened puppy food and lapping up water....well they are trying to at least!! They are getting so big and cuter by the minute!!

Polly, lil' girl

Piper, lil' girl

Penny, lil' girl

Peanut, lil' girl

Casper, lil' boy. He is the smallest of the pups, hopefully he is not deaf and blind.

Bullseye, lil' boy

Bruno, lil' boy. He is the biggest pup.

Mama Beautiful

And this is the brother of Beautiful, Little. We really think he is the father.

That's all guys. I will post more in a few days. Hope you all enjoyed the pictures.

07-21-2007, 07:04 PM
Welcome to PT, Beautiful!!! Your name sure is fitting!! :) I'm so sorry you had to be in such a terrible home before you came to be with 'ReachoutRescue' and CBBR, I'm sure you are MUCH happier and know you are safe and loved you sweet thing.

Irresponsible animal owners are such idiots and they put animals in such danger. While this new litter is utterly adorable, we didn't need another set of homeless puppies that more than likely were fathered by inbreeding. But, I know, I know, I'm preaching to the choir on this. ;) *gets down from soap box...*

Polly, Piper, Penny, Peanut, Casper, Bullseye, & Bruno WELCOME to PT you sweet little angels!!! You all are just way too cute!! More cute than should be allowed, actually. :D I llllooooovvveeeee those little puppy faces and pawsies....so sweet. I just want to kiss them all.

Sweet Baby Casper, I'm going to hold you up in my prayers and in my heart that God will help you if you are a victim of this imbreeding and you are indeed having problems with your sight and hearing, poor baby boy. You are too precious and I hope you aren't in any pain. Luckily God sent you a couple of angels to take wonderful care of you. So be well, little guy.

Hugs, Kelly :)

They're all soooo cute!!! :D

P.S. Good luck, Beautiful on your 'temperment test' in a few weeks. I know its hard when you see a kitty or another dog walk accross your path, but sometimes you just gotta ignore them, for the ultimate good of yourself - being that it'll find you a good place to live, sweet girl. I don't know how to people teach dogs that because I'm new to having dogs myself, but it sounds like you're in the BEST place possible for you to learn that if you must. Lots of luck, sweetie pie. (((hugs)))

Daisy and Delilah
07-21-2007, 07:10 PM
Awwwww!!! They're just gorgeous, Tracy. Beautiful is a very pretty girl and her pups are precious. I'm in love with them :) Thanks for saving them. Can't wait to see more pics :)

07-22-2007, 01:07 AM
resizing pic help.

IF you have Microsoft Office i find it easiest to use Microsoft Office Picture Manager.

Save the Pictures to your computer. Find the picture you want. Right click and then choose "Open with >" Resizing will only take a couple clicks. Make sure your view is 100% or resizing won't seem to make a difference. Use the File tab to save it. It will notify you a second time asking you if you want to save changes. Click no, as it is talking about the original.


Best of luck to Beautiful and her furry family.