View Full Version : Hard Decision

07-24-2002, 04:12 PM
Ok, I've been struggling with whether I should keep my foster Angelo or not. I really really really want to. He is so sweet. I love his personality. He would fit right in with my other three... BUT when I took Lolly into the vet today, behind the desk they had 6 homeless kittens. I got sad seeing that, especially the one who had been attacked by 2 dogs. I am thinking that I should leave the room open so I can continue fostering.

I am also worried about my living situation. I move around so much. I am moving into a house soon but it looks like I need to move to another apartment for 6 months while I find a house. My landlords have been great with letting me stretch the animal limit (especially with fosters), but I'm not sure if I can move anywhere with 4 permanent animals.

I think I decided to find him a wonderful home that will spoil him to death. He deserves that :) That way I can help more kittens get out of awful situations like he was in. And when I'm finally settled down into my house, I will get more cats and dogs.

07-24-2002, 05:10 PM
If I could I would take him but we`re a little far away!! And We`re already packed tight for our house!!And it`s a good idea to wait till you`ve settled down!

07-24-2002, 05:26 PM
It's sooo hard not to keep them isn't it Aly?

I don't think I could be as giving as you--I'd be selfish and keep Angelo AND the newbie! :rolleyes:

Sara luvs her Tinky
07-24-2002, 05:32 PM
Tough one!!
I don't know if I could give him up but if I was in your situation and I KNEW that he was getting a REAL GOOD home I would let him go. That way he would be happy and you could help some more unfortunate kitty souls.:)

07-25-2002, 12:01 AM
This is a very hard decision. If you find him a very good home then I would let him go so you can help other kitties in need. If it was me I wouldn't be able to let him go. I really have a thing for orange cats. Good luck with your decision.:) I'm sure you'll do the right thing. :D

07-25-2002, 01:21 PM
I have a thing for orange kitties too :( Especially ones as beautiful and sweet and smart and loving as Angelo. He's sitting on my shoulder right now purring :( My insides are being ripped apart at this decision. I feel like I need to help as many as I can and if I start keeping a lot, I won't be able to help as many. I just don't know what to do.

07-25-2002, 03:16 PM

Do you have to tell them that they're permanent?? You could always tell them they are fosters:rolleyes: . Okay, so it's stretching the truth just a little bit. But it's a good kinda stretching.

I have a tough decision to make as well. The 3 feral kittens that I took in a socialized are doing great. One has already gone to his new home (Ozzie, the black kitty). I have Grumpy Dave and Deke. I've put posters up, asked around and no one seems to want Deke. So it LOOKS like he may have to move to Michigan with me. I'm not putting him in a shelter. What's one more poop in the box, right??? Besides, he's an orange tiger with 4 white paws and a white bib. And a real lovebug!!

Come on guys, give me some encouragement here, will ya???:p

Grumpy Dave I think is having second thoughts about staying feral. He wants to come out and be petted and held, but the minute I pick him up, he hisses and jumps down.

Aly, do what you think is right. What's one more kitty?? Hell, I've got 6 alrleady!! Another 1 isn't going to make a difference. Plus the place I'm moving to is a loft apartment on top of an unused warehouse. So I have the whole top floor to myself. :D

07-25-2002, 03:37 PM
You know, you may just find a home for the over populated household critters once you move.

Gabe is such a fine example of how a rather set in his way type kitty can adjust very, very quickly. So, yep, I would take the ferals etc. with me and then, if you find you have way too many, rehome them later.


07-25-2002, 04:32 PM
Aly....my hubby is lucky you live in Texas....I would take Angel(o) in a second!!! He is SOOOOOOO cute!! He reminds me so much of Noah when he was little.

This is a hard decision. My advice would be to go with the flow. Just keep up with trying to find a home for him. And then you can still foster other needy sweeties. If thing work out so that he is destined to stay with you...then...that's how it should be.

Please let us know what you decide. You are a wonderful person for giving all your time, energy and love to these babies.

07-25-2002, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
This is a hard decision. My advice would be to go with the flow. Just keep up with trying to find a home for him. And then you can still foster other needy sweeties. If thing work out so that he is destined to stay with you...then...that's how it should be.

THANKS!!!!!! I'm going to do just that!! You all made me feel so much better :D

Angelo is purring away on my shoulder again and he said to tell everyone "squuuueeeeeeeaaaaaaakkkkk" (thats how he meows :D )

Sara luvs her Tinky
07-25-2002, 10:53 PM
"squuuueeeeeeeaaaaaaakkkkk" (thats how he meows )


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-26-2002, 08:54 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
My advice would be to go with the flow. Just keep up with trying to find a home for him. And then you can still foster other needy sweeties. If thing work out so that he is destined to stay with you...then...that's how it should be.

I think this is great advice! Aly, you do such good work with all the kittens that it would be a shame if you had to stop that, but I know it would be difficult to give Angelo up - actually to give any of them up. This way you let *someone else* make the decision on whether Angelo should be with you or not. Good luck and let us know how everything turns out. In the meantime, enjoy that little bundle of a purr machine. :)

07-26-2002, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
This is a hard decision. My advice would be to go with the flow. Just keep up with trying to find a home for him. And then you can still foster other needy sweeties. If thing work out so that he is destined to stay with you...then...that's how it should be.

Great advice! That's what I did with my 'foster' kitten Rudy (also an orangey boy). It's been a month now that I have had him and he has been to the vet twice for kitty-shots, etc. I guess we might be keeping him.......................:rolleyes: :)

07-27-2002, 10:21 AM

You go girl!! I'm glad you're keeping Angelo. It's obviously meant to be. Look at me. I've got 6 cats of my own and then there's Deke. He has stolen my heart. So, he's going with me to Michigan. I'm going to talk to someone today about Grumpy Dave. He's just not turning around like I had hoped. Hopefully today I'll be able to learn a little more about what I can do.

You're a special person Aly. Not alot of people have the time or patience to work with ferals. I personally LOVE it. And the best thing about it is when they go to good homes knowing they were once outside, untrusting of humans, wondering where their next meal was coming from.