View Full Version : **Micro Chipping**

07-18-2007, 12:13 PM
:) What is everyone's thoughts on Micro Chipping your babies.. I know my girls & wittle boy all stay in the house.. But what if?? I have an appointment for this weekend & next weekend.. Half the babies are going this weekend for Micro Chipping && the other half of my babies are going next weekend for Micro Chipping.. Well it is time for their annual shots & checkups & I said well lets just Micro Chip everyone while we are at the Vets..

07-18-2007, 12:17 PM
Good Plan!

07-18-2007, 12:17 PM
When I adopted the M's it was part of the adoption contract to get them microchipped and I did. They are/were (can't get used to that) Mitzi is an indoor-only cat, but what if ..... I don't want to think about it. Better safe than sorry. If/when I add a new pal for Mitzi, that kitty will be microchipped too.

07-18-2007, 12:24 PM
:) Yes there are shelters that they microchip with the adoption.. But my babies all was adopted at diff times from diff rescue services which did not offer micro chip.. Then my past Vets didn't offer the service.. Well now my new Vet & her clinic offer & do the microchipping.. I said Hurray at last the babies are getting it done..

07-18-2007, 12:28 PM
Eleanor came microchipped as part of her adoption.
Everyone else needs to be done at some point. Their pet insurance pays up to $65 (I think, going on memory).

07-18-2007, 12:45 PM
:) Well due to my lazyness on getting Pet Insurance = Is of that I will just dish out the money.. I will make sure to take some salt/pepper to make the $$ amount chock down wittle bit easier.. :D

07-18-2007, 12:50 PM
I highly recommend chipping. All of our babies are chipped. And as my signature says.... Chipping would have saved Kuhio.

The short version of her story ~ While my husband and I were both out of town, she got out of the house. Our cat sitter didn't look for her. She ended up being put to sleep at the shelter before we could save her. :(

07-18-2007, 12:55 PM
I highly recommend chipping. All of our babies are chipped. And as my signature says.... Chipping would have saved Kuhio.

The short version of her story ~ While my husband and I were both out of town, she got out of the house. Our cat sitter didn't look for her. She ended up being put to sleep at the shelter before we could save her. :(

That just breaks my heart. My dog Fenway is microchipped. The new kitty I'm adopting will be microchipped (if she isn't already).

07-18-2007, 12:58 PM
Cassie has a chip that was applied by the shelter before they released her to me.

Laura's Babies
07-18-2007, 02:41 PM
All of mine are microchipped. Since Katrina and the many, many lost pets left behind... I made up my mind that ALL of mine would be microchipped and they are.

Also, I will repete Klingers story.. Klinger (my neighbors cat) is an escape artist and will escape any/every chance he gets. He got out in 2005 and Mike was beside himself with worry. He saw a cat that looked like Klinger at a house close by and walked up in the yard and asked the lady if that was her cat.... she said it was... Turns out, the cat was Klinger and another neighbor of ours walked right up in that yard and grabbed him and brought him to me. If this should happen to your cat, microchipped, you could PROVE it is you baby!

Also, with as many natural disasters as there seems to be these days, being microchipped can PROVE that is your baby and hopefully help it find it's way back to you if you should be seperated.

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-18-2007, 03:12 PM
I would love to micro-chip my cats. But it is highly unusual here. I am afraid noweone would even think of looking for a chip.... :(

07-18-2007, 03:44 PM
:) Hey Lut ask your Vet & see what they say.. Maybe they will try to get the equipment..
I would love to micro-chip my cats. But it is highly unusual here. I am afraid noweone would even think of looking for a chip.... :(

For sure Laura I would be horrified if something happened & I could not get my babies returned.. For sure my special needs babies like Taccoa & Buttons & Autumn & Yardleigh that have disorders.. Well they are all getting done within the next two Saturdays..

07-18-2007, 04:38 PM
The Tubsters micro chipped as he has the right to go outside at least for the time being. If he gets hurt he stays in although as he sleeps a lot in the cellar he has an open door.
And hes still a little on the dirty side.
At least he can be identified if hes picked up.

07-18-2007, 06:30 PM
All of my furry critters are chipped. I've thought about getting Vlad done too, but most shelters don't check reptiles for chips...

07-18-2007, 10:47 PM
All of my cats are chipped and they all came that way when I adopted them except for Storm and Sunny. They're all indoor only but like others have said better safe than sorry. All of them also wear collars with tags with their names and my address and phone number on it except for Sunny. He was way too stressed out with his collar and it made him sick.

07-19-2007, 12:35 PM
:) Oh yes for sure all my babies have always had collars with ID tags of their/my name, address, phone # home & work..
All of my cats are chipped and they all came that way when I adopted them except for Storm and Sunny. They're all indoor only but like others have said better safe than sorry. All of them also wear collars with tags with their names and my address and phone number on it except for Sunny. He was way too stressed out with his collar and it made him sick.

07-19-2007, 02:53 PM
I'm thinking of getting my 5 babies chipped. Just in case. I'm also thinking about getting collars. I'm not sure if they would stand to wear it or not but we'll see.

Anyways I know at Paws here in State College, PA they have a huge event at the end of the Summer in September and it was sponsored by All Creatures Veterinary Care. Cost $5. Microchip Clinic

I bet it will be very crazy there but my vet does not offer it and it cost way too much for each cat so I'm going to try like mad to get all 5 cats at this event this year.


07-19-2007, 03:12 PM
Tuna, Pocky and Payson were all chipped at adoption. When I adopted Tibby and Corkscrew it wasn't standard at the time. However since Corkscrew has been known to make the great escape from time to time I took him in about 2 years ago to get chipped. I've been slacking and I really need to get Tibby in to be chipped soon.