View Full Version : KMR - would it help post-surgical adult cat?

07-17-2007, 01:48 PM
Mom has started using a small spoon and getting food into Pyka.

A friend suggested KMR, and I hadn't even thought of it!

Pyka is getting watered AD formula (post surgical), and if we make the KMR double strength or strength and a half - what do you think?


ETA: Mom's vet said it is too high-fat and rich, and could cause diarrhea in Pyka.
So I am getting some Whiskas cat milk.

But would still like to hear any post-surgical-getting him to eat stuff!

07-17-2007, 02:31 PM
Candace, personally, I wouldn't even get the Whiskas cat milk as it can also give Pyka diarrhea.

If he is taking the watered down AD formula and doing okay with it, then continue with that. If not, maybe try some gerbers chicken mixed with it and see how he does with that.

07-17-2007, 03:10 PM
Hi, Lorraine - I know Whiskas isn't foolproof(98% lactose-free, but not 100%); it is to be used ONLY as a treat. I want to try it with my guys as it is so hot here right now - just as a change. I told Mom that she could try it once on Pyka - and if he doesn't take to it, then I will take it.

A few cats at the kennel I worked at got it, and they could handle it.

Mom is feeding him with a spoon now - she wants me to find a long-handled plastic spoon - like at Dairy Queen - to make it easier on him.

She has to wrap him in a towel to feed him. I hope he will eat on his own soon! :(

Thanks...I don't want to hurt him - just want to try once!

07-17-2007, 04:36 PM
Poor Pyka. Gee, your mom sounds like a real sweetheart. Will she adopt me??? :p ;)

Nutrical is a high caloric, protein paste. Try some of that. A dab of it on your finger a coupe of times a day might help his apetite.

07-17-2007, 05:10 PM
This is just out of nowhere, but how about a few drops of ghee? I've known few cats who could resist butter, and ghee's got all the lactose and other proteins separated out of it.

Love, Columbine

07-20-2007, 07:42 AM
Hmm. I've never seen such a long handle as a DQ spoon on a reusable model, but I've seen baby spoons with pretty long handles.

07-20-2007, 09:45 AM
Look for a spoon for iced tea. They are quite long, although they might be hard to find.

07-20-2007, 11:48 AM
I was just going to suggest the iced tea spoons!! We have 2 of them and they are metal. When I was reading about the DQ long spoons, I shuddered at the thought of the plastic splintering in Pyka's mouth!!! You and your MOM are doing such a great job!!! You both would have made great nurses!! And that is coming from a nurse!! HUGS!!!!!

07-20-2007, 01:39 PM
Actually....she wanted the long plastic spoon where the handle is like a long almost-closed straw, and the spoon bit is little.

However, she is now an ace with the small syringe, and more frequent and shorter feedings are working well (plus a long cuddle after feeding to ward off stress! :) )