View Full Version : My dog is all alone!

07-23-2002, 09:49 AM
Hi all,

Just looking for some moral support...today is the first day we've left our new dog, Murphy (age 2), at home alone for a full day (9 hours), and I can't stop thinking about him. What is he doing? Is he okay? Is he upset? We've gated him off in a nice-sized area with hardwood floors, and left him his bed, water, a Nylabone, and a few toys. I'm hoping he just sleeps most of the day, but still, this is going to take me a bit to get used to! I almost feel guilty! Has anyone else ever felt this way? :(

strass (new dog mom!)

Dixieland Dancer
07-23-2002, 11:02 AM
I feel that way even if I go shopping on my day off! :( My pups are such a part of my life that I hate it when I go somewhere they can't go.

I'm sure Murphy is doing just great. Just make sure you exercise him before you leave for work and after you come home and he should be ok. A tired dog is a happy and content dog and less likely to be destructive.

We would like to see pictures of your new baby when you get a chance. :D

07-23-2002, 02:59 PM
I know exactly how you feel...it was so hard to leave my golden Otis at home by himself. It is now over a year later and I still go home to see him everyday at lunchtime. To be honest with you, I think he could care less - he's snoozing away everytime I open the door - but it makes me feel better so I continue to do it. Another option that he absolutely LOVES is doggie daycare. I used to take him a lot when he was younger to burn off all that puppy energy but now he goes once a week or once every 2 weeks just as a treat. If you do decide to pursue that option - be sure to look around for a reputable establishment. :D Good luck and try not to worry too much!!

07-25-2002, 01:12 PM
Hi Strass and welcome to PetTalk. I know exactly how you feel. We decide to go to the store and we feel guilty if we leave them home, lol so we take them.
When you are working, you really don't have a choice and I'm sure that Murphy maybe likes the peace and quiet. lol
Let us know how Murphy did on his first day!
Jackie, Miss Daisy and Perry

07-25-2002, 03:41 PM
Thanks so much for the responses! Today is Murph's third day home alone. The first two days have gone very well--no accidents at all! You're right...he's probably snoozing. We take him out at 6:45 am and then again at 7:45 am for a nice walk. Then right when we come home, after dinner, and before bed. But I can't shake this guilty feeling that I shouldn't leave him alone for nine hours. Apparently he can hold it, but is it hurting him? We could afford a dogwalker maybe twice a week...but would that "confuse his bladder"?

As soon as I get some emailable pics, I'll post them here! He really is a unique-looking little mutt...black and white, skinny, short-haired, with floppy ears and a long tail...and only 30 lbs, so he's small! :)

07-26-2002, 06:49 AM
Straus, pup will be fine. It's no different than you having to hold it for periods at a time.

If you can afford a dog walker, go for it. We had one for about a year and it worked out fine. Rio got his exercise, had a playmate for about 20 minutes then slept until we got home.

If you do decide to go this route, it won't change his "potty" times, they even go when they don't have to (marking).

You're doing fine.

it's funny how attached we are to our pets. :D

07-27-2002, 05:40 PM
I feel your pain, I am sure that you are far more worried about it than your pup is. I always feel guilty about leaving Tango alone, but sometimes that is how it goes.

07-29-2002, 11:19 AM
i have heard if you don't want him to be the slightest bit lonely you could get a companion!:rolleyes:

07-30-2002, 09:56 AM
Oh, a companion--I think we've got our hands and attention full with just Murphy for now. :) Maybe when we have a house in a few years, we'll look into another rescue!

Murph has been doing great alone. I think we're going to hire a dogwalker for two days a week, just to give him a break now and then. Maybe we'll go to five days a week eventually, but $8/day really adds up (and that's the most reasonable one we could find!).

We've had Murphy for 10 days, and we love him more and more every day! It's so wonderful coming home to him! Pics soon, I promise! :p

07-30-2002, 01:58 PM
Glad everything seems to be working out!
We're a little panic-y when it comes to our new pups sometimes, huh? But it seems to me if your pup has a great, loving home (like yours) being left alone sometimes is ok. I mean, we feel so guilty when we come home they just get MORE love and attention anyway. Lucky doggies.