View Full Version : Bolting Britt

07-13-2007, 08:07 AM
I have a ten year old Brittany spaniel housed in a good sized kennel outside. He gets regular exercise and walking BUT...if he is not controlled/put on his leash immediately upon exiting the kennel, he will run...and run and run...for blocks around the neighborhood. He will not listen to commands to come, wont be drawn by treats or the whistle I use. Going after him only pushes him farther and farther. If we wait him out, he'll eventually return on his own, but I'm afraid he'll find a bad result in traffic or cause other problems...plus it's just frustrating. Suggestions?

07-13-2007, 12:55 PM
Hi, i can imagine your dog wants to explore, he is nosy and wants to get around. If you want to do that without a lead I suggest you train with your dog inside the kennel if it is big enoug. Have him walk by your side in the kennel and praise him whenever he does well, give him treats. He must realise that it is good for him to stay by your side an not leave you as long as you tell him so.
I hope i could help a little. Of course this takes a while, please do not be frustrated if the change needs its time.
All the best and nice greetings from Vienna,