View Full Version : my sister's Dog

07-12-2007, 06:35 PM
my sister's dog is really strong...........

he hurt one of my sister's cat, and my sister thinks the might have a broken leg..............and then the dog jumped on my 6year old niece..............

so now my sister is going to get rid of him................

does anyone know if my sister's dog, foster mom take him back

07-13-2007, 09:51 AM
First of all, don't get rid of the dog. Find a trianer to work with the dog. What kind of breed is your sister's dog? How old is he? One more question, was he trained to fight? If he was then he will be a nasty dog. But please don't get rid of him. Find a trainer and work with him. Underneath, he is a wonderful dog. You just need to find that. Give him lots of love. Hope this helps. Good luck!

07-15-2007, 03:04 PM
my sister is not going to get rid of him, but my sister did get a runner for their back yard for him...............so that he can run loose in their yard.............

the kids do love him

07-19-2007, 06:41 AM
Hi, i think it is a serious problem when a dog starts to attack other members of the family, human or animal. But if your sister and the children really love the dog, they should consider working with him. He is a living creature, not a piece of furniture that i give away when i do not like it anymore. So i am very happy to read that she has changed her mind!!!
I am sure there is a dog trainer nearby who will be able to help her, who can tell her what to do, how to train the dog to get rid of this behaviour.
If there is no one and if you need any further help, i would be glad to help - of course i would not be able to come and see the dog and the family in the near future (i have already been to the states this year and twice a year is almost impossible for me) but i have been working with other people from different countries who have described me their situationis in every little detail and i am staying in contact with them almost on a daily basis.
So if there is no one around your place, contact me and i will do my best.
Greetings from (the very, very hot!) Vienna,

07-19-2007, 10:35 AM
:) My Sister Is Going To Take Him To A Dog Training.............and I Hope This Helps Him................and I'll Keep Everyone Posted................i Don't Know When She's Taking Him :)