View Full Version : Gabe takes this over-weight thing too seriously!

07-22-2002, 08:40 PM
Take a look. I think he has contacted KittyKat Weight Watchers!


What next?

P. S. Robyn, Gabe DOES like the smell of beer. And here I thought it was just the bottle tops! But NOOOO.

I had my first beer tonight....first one since he has been here, and he went wild when he smelled it and then licked the bottle every chance he got. LOL! He IS from NEW JOYZEE.

07-22-2002, 10:49 PM
:D Too funny!!! Now don't over indulge, Gabe!!!! :D

07-23-2002, 12:26 AM
LOL Now don't you go getting drunk Gabe. :D When I used to drink beer Storm thought that he wanted some. He smelled it and licked his lips so I put some on my finger. He made a funny face and decided he didn't want any. I only did this because I knew he wouldn't like it. I'd never let any animal drink any form of alcohol.

07-23-2002, 12:47 AM
drunk kitties... LOL, arent they crazy enough sober?

07-23-2002, 04:57 AM
Now don't go thinking that I gave Gabe beer, I didn't. He licked the rim a couple of times when I wasn't paying attention and then followed that up with licking the condensation off the outside. He does like the smell of it. I don't want the ASPCA to come to my house and take my kittens away!

I think Robyn's husband (Gabe's human Dad) used to drink beer and let Gabe play with the bottle tops. I suspect it is bringing back fond memories to Gabe. He must associate the smell of beer with tops/Dad?!!! That is not to say that Dad drank too much either...... Don't want to get into hot water there either!

:) ;) :) ;) :cool:

07-23-2002, 05:13 AM
This is a riot!!! First of all, how much does Gabe weigh now? I bet he has dropped a pound or two from hanging out with your lively two. In his past life he was pretty much a "window potato" except for the occasional dash through the house where he was chased by the "invisibles." hehe!

Maybe the smell of the beer is bringing back memories for Gabe. I know Robyn used to say he could sniff out a beer cap like a blood hound. In defense of my terrific son-in-law I have to quickly add that he only drank an occasional beer when there was company in the house, which I guess the guests needed in order to be brave enough to remain in the same room with Gabe. ONLY KIDDING!!!!!!!!!

07-23-2002, 06:10 AM
No body was accusing Gabe of getting drunk! LOL!!! At least I wasn't, Sallyanne! I know that sometimes I'll have a glass of wine and if I'm not careful, Mimi will come actually start drinking it!!! :o I know to be careful. And Millie Cockatiel thinks licking the condensation off the outside of any kind of bottle or glass is the best thing in the world!! :D

07-23-2002, 06:24 AM
Yes, actually Gabe would come running from the opposite end of the house, if he heard the bottle opener pop a cap off of a beer...too funny!! And if i didnt feel like playing catch with him w/the bottle tops, i had to be sure to not make too much noise with the caps ( i kept some in a drawer in the kitchen), b/c if something just so happened touch one and made "the beer cap noise", he'd come running to play! Haha! And yes, we don't drink often at all...infact, i hate the taste of beer...but Gabe did like smelling...and i said SMELLING... a freshly opened bottle :) LOL!! The only thing Gabe is an addict of, is bottle top fetching...and I'm sure SAS will vouch for that one!!

Robyn ;) :) :D :cool:

07-23-2002, 06:27 AM
Oh SAS, i have to say, Gabe, for some weird reason, would play with our scale...actually (back to the beer cap topic), he would get a beer cap stuck underneith it, in the bathroom (where we have ceramic tile), and he would try and retrieve it all night, if we let him...but the clanging noise of a metal cap on a ceramic floor at 3am in the morning wasnt so pleasing to my ears, so he'd get it taken from him and have to wait until morning...but he loves the challenge of getting it out from under the scale!! ;)


07-23-2002, 07:33 AM
The bottle top game...

LOL That sounds familiar. Two out of three like to do that. Maya has dozens of those bottle tops in a big (empty) flower pot and goes and takes one or two out at a time.

07-23-2002, 07:39 AM
Gabe knows how to use his foot to tip the cap over so that he can pick it up in his mouth and carry it to me. I find them all over the place. I know now to always wear slippers when walking around. I collect them when I use the vaccum cleaner. The other two cats still can't figure out how to pick up the caps! So Gabe gets to play this game by himself.

He is really my shadow now and spends much less time with Graemer. Miley and Graemer are usually off playing or sleeping when Gabe is following me around.... He sits on the computer desk, my computer chair, next to the toilet (much more than you needed to know, I am sure) and is always dropping those darn bottle tops next to me.

He sometimes switches to a furry mouse but prefers the tops cause the other two can't play then!

Smart cookie, that Gabe! :eek:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-23-2002, 08:48 AM
That's a great picture SAS. :) I don't know though, if Gabe is anything like my mom's Cranker, he really doesn't need to worry about a weight problem. They might look big, but underneath all that hair is a skinny little kitty, which can be seen by the first pictures of Gabe after he was shaved. It's so funny to see his big head and feet and skinny little body. After 7 years my mom is still always amazed when she picks him up that he is so skinny underneath that big ball of fur. :)

And I'm glad he's following you around now. He's bonding with you, translated as "people" which can only be a good thing when it comes to visitors and strangers. It's good that he gets along with G & M too of course, but he needs to work on his social skills so bonding with you is good too. :)

I'm just always so happy when I read these good reports about him. His life could have turned out so differently except for your good heart and willingness to help. :)

Edwina's Secretary
07-23-2002, 08:53 AM
Dear Gabe,

If you are trying to lose weight I don't think beer is a good beverage choice. Haven't you ever heard of a "beer belly"? Stay away from the hard liquor too. Too many empty calories! Wine is your best choice weight-wise. I ALWAYS sniff the wine in my momma's glass but haven't yet found a vintage I like.

Best Regards,


Cinder & Smoke
07-23-2002, 10:25 AM
Boots, our Kat, started playin wiff Dad's scale wun nite...

He wuz playin Hockey wiff summa his Kitty Kurnch food pieces onna vanity an *swatted* wun onna floor. Jumped down and managed ta score a goal by knockin it unner the scale = *dink*. :)

Fur almost a week we'd wake up atta bout dark:thirty inna nite an lissen to a kinda loud *bang* noize :mad: repeated ebery half minnit or so. Sounded like sumbuddie bangin onna garbich kan :eek: wiffa stick...

Dad wood jump outta bed an search the howse... often caught Kat runnin outta the baffroom - but neber found nuffin outta place. Wun nite he's up searchin fur the *mystery noize* an sitz down onna big white wadder bowl ta *think* fur a minnit...

Kat kumz back inna baffroom and desidez to try diggin out his long lost :( KrunchPuck frum unner the scale. Klimbs up onna scale an positions his ample butt on wun side, and reaches ober the udder side wiff both forepawz. Pops out the Klawz & Hooks, grabs hold of the edge of the scale - an gives a mighty tug... Scale rocks up kuppla inches; Kat letz go wiifa hooks an tries to grab the KrunchPuck he can almost see...

When he letz go wiffa front hooks, and leans forward to see better, the scale smacks down onna floor and gives off the *bang* noize we been hearin all week! :rolleyes:

Dad slid the scale thinggie inna baffroom klozet an climbed back in bed mutterin bout "that dang Kat"...


07-23-2002, 12:25 PM
Oh, Boots, you are always so funny! :D I think you keep your dad on his toes!!!! :D :D

07-23-2002, 02:40 PM
:D :D Oh Gabe - watching his felinish figure, hard to tell about a weight gain undernearth all that fur isn't it:D :D . Wish I could cover mine up like that, the huge T-Shirts don't work as well:D :D

07-26-2002, 08:52 PM
That is such a funny picture...what a cutie Gabe is! :)

Noel loves beer too...whenever my hubby opens one, she's on his lap (or very close by)! Funny kitties!

07-28-2002, 02:50 PM
That's so funny, I love it!!!!!:) :D :) :D

07-28-2002, 04:17 PM

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-29-2002, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by sasvermont

:D :D Good thing he's getting more exercise because we wouldn't want him getting a beer belly. ;) :D

His hair looks like it's really growing in nicely. What a cutie. :D

07-29-2002, 05:04 PM
Caption: BURP! :o

07-29-2002, 07:17 PM

I think I may have had ONE too many on this hot and humid day in Vermont. Can't wait for the cooler weather.


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-30-2002, 11:12 AM
That Gabe is such a character. Such great pics, SAS. :)

Edwina's Secretary
07-30-2002, 01:03 PM
Dear Gabe,

I warned you about the beer! Oh sure...it tastes good on a hot summer day but the after effects can be tough. Ever heard of "a hair of the dog that bit you???"

I would recommend a nice wholesome lemonade (although I could of sworn I smelled rum in the one my momma was sipping the other day!)

Soberly speaking....
