View Full Version : Kitten pee

07-22-2002, 05:28 PM
Hello all! I am new to the forum, and this is my first post.

I am fostering a 6-week old kitten, who seems to be going pee everywhere but the litter box.

I can tell when she's about to do her thing, so I grab her and put her in the litter box, but she doesn't go pee on her own. What's wrong??

I have two other cats (approx. 10 months old) and they get along fine with her; in fact, one of my cats has adopted "Nala" as one of her own. I know Nala knows how to use the litter box, because I've seen her use it many times, it's just that she tends to go pee everywhere. Any ideas or suggestions on what to do?? In a few weeks, she'll be old enough for adoption. I don't want her to have this problem and have her adopters give her up because of this.


07-22-2002, 08:43 PM
She may be sick, have you checked with a Vet? :(

07-23-2002, 03:21 AM
Yes, I would check with the vet.
I have a new kitten who sometimes will not use the box, but I think it's because sometimes it does not get cleaned soon enough for him- I think he is pickier than my other 2 cats are. Maybe that could possibly be the problem too? If you are sure that's not it, then definately go to the vet.
Let us know what it turns out to be. Good luck!

07-23-2002, 09:05 AM
Thank you. I'll call the vet and ask. It may be that she is pretty pick about the litter box being cleaned...I'll follow up as soon as I hear anything. Thanks again :)

07-23-2002, 10:03 AM
Hi there,

If everything checks out at the vet you might want to try a couple of other things. I adopted an adult cat with the same problem. I have tried many many different things to solve the problem. A couple that I found useful were trying different kinds of kitty litter. It turns out that she is EXTREMELY fussy about the type of litter used (I now use the Arm & Hammer Crystal Blend). This also helps cut down on the smell in the litter box. The other thing I found useful (and this is going to sound strange :p) is to put night lights throughout the house. It seems that she didn't like the dark (especially when I first got her and in a strange apartment).

07-23-2002, 11:12 AM
One other suggestion - see if you can get the kitten to watch the other cat pee in the box since kittens learn through observation.

Also, how tall is the litter box compared to the kitten? A small kitten might have trouble getting in and out of the box. We once made a "step" out of a book and cut out a part of the side of a litter box for a tiny kitten so that she could get in and out of the box on her own.

good luck.

(although I did once have a kitten that was perfectly healthy, and would pee everywhere. He was just always so excited to be doing something that I think he would forget to pee until it was too late:eek: He did outgrow this tendancy once he was a little older)

07-23-2002, 04:15 PM
You know, Nala is exactly like that! She is just a BUNDLE of energy! She can get into the litter box; the sides are really low; and she does go in the box most times, unless she's running around the house. Then she just goes anywhere!