View Full Version : A stray cat led me to her kittens today (updated)

07-11-2007, 02:26 PM
I met an old friend today, she's currently here to visit her parents, who live 20 km away from here. We met at her parents' house. Karen, my friend, has already told me that a stray cat is living in their garden, and that she's having kittens. But she said she hasn't seen her or the babies since she arrived, probably because they were scared of Karen's two little sons, 3 and 1 year old.

When I left this afternoon, I saw the mommy cat. She came around the corner of the house when I was just on my way to my car. I immediately saw she's not healthy, one of her eyes was half closed, and a reddish pus was running down her face. She also walked sort of stiff-legged. I fear she has some viral infection. :( I told Karen about that, and we worried about her kittens, if they were still alive.

The mommy cat, who usually doesn't approach any humans, came closer and stared at me, then turned around and waited at the corner of the house. She still sat there, staring, and when I followed her, she led me around the corner, where Karen's parents are storing all kinds of old things. And there, I saw her kittens. I saw three of them (according to Karen, it have been four), three cute furry babies, maybe 7 or 8 weeks old, judging from their size. Mommy cat was still staring at me as if she would expect me to do something. When I approached the kittens, they hid at first, but then they stared back at me from a distance. I saw that at least one of them looked sick, too, all the face was covered with dark, dried snot (or whatever it was).

We thought about what to do now. Bringing them to the vet? Those were strays, and probably wouldn't let us touch them. And we had no carriers. At last, Karen decided to talk to her parents. When they need my help with them, they will call me. I'm also thinking about suggesting to Karen's parents to contact Cat Care (that's an organization that helps the strays in Kassel), but I don't know if they also care for cats outside Kassel.

But I feel I let this mommy cat down. It really seems to me she wanted me to help her with her kittens. Why on Earth did she lead me to them? I never heard of a stray doing that!! She stared at me until I sat in my car, then she walked away. What did she expect me to do?

I hope Karen will keep me updated.


07-11-2007, 02:35 PM
Thats A Shame That You Couldnt Help Right Away. Is There A Way That You Can Go Back And Get Those Kittens And Momma Cat To Safety And Have Karen Have Her Sons Not Bother Her.
The Pet Angel Search And Rescue Squads With Them Hoping That Someone Will Help The Helpless Ones.

07-11-2007, 02:42 PM
But I feel I let this mommy cat down. It really seems to me she wanted me to help her with her kittens. Why on Earth did she lead me to them? I never heard of a stray doing that!! She stared at me until I sat in my car, then she walked away. What did she expect me to do?

She sensed that you could help her out that's why she lead you to them.
What she expected was for someone to help her with the kittens, she cant and a human could. Also, she likely smelled your kitties on yourself and knew it was ok to show you her kittens.


I fully believe in this fact because Cindy when she came to us in trouble (ready to abort her kittens) that summer afternoon, Cindy who was the neighborhood stray, knew instinctively that we (hubby and I) would help her.
Off to the vet we went that afternoon. The rest is history,
Cindy found her forever home with us. :)

07-11-2007, 02:45 PM
Well, as Karen and her sons are leaving tomorrow, they will have their peace and quiet, and Karen's parents are providing the cats with food and water. It's more the medical treatment I'm worrying about. But how can we take the entire family to the vet when they don't even let us touch them? I wish I had more time and lived closer. But I'm back at home now.


07-11-2007, 02:48 PM
Kirsten, from the condition you described she is in, maybe she is too sick to take care of them any longer and she could sense that you are a true cat lover, that she was looking to you to help her babies. I would have had a meltdown, if I was faced in that situation.

I pray that something can be done for these little ones and for mama. I agree with Craftlady, this is a sad situation.

07-11-2007, 02:53 PM
Oh, and I let that poor kitty down!! I know that Karen's parents will continue to look for the cats, and I hope they'll do the right thing. But I still feel bad for that little family. I hope they'll make it!


Killearn Kitties
07-11-2007, 02:55 PM
When Jessica and her kittens first appeared in our garden, we borrowed a trap from Cats Protection, the major cat charity here. Do you think an animal organisation might be able to lend the family a trap? That way the food can be put in the trap, and if the cat and kittens are caught, they can get medical help. From your description, it sounds as though you think they need it.

07-11-2007, 02:58 PM
Well I would say if the mom cat will let you get close enough to pick her up and bring a cat carrier then at least you could catch her and get her babies.

The other thing you could do is put some tuna down in front of you and wait for the babies and mom cat to come around and get them all. Mom cat will need to be fixed before she gets pregnant again.

I wish I was in Germany so I could help you out.


07-11-2007, 03:07 PM
Well, I was only there for a visit today, I do not not live in that village, I can only give advice to Karen's parents what to do. And I cannot take the cats with me because I have no house and no garden, just an appartment. :( But what I will do now is sending a message to Karen's cell phone (cannot call her now because it's 10 pm, and when I'm back from work tomorrow, she's already on her way home to the South of Germany, where she's living now.) I will send her a message and strongly advice to contact Cat Care, I hope they can help. Karen's parents are elderly people who are not very much experienced in cats.

Sigh, these are the moments I wish I had a house, a big garden, more money and time to be there for these poor creatures!! :(


Killearn Kitties
07-11-2007, 03:17 PM
I know, such situations are difficult, aren't they? Sometimes the best you can do is advise people. I think it's a good idea to try to get help from the charity who will obviously be experienced with cats. It just seems that these cats are looking for help and may be ready to accept it.

07-11-2007, 03:24 PM
It sounds like you have a good plan. It is hard not having a house. I know I live in an apartment with 5 kitties and my husband and I are always wishing we could get something bigger for them.

Just keep trying what you can do for them and I know they appreciate it.


Well, I was only there for a visit today, I do not not live in that village, I can only give advice to Karen's parents what to do. And I cannot take the cats with me because I have no house and no garden, just an appartment. :( But what I will do now is sending a message to Karen's cell phone (cannot call her now because it's 10 pm, and when I'm back from work tomorrow, she's already on her way home to the South of Germany, where she's living now.) I will send her a message and strongly advice to contact Cat Care, I hope they can help. Karen's parents are elderly people who are not very much experienced in cats.

Sigh, these are the moments I wish I had a house, a big garden, more money and time to be there for these poor creatures!! :(


07-11-2007, 03:28 PM
It IS very difficult, yes, and I really hope the Cat Care people will be able to help.

I know, it's like my friend said, "you can't help them all", and that these things happen a thousand times these days, everywhere across the land. But when you've seen it, especially when you feel the cat choose you to help, you just feel responsible. And then there's so little you can do. It's not fair!


07-11-2007, 03:45 PM
OMG; now another terrible thought just hit me. Karen told me there have originally been 4 kittens, but I saw only three. What if kitten #4 was in trouble, and mommy wanted me to help??

I remember that when we left the house (right before the mommy cat showed up), I heard something screaming, and I asked Karen if that could be a cat, but she said no, it's just a bird...

What if it was not a bird, but a kitten in need? And I was too stupid to get it? Oh no... :(


07-11-2007, 04:29 PM
Is it too far for you go to back and check on them tomorrow?? I'd take a carrier with me and get them to a vet. And then see if the vet could offer an alternative to having them at your house. Maybe shelter somewhere at your friend's house?? Something should be done.

Kittens are very resilient, but they also can get sick and die very quickly. I hope you can do something to help them and the poor mama cat.

07-11-2007, 04:56 PM
Here's what I would do: Get a couple of carriers, put Mama in one and the babies in another and get them to a vet. I'm fairly confident that, if Mama led you to her babies, she'll be compliant. If you can't get Mama, get those babies. Even if all you can do is get them vet care and later have them altered, to be released again, you'll have prevented scores of future problems. And by all means, when you do get ahold of Mama, have her spayed. The goopy eyes are probably easy enough to treat but Mama shouldn't be allowed to keep having babies. I know it's easy for me to tell you what to do, sitting here at my computer while you're there in Germany in a quandary. I would venture to say, however, that most of us PTers have been in this situation more times than we can count. Good luck!

07-11-2007, 05:28 PM
Kirsten - could you email Cat Care yourself and find out if they operate in that area? Surely if they heard about this situation from you, they would call Karen's parents and offer to help.

It is SO sweet of those people to feed them, but they need medical help too. I know petrol is expensive, but if an organization near you could help them, you might volunteer to give the people and carriers a ride to the house.


07-11-2007, 05:54 PM
Oh Kirsten, you didn't let mommycat down! She brought you along so you could let your friend and her parents know exactly where they are. Mommycat instinctively knew you care so she led you to her babies. You did the very best you could do. Please, be kind to yourself.

07-11-2007, 06:00 PM
Kirsten!!! That Momma cat trusted you and that is why she showed you her babies!! If anyone canget help to them, I know it will be you!!!

07-12-2007, 08:45 AM

Way to go!!! At least the babies will have a chance. I'm sure eventually they'll be able to trap her. Hopefully BEFORE her next pregnancy.

07-12-2007, 10:43 AM
Well, I havn't heard from Karen or her parents yet, so I don't know what to do. I would gladly contact Cat Care for them, and also come over at the weekend to help, but as the kittens are on their property, I'd need their agreement first.


07-22-2007, 02:24 PM
Wanted to update you on this:

Heard from Karen, and she spoke to her mother a couple of days ago. First of all, her mother wouldn't be comfortable to let the Cat Care people look for the cats in all their old things, she would be embarassed about that. :( She also told Karen that she hasn't seen the cats for several days, but she was told by a neighbor that they were seen in another neighbor's garden. And this neighbor is known to be more cat-experienced, and to care a lot about cats. So the mommy cat obviously brought her kittens to a place where they are looked after.

Don't know if I'll ever get more news on them, but I hope they'll be doing fine in their new "home".


07-22-2007, 03:30 PM
Oh, and I let that poor kitty down!!

No Kirsten you DID NOT let that poor kitty down. Even though you could not help her personally yourself, you informed others of her plight in hopes that they could and that in itself, WAS helping her.

I'm happy to hear that the mama and her babies are with a cat lover and I'm sure they will get the care they need. That is one smart mama, that's for sure. :)

Thank you caring Kirsten. :)