View Full Version : More shows this week!! *horse*

Toby's my baby
07-11-2007, 10:03 AM
The county fair starts today! :D I'm really excited, I wait for this week all year. :p We bring the horses in tonight, and I have a show on Thursday and then the next one isn't until Sunday. I could show Thurs., Fri., Sat., and Sunday, but the Friday and Saturday shows are so boring and they are all western pleasure and I'm not so into that as my sister is. :p But Austin and I will be running in the gaming events on Thursday and Sunday. I will definently be taking lots of pictures, and post them for you all to see.

The only sad thing about the fair is, it means in two weeks I will have to say goodbye to Austin, and move across the country to Arizona. :( It is going to be so hard to let Austin go. I've had him for over 4 years, and it's going to feel like I'm missing a part of me when he leaves. He already has a new family, and they came over last night and payed for half of him. They have 5 :eek: kids and they all adore him. He will definently have a good home, and he will get PLENTY of attention. :) It's going to be hard to see him go, but at least I will know he is in a good place.

07-11-2007, 06:35 PM
aww I'm really sorry you have to leave Austin. But yeah, at least he'll be loved :]

Good luck at your show!